Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Questions and Answers

Acne Vulgaris: Mild But May Turn Severe

Acne Vulgaris is the most common form of acne and is often referred to as the scientific name of acne which begins as a mild one, but may get severe with adulthood. It consists of various types of pimples, like - blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. It can attack people of any age and may occur on any part of the body including the face, back, and chest.

1. Keep your skin clean and tidy.
2. But do not overdo it. Excessive washing of the face can strip the skin of essential oils and thus cause other problems.
3. Also, oil free cosmetics should be used to avoid further complications.
The medication for Acne Vulgaris may range from Isotretinoin, antibiotics to certain laser treatments and therapies, depending on the condition of the sufferer and the severity of the problem. Immediate consultation with the doctor is recommended at any stage.

Know More About Gram-Negative Folliculitis

Its proportionate possibility in males and females is not yet known but it might affect any of the two. It is characterized by cysts and pustules.

1. As it is a severe form of acne, it needs to be managed under the surveillance of a dermatologist.
2. It needs constant and immediate attention and should not be ignored at all.

Isotretinoin (Accutane) is often effective in combating gram-negative folliculitis. But, care should be taken that it may be taken only under strict medical guidance.
Acne is not that hard an enemy to fight. All you need is the correct medical guidance and a little bit of patience. As acne treatments do not yield results readily, one has to keep hold of the chords of patience and continue the treatment and management for the effects to start showing.

Know More About Acne Fulminans

Acne Fulminans is the severe form of Acne conglobata and is usually found in males. It affects the chest and the back mostly and is really a severe form of acne. It is characterized by abrupt onset, pain in joints, severe scarring, fluctuating fever, loss of appetite, nodular acne on chest and back, and reduced white blood cells count.

1. It is often problematic to manage this severe form of acne.
2. Therefore, strict medical supervision is required to cope with this situation.
medications for Acne Fulminans consist of high doses of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medicines, oral steroids and Isotretinoin. They should, however, be taken under the strict prescription of your dermatologist.

Moreover, it is always advisable that you consult your doctor from the very onset. Any kind of ignorance may lead to severe repercussions.

Acne Conglobata: Severe Type Of Acne

There are some mild to moderate forms of acne such as Acne Vulgaris, Acne Mechanica, Infantile Acne, Excoriated Acne and Pomade acne. Apart from these, there are a few severe forms of acne. Acne Conglobata is one of them.

Acne conglobata is the most severe form of acne and is generally found in males. It consists of large lesions, which sometimes may be interconnected, accompanied by blackheads. It is capable of causing severe damage to skin with long lasting scars. It usually starts appearing between the age of 18 and 30 years and may exist for any period of time. It generally attacks the face, chest, back, thighs, upper arms and buttocks.

Management of acne conglobata is possible only while you stay under constant medical supervision to avoid any kind of further complications.

Isotretinoin is the recommended treatment and needs to be started early to prevent scarring. It is usually taken for a period of six months to a year. Also, oral antibiotics and oral steroids can be prescribed by your dermatologist. Topical treatment often proves ineffective in the case of conglobata.

How To Minimize Pimple Size?

All the teenagers suffering from pimples are scared to look at the mirror. And when they look at their face, the question that rises in their mind is how to minimize pimple size, especially when you have to go to attend some party or go for a date.

There are many ways through which you can minimize the size of pimples and start getting rid of pimples or zits instantly. To make your pimple less noticeable, you should put ice on your pimples for 40 to 60 seconds. Repeat this after every one and a half or two hours. This will definitely diminish the redness of the pimples.

The other way lies in applying toothpaste over the pimples. This is one of the best home remedies to cure pimples. Keep a warm and moist cloth over your pimples. The cloth should be warm enough to be hot for more than five minutes. Repeat this procedure many times a day and you will notice that pimples would gradually leave their place.

In very immediate situation, you can go to a specialist and have a cortisone injection. It immediately reduces swelling, redness and size of the pimple. Use products of spot treatment on affected areas. Regular use of these ointments will definitely help to cure pimples.

There are many medicine, treatments and laser treatment available which you can use to cure and minimize pimples. You can use products including benzoyl peroxide because it is the way to cure acne or pimples.

The Perfect Cure For Pimples

It is a myth that pimples affect only teenagers. The fact is pimples can attack anyone at any age. They occur when the follicle opening is blocked, trapping the sebum and swelling it. This creates a perfect environment for bacteria to thrive.

However, you do not have to carry those ugly pimples on your face. There are several treatments available to cure pimples. Here are some of them.

Light Treatment

This treatment for pimples utilizes concentrated blue or red light to irradiate the affected area. The irradiation produces free radicals in porphyrins present in acne-causing bacteria and destroys them. The affected area is treated again with delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). This enhances the effect of light treatment. How it works? Well, the ALA raises the levels of porphyrins in bacteria and kills them.

This light treatment is regarded as the best among acne and pimple cures. Its success rate is 75 per cent. It has no side effects and there are hardly any chances for the bacteria to develop resistance. The duration of light treatment is 2-3 months.

Benzoyl Peroxide Treatment

This is an anti-bacterial treatment for pimples and one of the most commonly used pimple treatment by dermatologists all over. Benzoyl peroxide, which is a bacteria killer, is regarded as an excellent over-the-counter product for acne and pimple cure.

Antibiotics Treatment

Dermatologists prescribe certain antibiotics for acne cure. However, you should be prepared for side effects such as dizziness or nausea. Moreover, the prolonged intake of antibiotics may lead to the development of resistance by the bacteria. Antibiotics are effective only for about 3-6 months.

Retinoidal Treatment

Retinoidal treatment is the only treatment for cystic pimples. These are the most severe cases of acne. Retinoids such as adapaline, tretinoin, retinaol, and isotreinoin are used to treat pimples.

Hormonal Treatment

This treatment is usually done on adult female patients. This is because women show better response to hormonal treatment to cure acne and pimples.

Quick Tips To Combat Pimples

Here are some quick tips to help you get rid of pimples fast and safely:

  • Pop an aspirin. This mitigates the pain and inflammation of the pimple.

  • Use ivory soap to wash your face. Rinse with lukewarm water. Avoid soaps with harsh chemicals because they tend to irritate your skin.

  • Refrain from applying any make-up or cream on the area affected by acne and pimples. It worsens the situation.

  • If you have to wear make-up, use an oil-free, anti-bacterial concealer, which blends the redness of your pimple into your skin color. Green shades work best to hide the redness.

  • Use a facial mud mask. It shrinks the pimples and controls the oiliness.

  • Do not touch or rub your face.

  • Keep your face clean always. Dirt attracts bacteria.

  • Wear sunblock while out in the sun, as pimples are raw skin and prone to sunburn


  • Popping a pimple spreads the infections to other areas.

  • If you cannot, simply cannot resist the urge to pop a pimple (which is a common dilemma of most victims), then wash your hands first; gently squeeze the top of pimple using a swab of cotton or tissue. Clean the area properly after you are done. If the pus does not come out while squeezing, leave the pimple alone. It is not ready to pop.

  • Develop a skin-care routine suited to your skin type and stick to it religiously. Remember; the chief cause of pimples is a combined activity of hormones, shedding of dead cells of skin, and bacteria.

  • Be patient with pimples. No matter what you do, they are NOT going to vanish overnight. A blemish may take even a month to disappear completely.

  • If the pimple does not heal by itself within a week, consult your dermatologist.

There is no use crying over the matter or sitting in gloom over the pimple problem. You have to do something about it. So, why not start today? You will not get a glowing complexion overnight, but you are surely going to get back your lost confidence. You will feel better and look better too.

Overnight Pimple Remedies

Well, as the name suggests, here are some remedies to cure acne for desperate people who have to attend a wedding or an important meeting, or maybe a date the next day, but are victimized by that big red bump over their face. These remedies do not really promise you an overnight cure; however, they can help a great deal to save your face literally!

  • Try one of the pimple creams or lotions available over the counter. Apply them over the affected area and leave it overnight. Then say a little prayer and go to sleep!

  • Wash your face with a soap containing Aloe Vera extracts.

  • You can also wipe your face with cotton dabbed in apple cider vinegar.

  • If that's not available, cleanse your face with cotton dipped in lemon juice. Leave it for 5 minutes and rinse. Some of you might feel a burning sensation after applying concentrated lemon juice. If it happens, dilute the juice with a few drops of water.

  • If your skin is too sensitive to tolerate lemon juice, then press a wet tea bag on the affected area for 5 minutes. It helps to subside the pimple.

  • This may sound ridiculous, but you can also dab some toothpaste on the pimple. It soothes your skin and reduces the redness of the pimples.

  • Apply ice pack on the pimple. Hold it for 2 minutes. Repeat this every half an hour. This is very effective in reducing the swelling and redness. It also provides immense relief from the pain and inflammation. It cools and freshens up your face. A regular application of ice pack also tightens the pores, thus, closing the gates for bacteria to enter.

  • According to some people, the best overnight pimple remedy is to pop a pimple. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY WRONG! Popping a pimple only worsens it. And you are inviting scars on your face for the rest of your life. Therefore, THE BEST OVERNIGHT REMEDY IS TO LEAVE THE PIMPLE ALONE!
  • There is no perfect remedy for pimple. Rather, there are loads of remedies for pimples. However, not all remedies suit everyone. Pick the one that works best for you. Keep trying!

    comments from real people

    Hot water Comments By: Tomoko
    Get a cooton ball or flanel and soak it in boiling hot water. Dab onto the spot. It will pop immediately without scarring!

    yeah Comments By: billy
    Toothpaste relly does work as soon as I ready this I immedialtely put toothpaste on and it calmed my sore pimples down

    toothpaste does not work Comments By: Sara
    It may just be my sensitive skin, but when I used a dab of toothpaste on my pimple and kept it on over night, not only did it totally burn off the top layer or 2 of skin, but it became even more swollen and puffy and now I have a big scab where the zit was. It also really dried out the skin around my zit. So I suppose it did a good job of drying out the zit, but I don't think people with sensitive skin should use it. Unless you want an even bigger sore on your face. So my advise is to just wait for the zit to turn into a white head so you can pop it easily. Or just wait for it to burst on it's own for protection against scarring.

    Burn?? Comments By: EmmaLee
    Wouldn't it burn your skin and make a blister worse than a pimple or zit??

    toothpate Comments By: Christie
    Try using toothpaste as face mask for 30 min avoiding they eye area. It works great.

    I have never used it overnight but the face mask works great for me & reduces redness. Sensitive skin might not want to try it though. Afterward my face feel increadibly clean & great.

    Somtimes Comments By: annonymos
    Using toothpaste to cure a zit or pimple sometimes does work it really all depends on your skin.

    Try it and maybe it works for u but I have to recommend Eucerin face wash and the face cleansing lotion my skin has has less brake outs and the blackheads are almost gone and I feel clean and fresh unlike when I use a regular soap that makes my face feel dry and unclean.

    For a quick pimple reliever I just pop it and wash my face and leave on toothpaste over night and wash my face in the morning and cover it up with cover up !!

    Tooth paste is good sometimes Comments By: Joey Joe Joe Junior
    The toothpaste works to an extent, but it doesnt do miralces. It will still take a few days for the pimple to clear up. WArning tho: I used alot of tooth paste around my mouth one night and the next morning my face was so dry it was like a rash. It looks pretty bad, and its been a week and its only just starting to clear up now..if anyone knows how to get rid of really dry red skin, let me know!

    Take heed Comments By: Miss Real thing
    Hi, I just finished reading you comments and I have one of my own. Toothpaste is great for skin, but under no circumstances must it be left for more than an hour after cleansing. My sister left the toothpaste on her face overnight and recieved severe burns the next morning. Do not try this at all and mark my word-1 hour/three times a week-makes you have fabolous, pimple-free skin.

    dont use mint tooth paste Comments By: Anon
    i have used tooth paste on my acne pimples. the 1st few times it worked great. but then i tried it again expecting the same resolts and i got brown spots as well. the toothpaste. it irritates the skin really bad. the brown spots are scabs that tried to form under the toothpaste from the damage of the mint,it burns the skin. try a non mint toothpaste.

    it only burns irf you use mint toothpaste Comments By: tess

    Any tooth paste works: Comments By: Anon
    Mint toothpaste or any toothpaste would work on pimples. the reason it burned is because it drying out the pimple dissolving dirt and oils. If you get scaps then your face is to sensitive.Out of all the people I ask . they use it and don't get pimples. I myself use it to. It works better than the AVERAGE ACNE MASK.

    Toothpaste Comments By: toothpaste
    toothpaste works really well, even though it might burn people with sensitive skin, for others it is a miracle!

    owesome Comments By: Sand Gigga
    it works try it for few hrs if ur sensitive skin like me and if ur not over night zits are done gone over nite ... voossh amazing im gonna patent this idea

    toothpaste has ruined my week Comments By: Bexy
    Toothpaste does help rid of spot but leaves scarring and my skin is not sensitive at all. Now i have to go about all week with a large scab and the spot still under my skin. Any overnight help? Please!

    Owie Comments By: Sam
    I had toothpaste on my pimples for about only 20 minutes, I rinsed it off and now it hurts. I never thought I had sensitive skin.. but I guess I do.

    It works Comments By: sarah
    It seriously works iv tryed it i tried mint n it didnt burn or scar my face it just dryed the pimple out so yeah!!!!!

    NOT RECOMMENDED Comments By: Dr.waelmaher
    I think it would be better to leave ur pimples to fadeout naturally (No squeezing+No tooth paste = No scars) if its annoying you.. i recommend to seek medical advice cuz only a doctor who can decide the type of ur skin and the best treatment for it

    Toothpaste Plus... Comments By: Cristi Morrison
    Leaving anything as drying as toothpaste on your skin overnight is damaging, even if your skin is dramatically oily. Instead, apply the toothpaste only to the affected areas. After 15-20 minutes wash your face with a 1/2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water. This removes the toothpaste completely and works as a mild antiseptic.

    Bye Bye Toothpaste Comments By: Brittany M.
    Say bye bye to toothpaste and start using water. When I say water I mean you got to drink it.

    Since Hurricane Ivan came through we had got free water like 3 times a day. then we got so much of it i was drinking it for fun.

    Drink about 4 12oz. of water a day, and within 1-2 weeks you should see less zits.

    This work for me. There is only one thing stay away from french fries, sodas, and junk food! Hope this helps others!

    Another cure Comments By: Alison
    Tea tree oil is the best remedy for spots. Pure tea tree.

    I'm trying out the toothpaste one to see if it works, well give everything a chance.
    Exfoliate twice a week, that gets rid of any build up of dirt that can get into the pores causing this bacterial effect. Use a tea tree exfoliator, very good to use.
    Water is good, it's also the best moisturiser for the skin. No not to put on your skin, but to drink as much water as you can a day *8 glasses but more is good!*

    Cleans your face twice daily, don't use any cleansers that contains, SD alcohol *strips and drys*, mineral oil *sits on the skin*, Lanolin *can cause sensitivity*,

    Artificial colour *cosmetic acne*, No Isoprophyl Myristate *creeps into the follicle* and no Artificial fragrance *photsensitive*
    So try and use the most natural cleansers as possible and moisturise with a natural moisturiser.

    Tea tree helps amazingly, dermalogica have a good range but not saying spend heaps in money, just look out for the most natural product.

    I'm not sure, but then I used toothpaste and the next morning there were dried blood around it. I was horrified. But then when I wiped it off my pimple was gone completely. It really works.

    You people are doing it wrong Comments By: dani
    Those of you who are getting burns are just doing it wrong. You need to wash your face and hands prior to application. Now, the most important part: choosing the toothpaste. It must be PASTE! The gel crap WILL NOT work!!!! It burns! Secondly, it must not have mint in it. By that, I mean it must not have mint; meaning it can be mint-flavored as long as that's not an ingredient. Dab a thin layer over the pimple. remember: if the layer is too thick, it won't dry and thereby won't help. After application, go to sleep. It takes all night to work, so don't think this is gonna be a one-hour endeavor. Be careful while going to sleep and/or while the toothpaste is still wet. When you wake up, wash your face, add some astringent and/or mosturizer and call it good!

    Toothpaste Works Well Comments By: Momof5
    I have never had trouble with my skin until just recently. I tried the toothpaste on a few pimples. It made the pimples appear smaller, less red and less swollen and some of the hard acne bumps came up to a head.

    Since this worked I tried a thin layer over my entire face (except eye area) and the toothpaste exfoliated, made my pores smaller and made me look like I had just had a professional facial.

    I think it works great!

    it will make you worse! Comments By: anon
    it only makes your skin angry and red, very sore and ugly!

    Worth A Shot Comments By: Linds
    I've tried it, but personally it doesn't work for me it just makes them redder & it's just a mess.

    Have Some Sense... Comments By: Jayda
    1. Don't be an idiot and slap the toothpaste all over you face test it underneath you chin to see if your it will burn your skin.

    2.Don't use toothpaste on zits, spots, pimples etc.. you've already poped it will just burn.

    3.Try to use a non minty toothpaste if you've got sensitive skin the mint flavouring in toothpastes is spicy and can burn if its really minty.

    Oh and try to dab and rub, rubbing will irritate the skin in my opinion do not use toothpaste as a mask just dab it on zits.

    attempting.... Comments By: kell
    ok i have read everyone's comments, and I am attempting the formula write now lol, kk,I've just dabbed a little bit of toothpaste(mint, cuz that's all i have) and I'll gonna take it off in about an hour, I'll get backt o you guys!!

    DO NOT DO NOT USE TOOTH PASTE Comments By: nicole
    please please please ppl do not use toothpaste i was reading these comments and i have a really important shoot 2moz in london and i have just noticed a few spots on my head so i was determined to get rid of them so i was reading some other stories about its soooo brilliant but its not !!!! beware i am a model i have perfect skin not sentitive i dabbed toothpaste over my spots on forehead woke up next morning my face was a TOTAL RECK !! it does not work at all i woke up with BLISTERS IT HAD BURNT MY SKIN AWAY so please ppl do not use this make sure you drink plenty of water and have face saunas twice weekly no TOOTHPASTE !! ooo and drink at least 4 glasses of water a day or even orange juice or lemon juice i no i av been told by plenty of models bye !x

    Question Comments By: N00bie
    Does floride in the toothpaste have an affect on wheather u burn or not?

    i dono Comments By: allison
    ok well i havent done it yet but i am going to right now and then once something happens then i will come and say something! and my title will be did it work!

    Forget the toothpaste I have a better solution Comments By: Peggy
    Forget the toothpaste. When you see you have a pimple coming, don't squeeze it! Before going to bed at night place a dab of Calamine lotion on your pimple and the next day your pimple will be almost gone--no burning--no swelling--just drying out. I have sensitive skin and works fantastic for me.

    CAUTION!!!! Comments By: corinne
    this is the worst idea any1 can ever think of. i did this for 2nights straight and have severely burned my skin. i have huge holes in my face and it has caused wrinkles under my eyes. this is no joke & sadly it is ruining my life. i only had a few small pimples around my nose and forehead but took things too far and sure enough more pimples have come back then before. i do not reccomend this. my skin is extremely leatherly. before this-i was always mistaken for 16 and the other day my professor thought i was 24!! i am 19 and have tried facials & european moistorizers to correct it but nothing will work. please people don't use.

    YES IT WORKS! Comments By: Amanda
    Toothpaste works very well IF you follow certain guidlines. First, do NOT use toothpaste with mint as an ingredient( may be mint flavored though). Second, use a whitening toothpaste. Third, apply overnight AFTER washing your face with ONLY water. Last, only apply in thin amounts.

    You might wake up in the morning with blood around the pimple, however once that is washed off there will be no traces of pimples in the area.

    If you do not want to use toothpaste or are afraid it will irritate sensitive skin here are some more suggestions.
    1)Have a variety of washes. You may find that for a few weeks a wash may work, but after 3 weeks or so it stops. My recommendation is to have a variety of different washes to alternate so your skin cannot build an immunity to the wash.

    2) NEVER use soap unless it is specifically facial soap. Other soaps are to harsh and will cause irritationor dryness.

    3) Drink water. Water helps to clear the skin.

    4) Be active. When you sweat the sweat runs down your face clearing out your pores.

    Hope this helps!!!

    Celebrity tip Comments By: Anon
    Something commonly used by celebrities is a combonation of one part water and one part yeast. Hope this helps!!!

    good idea- not for everyone though Comments By: Johnie
    The mask should only be put on for about 30 minutes. I would never sleep with toothpaste all over my face. I have tried the mask and it works wonders. toothpaste severly dries out your face. i have also tried putting it just on oily spots or zits/pimples over night and that works great too. i wouldn't use if you have sensitive skin. For me it does have a little burning sensation but its more like a tingle. I just know its working. I have never gotten a rash from it.

    good idea- not for everyone though Comments By: Johnie
    The mask should only be put on for about 30 minutes. I would never sleep with toothpaste all over my face. I have tried the mask and it works wonders. toothpaste severly dries out your face. i have also tried putting it just on oily spots or zits/pimples over night and that works great too. i wouldn't use if you have sensitive skin. For me it does have a little burning sensation but its more like a tingle. I just know its working. I have never gotten a rash from it.

    Toooothpaste Comments By: Bob
    I used it for about 15 minutes then i wiped it off, gotta say the pimples look much smaller and harder to notice... i would not use it overnight tho

    Toothpaste Does Wonders Comments By: Anon
    I have super oily skin so i find that this does work for me... i wash my face with unsented dove bar soap and pat my face dry. then i apply a THIN layer of toothpaste and leave it on my skin for abotu 45 min (depending on the season... my skin is dryer in the winter so i only leave it on for about half an hour but in the summer i leave it on for an hour)... then i wash it off with the dove unsented soap. i do this twice a day, in the morning and in the evening and my face appears flawless!


    The Major Solution's Solution (Rated 4.5 Precicely) Comments By: Jon
    Dear Sufferers of Acne,
    I have a , you could say, Acne System that is very safe! I have used different toothpaste on my skin for a while, another words, experimenting. And I have learned things I would like to share!

    1-Do not use Mint Paste, Many of people said that it does not matter, some say it does, the truth is , it does!
    2-Do not use the Paste on a "Popped Pimple",the toothpaste is for mixing with, fighting, and dissolving/killing the dirt and impurities in the pimple. The Toothpaste will not cure the actual mark!
    Use it on the pimple/zit when it is not popped!
    3-Only Apply and let it set for 1-1.5 hours! The paste will kill the impurities pretty fast (Half-1 hour) but you need time for the dryness to take effect.
    4-If you know you have sensitive skin, do not apply for more than a Half to 1 Hour!
    If you do not know, apply till burning starts to increase or decrease. Obviously if it increases, rinse of thoroughly! If not, leave on for 1-1.5 hours!
    5-Only apply toothpaste to the pimple/zit AND a small section (the area in circular direction around it) around it!

    1-Rinse Face With Water thoroughly!
    2-Apply medium size amount on pimple/zit and small surrounding area, you can refer to step 5.
    3-Let Sit on Area for a period of time-
    4-After Time, Rinse of thoroughly (Till all paste is gone)
    5- Pat Dry with towel

    I hope I help you with one of the Worlds top facial and medical problems :)

    H.S.S Jon A. Coendour

    Dont use toothpaste or soap! Comments By: Robert
    Firs thing, dont use toothpaste if your skin is sensitive, it will only irritate you problem worse and rash your skin and leave a scar. My solution is take a needle or pin and poke a hole through the top of your zit/pimple and if there is any pus inside squeeze it out and wipe it away. Directly after, take some rubbing alcohol on a cloth or cotton swab and apply directly to the affected area. The alcohol may dry out your skin but nothing too bad or too noticable, just apply oil free lotion to it after. The alcohol will kill all the bacteria inside your pimple/zit...afterwards wash with warm water thoroughly.

    My Solution!! Comments By: Sandralina
    Hey everyone!! I am fifteen and I had really back acne. I tried everything you can think of.. i have spent hundreds on facial cleansers and pore minimizing lotions but nothing ever seemed to work intel just 3 weeks ago I found a solution... and the best part about it is the fact that is cheappp and very easy to use. first wash your face with water intel the water from ur face runs clear. then use an oil free gel cleanser (any brand) rub in a round motion for about 2 minutes and then wash with hot water so that your pores get a chance to open up and breath.. then pat dry and use a pea sized pile of toothpaste as an exfolitater.. leave on for about 5 minutes and then wash off with cold water.. this will tighten your pores so that any bakteria will stay out. then take a mild moisterizer and apply it to the part of your skin without any acne or bumps, this will prevent your skin from drying out and becoming visibaly noticable. your face is now freshly clean and has a layer protecting your pores from dirt, dust and other unwanted fugus'. the should be done only at night, usually before bed time, dab a thin layer of calomine lotion on all open wounds and all unwanted acne areas. this will dry out the surface completely without overdrying or burning your skin, even if its sensitive. in the mornings, give your face a quick wash with only water just to remove the calomine colouring. pat dry and apply your moisturizer again. i suggest using a slight bit of vaseline before aplying your makeup to prevent it from sinking into your pores and increasing your chance of getting more ance. try this for about 2 days and i can promise you a noticable change. its pain free, cheap and easy to remember... and most importantly... IT WORKS!!!! i am proof, i remember not so long ago, my face was so red and so bumpy to the point where i didn't want to leave my house. i couldn't even look at myself in the mirror without crying.. now i feel fresh, clean and surprizingly.. beautiful. i feel blessed and i think its only fair that i share my soloution with everyone possible. good luck. you might want to copy n paste the to a word pad so you can print it and that way you wont forget what you need and the steps to be followed. take care. any questions or concerns, email me.

    Expert Testimony Comments By: Anon
    This excerpt is from:


    Toothpaste does more than help you achieve a winning smile. When dabbed on a pimple, toothpaste can get rid of it by morning. "It is drying and basically works like a clay mask," Kunin says. "It dehydrates the pimple and absorbs the oil," she says. Toothpaste works best on a pimple that has come to a head - like a whitehead, Kunin adds. "But be careful not to use a whitening toothpaste because they tend to have high levels of hydrogen peroxide that may irritate or burn the skin," she says. "If you are going to try it, use a white paste -- not a gel -- and skip this remedy if you have sensitive skin because it will be too irritating."

    flouride!! Comments By: Margarita
    I was jus on a website - and it said that toothpaste with flouride won't work because it jus increases the chance of having more pimples in that area. don't mark my workd tho.

    ANOTHER TIP - after washing your face with warm water...make sure you rinse it with cold water (not freezing) to close the pores and prevent dirt coming into your pores.

    yah yah Comments By: leahh
    i was impressed by tootepaste wowie it works like so good i was amazed the colegate is good mint (it doesnt matter) or crest i had a picture day and i had like four pimples i dabed a little but on in the morning the tootthpaste was still on and i was praying and i worked and i never expected it to take my BLACKHEADS away too i am so happy i found out also the white part of the egg works excellent i had a ton of pimples and oily skin and no im ance free :]

    eh so so Comments By: Tom
    i read most of the comments and i was wondering.One night i decided to put toothpaste on my zits (only 2)i just wanted to get rid of them and get on with once i was putting it on it stung like hell but it still made the zit decrease but one of my zits resulted as crap! it kept bleeding makin a layer of dried up blood plus it also burnt my skin( o ><>


    PLEASE not use toothpaste. it has not only ruined my face but has ruined my confidence and self esteem.its almost as if i am a new person.if you saw before and after pictures you would gasp. i tried this 7months ago by applying toothpaste to my entire face except my chin leaving it on overnite for 10 hours 2 nights in a row. the sad part is i didnt even have huge pimples to begin with.i had dots around my nose and forehead. as a result my face is extremely DRY and FOREVER peely.i have visible burn marks around my nose.i can no longer wear makeup w/out looking like a clown. my makeup does not blend. when i apply it, it is almost like putting icing on a cake. it is sticky and visible. putting bronzer on over the cover up makes me look like i got beat face wont tan either. it is as if anything that i try to put on my face is rejected. i have huge pores-leatherly looking and feeling skin & wrinkles under my eyes. ive tried Everything from facials to imported moistorizers. when i did this at first, no one would admit it to me the changes in my skin. putting toothpaste on my face has bought me down so much that i even saw a therapist to get evaluated.i dont want to go through life having a michael jackson face.its not fair.the doctor wanted to prescribe me PROZAC for distorted body image until my mom finally admitted that my face is rough and doesn't hold makeup and the toothpaste RUINED my face. this is no lie people.PLEASE DONT EVER USE TOOTHPASTE!!!!!!!!!

    fantastic Comments By: sagar kadyan
    ya toothpaste works really well.I used it for 2 nights and it showed great results

    Nah it doesnt work for nothing Comments By: cassy
    NOOOO Toothpaste doesnt even work only burns your face and doesnt even reduce the pimple away for nothing so dont depend on that

    the best secret Comments By: K Ro
    drink at least 8-12 8oz glasses of water a day after about 3 days you will see results.

    proactive Comments By: Elisa
    i use proactive! But it didn't really work on my back so I bought some microdermabrasion and it really works though i'm about to try the toothpaste thing. My skin is tough...I'm black!!! I'm sure the toothpaste wont burn. Acne sucks!

    tooth paste may work for some... but not for others Comments By: chelsey
    i tried the tooth paste remedy thinking what the hael i have nothing to lose.well i left it on over night and now my skin is wicked dry. it burnt my skin the pimple may be gone but my skin isnt soft. i dont reccomend it

    Toothpaste!!! Comments By: Anon
    i would alwalys brush my teeth and wash my face in the morning after i brushed my teeth i washed my face with a bar of soap acidenly getting toothpaste on the soap realizing that my face started burning but it also helped alot! i wouldnt use it on a regular basis because that would be stupid or over nite but yea i guess it does work somwhat!

    take caution before using! Comments By: Marisa
    Okay well i read all these comments about the toothpaste on pimples because i wanted to try it.. well i tried it and it worked for me, i had it on for about 5 minutes and it took away the redness alot. all i havta say is that you shouldnt try it if you have sensitive skin... i would reccommend using Neutrogena products because they work really well with sensitive skin and clear up your face fast.

    my solution Comments By: anon
    toothpaste does not work.i have oilyish skin and i put on a litle bit of no mint no flouride white toothpaste and it sucks.
    my skin is extremely dry where i got my pimples.
    fortunately it cleared up after a week, so YAY.
    if you want blemish free skin then,
    splash your face with warm water
    use a NATURAL exfoliater(in round motions and dont press hard)wash of with warm water. then use a facial soap(i use dove)and wash your face wiyh warm water
    splash on cold water.
    PAT dry ur face
    use a oil free face cream(preferably nivea)
    dab on calamine
    in the morning wash with water to get the calamine off
    and remember to drink water!!!
    lavender oil works also ,before going out or swimming dab on a bit.
    u will have pretty skin in no time!

    Toothpaste effect Comments By: Bad toothpaste user
    i left my pimples with toothpaste on it for the first nite and it did well. but for the 2nd nite, it burns the pimple together with the surrounding skin! its so ugly and difficult to get off! any treatments for burned toothpaste skin?

    It works Comments By: ~*yumei*~
    Use the breathable tape and put it on the acne spot. It will vanish the next day.

    y did u mess up my face? Comments By: mad guy
    ...ok i putt he damn paste on (non-mint) and i know i donthave sensitive skin...cuz last week me and my friends were bein tards and puttin oils on our skinz, but yea, mine never burned like my i was on teh phone wit my friend after i apllied the paste,a dn they told me to take it off and see wut it looks like, i washed off the paste AND THERE WAS A HUGE FIERY RED MARK ON MY PRETTIFUL FACE!!!! Y DID U MESS UP MY FACE!?!?!?!?!?!?!!

    Dry, Tight Skin.. Comments By: Anon
    If you're expirencing dry tight skin, I swear by Pond's Products!
    Every night I wash my face, alternating each day between an intensive mask and a scrub, and follow it up with a layer of Pond's Cold Cream, Deep Cleanser. Apply the cream in a thin, even layer and massage it into your face gently. Rinse it off with a warm washcloth and a splash of cool water to close the pores, then follow up with a gentle lotion (I reccomend Pond's Prevent & Correct, Night and Day). It works wonders! And if you wake up with dark circles under your eyes, wet a Q-Tip and freeze it (for about 5 minutes), then rub it under your eyes. It disperses the blood and makes the circles go away!

    Cool...i use it too! Comments By: Heidi
    Wow! I thought I was the only one who did this! I actually take a little dab and spread it all over my face. have to rinse pretty fast thought because if i leave it on for more than 15 seconds it starts to burn really bad.

    Try It first on a none noticable area "Chin" Comments By: Rocky
    do this first so you can see if toothpaste is the solution for your face... So you immediately discontinue the use of toothpaste is irritation persist...

    Toothpaste does sometimes works!!!!!!!!! Comments By: Leoric Primo
    putting toothpaste sometimes works good! it depends on your skin if it is sensitive or not.. the first time i put toothpaste it kinda work.. try also putting a slice juice of lemons on your skin it helps allot.. 3rd try cleaning your face with a ice cube so that it will prevent oil. so yeah hope it works!!

    Toothpaste Comments By: CC
    You're not suppose to keep the toothpaste on over night. Your should put it on two or three hours prior to bed and the rinse it off with warm water before you go to sleep. Leaving it on overnight will definitely dry it out..sensitive skin or not!

    what ? how ? why ? Comments By: Ovais
    friends after seeing this all i dont know what to do an what to not ! Some Say Toothpaste Works And Some Says It don,t . I have A Oily Skin So What I have To Do now ?

    4GET ABOUT IT Comments By: WILLIAM

    Hemorrhoid cream and Visine Comments By: Kristin
    For large, red, swollen zits, first put a drop of Visine (to reduce redness), and once that dries, you can put Hemorrhoid cream on the zit (to reduce swelling). The Hemorrhoid cream also works great under the eyes if they're puffy and swollen. Neither of these products will irritate the skin. The zit may not disappear completely, but the surface area and redness will both decrease significantly.

    no no no believeme Comments By: deigh
    never used toothpaste it will make in more worst just clean your face and have a moisturizer

    Unfortunatly Not For Me! Comments By: Ashie-Roo
    Toothpaste unfortunatly didn't work for me, but what DID work, and worked VERY well was Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment. Quickly reduces pimple size and redness and won't over dry the skin! I love it!!

    Its called lush Comments By: Lauren
    Hey i dont no about toothpaste because i have had acne ever sence i was 8 years old and i still have them.But then i went to this store called Lush and its from plants and herbs and other helthy stuff and you get this green stuff and rub it all over your face and then rinse and then it comes with a spray. spray it on your face 2 times not alot then after 2 weeks all your acne is gone and now i have CLEAR SKIN FINALLY!

    I think... Comments By: Anon
    I have pimples on my chest and back and I am trying the toothpaste method right now...It is already drying out my pimples!!!

    Doesn't Work Comments By: stephanie
    I Put Toothpaste On
    And The Next Day I Woke Up To More
    It Burned My Face
    My Skin Started Peeling It Burned
    Like Two Layers Of My Skin.
    Dont Try It.

    Remember this first... Comments By: Ems
    Hey guys, I've been using toothpaste (not gel) on my face after I use my anti-acne Clean and Clear facial wash. I only apply the toothpaste to the pimple and I dont leave it on overnight, you will find out how long you need to leave it on for after a few uses. Remember to dab some toothpaste on the delicate skin under your wrist for a few hours first. This is to make sure the tothpaste won't have any adverse affects on your face! If nothing happens, try it on your face. The toothpaste certainly helps dry out the pimple ad in about 24 hours theres usually just a tiny flaky scab left which can be scratched off, leaving nothing underneath!

    Pimples Comments By: LJS
    I m 12 years old and i have used Aquafreshh and it is working very good for me Tryy it =] BTW not over night just b4 you goto bed DUHH

    nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Comments By: Screw toothpaste
    omggg do not leave on skin for more than 3 hours
    paramedic had to come over and remove solid toothpaste of my face now i have a big wraping around my head i look like and idiot and i have NO facial skin

    Not for everyone, but almost a miracle Comments By: anon
    There is an endless array of skin varieties-some skin-types are more resistant and some are more sensitive. If you have sensitive skin, you probably should not use toothpaste to treat pimples. The reason is that there is often peroxide in toothpaste that will strip the top layers of your skin. If you dont know whether you have sensitive skin, a good test is to pay attention to the way your own skin reacts to different stimuli. If your skin tingles when you wash it with acne cleanser, or burns when you use toner, you probably have sensitive skin. if you still arent sure what your skin type is, go to your doctor! he or she can help you, even if its just a regular physician and not a dermatologist.

    Didn't work for me Comments By: Erin
    I have a friend that this worked great for, but it didn't do ANYTHING for me. The pimple is still there, not any smaller or anything, but it isn't burned or any of the other bad things you hear. So it works for some but not for all.

    EVERY NIGHT 916 Comments By: T.J. WEBSTER 916
    every night b4 u go 2 bed get a wash rag put it in warm/hot water and then leave it on your face till the rag gets me it just takes bout 2/3 weeks till it works...keep on doin it and ur face wiil be clear 24/7

    please don't use tooth paste Comments By: catalin
    I am probably the worse case here ... I am 23 and 5 months , I am a boy , I wanted to have a better skin and I distroyed it. I used 2 lemon halves on my face ... waited 10 minutes ... washed it off with water ... then applied toothpaste started to burn really bad after 2 minutes so I washed it .
    Today I have rinkles I ve never had before ,reddness on my face in the afternoon , I actuallylook better in the morning :) . and I cannot say a word to some girl I like and will work a long long time with ... beacause ... that's the way it was ment to be :.)

    Nothing Comments By: BH
    Toothpaste did absolutely nothing for me! I recommend oxy pads! Use one every night before you go to bed and you will rarely wake up having a pimple!!!!

    hummm Comments By: Kathy
    if people are saying that its so bad then why post it up?
    i would try it but now that i read this i dont think its gunna work for me!
    srry ''/

    Rawr. Comments By: Marie
    I have to agree that the toothpaste thing dosnt work it only makes it worse and burns really bad i now look worse than before

    Works Great Comments By: John
    Well I've come to the conclusion that everyone has different types of skin so there's really no definite answer. The only thing I am sure about is that some of you need to go back to school and learn to read and write properly! Text messaging has really spoiled many of you and you no longer know how to write! With that being said, the toothpaste worked really well for me and I would highly recommend anyone trying it to see what happens. If it doesn't work for you though, don't come back here blaming anyone for "messing up your beautiful skin"!

    noooooo! Comments By: agustin
    i had 2 huge zitz right before antz freind said for big zipz put toothpaste on and slightly aroubnd it....i did for about a2 hours next thing i know it waz morning my skin waz burnt bad nad peeled about 3 times and wen it did it just got red...on 1 side tho it zorda went away but on the other i still have it and graduation waz horibly.if u know how to take it off plz tell me!!

    gel or regular toothpaste Comments By: morgan
    does it matter if u use a gel toothpaste or not??? let me know! (\___/)

    TipKing says: Non Gel toothpaste is the one that most people have used.

    It all depends on how your skin handles things Comments By: SurferBeachGirli

    Ive been going through various over-the-counter skin treatments. But finally i was at the doctors getting a physical and just out of the blue, my doctor asked me if i had anything for my acne (when i didnt think it was that bad!. anyways, i got Lavoclin (creamy face wash) and Duac (topical gel) and those are amazing. but of course us normal people cant have perfect skin...

    so for those really stubborn pimples this is what i do: i wash my face (no washcloth cause that can tear open some nasty pimples). then i take 2 Q-tips and put a little pressure on the sides. if it doesnt pop, then i usually take a cotton ball and soak it in hot (not scolding) water and apply it on the pimple and try the Q-tip thing again.

    then i put a little toothpaste on my pimple after ive gotten everything out (sounds kinda gross...)

    then i just sleep it off, and in the morning its GONE!

    NO GEL TOOTHPASTE Comments By: SurferBeachGirli
    gel toothpaste doesnt work. use the regulare run-of-the-mill toothpaste

    14 yr old LOTS of acne GONE!OMG THANK GOD!! WOOHOOO!!! BEST SECRET Comments By: sarah
    okay The secret is drink a heck lot of water!!! it serously works i meanits good for you and give up dariy for a week it wont hurt you !!milk is BAD for ur face!! and toothpaste works as lonf as you dont put too much on and not a mint kind!! try my advice thou it well work i bet you anything!! im a teen and im so happy so im sharing my joy hopping ur zits well go away as good as myn!!DRINK ONLY WATER FOR A MONTH AND USE TOOTHPASTE ON UR FACE OVER NIGHT!!:)

    WHAT DO I DO???? Comments By: POLLY

    TipKing says: Some people do seem to suffer a reaction to the toothpaste. I would think this is what has happened to you. It will calm down.

    Impressive. Comments By: Sheila
    The incredible amount of people who cannot spell or construct a proper sentence on this site is very impressive. I'm dumbfounded.

    Also, why would you comment if you have never tried this? I was skeptical when I first heard this tip many years ago, and I have been doing this since I was a teenager and I have never had any issues with burning my skin so bad that I need a paramedic and bandages. If it hurts, then wash it off. It's not rocket science.

    I do leave it on my pimples overnight (only on my pimples, not all over), and just a very thin layer. I use a gentle facial cleanser before applying it (I use a wide variety: Cetaphil, MD Skincare, Murad, DDF, Cosmedicine, and some others). I have never had an issue with scabbing, but the pimple is usually very dry in the morning if I leave it on over night, so I just use some good moisturizer and it's fine. Sometimes I use Neosporin once the pimple is gone and I just have a small little spot of dry skin left, just to help the peeling heal up faster.

    Toothpaste is the best remedy for pimples I have found without a prescription. Obviously, going to a doctor and getting a prescription specifically for your skin type is the best, so if you are concerned about acne then go to a doctor.

    THIS IS THE REAL SOLUTION. Comments By: Tracy
    Okay, everyone, it's time for the truth.
    I work for a local skin medical center in my area, and what I recommend is using a mask for 45 minutes with the following ingredients:
    1 tablespoon mayonnaise
    1/2 cup honey
    3/4 water
    It may sound ridiculous; but this is what we do at my job for facials before we do laser treatments.
    What it does is not only moisturize the face, but also dries up the infected areas, resulting in a thin layer of skin growing over quickly, and if you let it leave it at that and not pick at it, in less than 2 days you will be acne free.
    Good luck!

    It works, it REALY works! Comments By: Brittany
    I tried using toothpaste on my pimples and surprisingly it helped them a lot. I applied Aquafresh toothpaste and left it on them for about 45-hour. When I washed the toothpaste off, I could easily see that the majority of the redness had faded away and they werern't as puffy as they originally were. Perhaps using toothpaste doesn't work for everybody, but it does work for some. :)

    well?!?!? Comments By: erin
    welll yea
    but when i first did it i was walking around my house and i thought i am sooo stupid
    and it worked but it felt really cool on my head it felt really cold
    but it work so i guess its ok then

    Giving it a try! Comments By: laur
    Hey guys! I used toothpaste on my two pimples last nite & it worked pretty well... but im trying it again tonight on more &ill let you know how it works out! =]

    Dont leave it on!!! Comments By: mymomisapharmacist
    When you're tyring this technique dont leave it on for more than five minutes. Leave it on to short of a time, this wont work. If you leave it on to long your face might burn! And just remember everyone's skin is different so do be discourged if this does not work for you.

    Idiots!!! Comments By: Another Idiot
    you guys are just going back and forth about how it either ruined your life or saved it. heres the PERFECT solution: to know if toothpaste is right for you, dont be a moron and slather a tube on your face, just put a dab on a SINGLE SPOT... if it works, awesome, you have a new anti-acne method! if not, you have to deal with ONE bad spot, and you can go on and find other methods.

    (be patient, one day more of having acne isnt all that bad when you think about how great it would be to have it all gone once you find the RIGHT solution)

    Sort of worked Comments By: Kennady
    It made the spots a lot smaller but my skin got even more irretated. I gave it a try and got 1 good result and one bad result. I would not recomend it. I do recomend a face cleanser without alchol. Like Stridex. It works for me!

    works great for me Comments By: anon
    I started to use toothpaste on super big zits only, i just leave on for an hour and it has baking soda & no mint. Than during the day, i use Clearasil daily acne control, i dont have acne, but you can wear it all day long and it works like a cover up. Not for sensitive skin, but my friends call it the miracle zit cream. Don't be stupid, try it in an area no one will see it, and if you have really sensitive skin than don't even bother trying.

    yupp Comments By: urmomma
    it duz work..ive known this for a long time

    Well, let's see then..... Comments By: Cheater
    I haven't tried this yet, and I'm about to put some toothpaste on as a mask for 30 min as a previous comment suggested. (I gave this a 3 rating because I'm not sure yet, I will change it later........

    Maybe longer..... Comments By: Cheater
    I just put toothpaste on a huge zit for about an hour and it did little for me, but I think I have to leave it on longer, maybe all night if I have to. It made it just a little bit smaller looking, and its a little drier, buts that's it.

    Question Comments By: Erica Lee
    Well, I have a huge big red pimple on the tip of my nose. And I kind of have a sensitive skin, should I put toothpaste? If so, my toothpaste is Mentadent. Is it okay to put it on my nose?

    read this toothpaste works Comments By: danny
    look toothpaste does work i dont get much pimples but it does work it drys out the skin and will shirnk in a matter of hours it will take time but it will work use colgate

    Dont use it Comments By: Anon
    I used it for 2 nights and the first night I woke up and my face was worse. I thought that was normal so I applied it the second night and I awoke to my face being TERRIBLY messed up I have burns on the right side of my face and my whole face is inflamed.

    Try toothpaste!!!!! Comments By: kelly
    The best thing you can do to get rid of pimples and acne is to put toothpaste on it!!Also drink lots of water and they will go away! Dont leave the toothpaste on too long though else it will hurt and leave marks.

    works for only some Comments By: onlysome
    i have read the commets and have concluded that this only works for some people...i also think that before using it try it somewhere were noone will notice if it all goes terribly wrong and u urn. it wasnt my miracle cure but i have heard of it working and i suggest regular instead of gel and no mint and no mouthwash should be in it

    Toothpaste works better then anything i SWEAR!! Comments By: IWANNAHELP
    put toothpaste on the pimple and leave it on for 1/2 hour or 1 hour and take it of in that time or else it will scar .Toothpaste (colgate) works so well try it i had a huge pimple and it shrinked down so much ! I sewr try it !!!!!

    Wow Comments By: Courtney
    I must say that when my 14 year old sister told me she puts toothpaste on her face I laughed. But she told me to try it. I'm 24 and I have had bad acne my hold life (well, since I was 10) I got to the piont where I gave up adn just picked an acne wash and stock with it. After trying toothpaste I found that it helped try up the oil. I have really oily skin. I used toothpaste for about a week now and I didnt tell anyome what i was useign but people at work have been coming up to me and telling me how great my face is and what was I using. It might now work for everyone but it did for me.

    I Think So Comments By: Theresa
    I've been using toothpaste for a couple of nights and it seems to be working well. My pimples seem smaller by far. I accidently got some on my eyebrows once and when i washed them they seemed smoother and less bushy...or maybe I was daydreaming!

    Well Comments By: Dude Rocker
    It didn't work at all for me, neither did it make anything worse, nor did it make anything better. Maybe its just that I'm not using Colgate or Aquafresh? I used another brand called Babool, guess it doesn't work, I'll try Colgate tonight. However it did burn like mad when I put it on, but surprisingly did nothing.

    Your all Idiots Comments By: Moe
    Everyone has different skin types.
    Toothpaste will work for most.

    You have to experiement with your face. (As risky as it sounds).
    For me, i have to pop a pimple then put toothpaste on too nuke it away and within 2 days they're nothing!. Other dont need to pop and just apply a layer of toothpaste and overnight they'll clear.

    Although i have to ask, what ingredients should i look out for in the toothpaste for maximum results?

    Hmmm.... Comments By: Ashley
    well i hav sever eczema so needless to say i have sensitive skin, but i tried the toothpaste thing before and nothign happened. i only left it on for like 15 minutes for fear of my skin, nothing happened. didnt get better and didnt get worse. so now that i know my face is not as sensitive should i try for a little longer? some people say an hour some say over night. what amount of time would you guys recomend for me?

    Help?... Comments By: Grace
    From my own experence, and reading through the comments, I've come to the conclusion that, for some, toothpaste will work wonders..and for others, it will do the opposite...I feel it would probably be better to find another method to get rid of your pimples, and maybe have to endure them for a couple more days, instead of taking the chance of a terrible reaction. I tryed it myself a couple days ago, the result,I know have severly dryed/burt? skin it the area I used it on. It looks terrible! does anyone have any suggestions to help it go away faster!?!?

    worked pretty well Comments By: Jack Shepherd
    I used colgate total, washed my face in warm water then dabbed it dry, put the paste on my pimples and left it for 30 mins, washed it off with cold water and they were alot less noticable - I'd reccomend it, i didnt check my skin with the paste first coz i have tough skin - not dark, pretty pasty actually but for some reason i just dont get sunburn and my skin is pretty tough, so i just slapped it on and it worked :)
    try it if u have tough skin :)

    Be rational! Comments By: Ramie Anne
    we all know that using tooth paste in curing pimples work according to your skin types.. try to wash your face first, squiz your pimple then put an amount of toner on it, dry then place a tooth paste...Again, It only works for non-sensitive skin!

    only for non-sensitive skin! Comments By: ram ram
    mint which can be found in toothpaste works for pimples but, I'll make it clear that its ony for non-sensitive skin!
    So dont expect a miracle on your face if you think that toothpaste chems. is not fit on your skin type

    !!!!!!!!! I'VE TRIED IT AND IT WORKS SO MUCH !!!!!!! Comments By: aivan
    toothpaste for me really works..i promise...i tried using it last last day and when i woke up in the morning my pimple get dried and it became small,then i washed it with warm water,i'm really thankful

    Goodies Comments By: Anon
    Dis stuff is prettyz goodies..
    the toothpaste thing for 3 times a week, and for only a hour is GREAT if you are thinking "well..I tried it and it works...time for a overnight session!!" UR WRONG it will seriously make them come back worse! Ur skin needs air over night people, I tried it recently- and omfg big mistake lol! BUT...tomorrow i will try it again :D for 45 minutes of course!

    Give it a Go Comments By: Anon
    well when i used the toothpaste i didnt notice much of a change,but it didnt burn my skin either, and i have sensitive skin. But when you have a pimple that really hurts when touching it, toothpaste WILL ease the bump that you can feel underneith.

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