Wednesday, October 10, 2007

14 Ways to Get Rid of Acne

Whether you're a teen or an adult with acne, you don't have to simply put up with it. Here are 14 ways to get rid of acne.

1. Don't pick, press, rub, or otherwise manipulate your pimples. If you do, you risk spreading the bacteria and increasing the chances of scarring.

2. Use an over-the-counter product containing benzoyl peroxide once or twice a day. It helps break up the plug of dead skin cells, bacteria, and oil that clogs the pore and forms an acne blemish. And it cuts down on the bacteria, too. Start with the lowest concentration, and work your way up.

3. Try over-the-counter products containing sulfur or resorcinol, which help unplug oil glands by irritating the skin. However, most dermatologists believe that benzoyl peroxide is the most effective over-the-counter ingredient for acne.

4. Don't just spot-treat acne; put the product on acne-prone areas, too. That can include your entire face (avoid the lips and eyes), back, and chest.

5. Go easy on your face. Washing removes oils from the surface of the skin, not from within the plugged ducts. In fact, if you're too aggressive in your quest for cleanliness, you may end up drying out or irritating the sensitive skin on your face.

6. Wash properly once or twice a day, using a mild soap, and rub lightly with your fingertips and warm water. If your skin is oily, use a soap with benzoyl peroxide for its drying properties.

7. Don't use brushes, rough sponges, cleansers with granules or walnut hulls, or anything similar on the delicate facial skin.

8. Don't use oily products, such as hair pomades, heavy oil-based facial moisturizers, or oily cleansers.

9. Use water-based make-up.

10. Don't get a facial. You may end up doing more harm than good.

11. Don't rest your chin on your hands or constantly touch your face.

12. Protect your skin from cancer and wrinkles without aggravating your acne by choosing an oil- free sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher.

13. Don't worry about what you eat, unless you notice a correlation between a particular food and your skin breaking out.

14. Watch out for iodine, which can be found in multiple vitamins and iodized salt. Some doctors believe iodine may encourage acne.

How to get rid of ACNE (PIMPLES)???

ACNE (PIMPLES) Acne is a common problem faced by almost all teen-agers and youth. What is acne and why do we get them. Acne is actually caused because of hormone imbalance. Your skin breaks out because of a hormone called testosterone. Both men and women have testosterone in their systems. In fact, did you know that in order to make testosterone, boys bodies have to make female hormones first? If you have acne, you haven't got abnormal levels of testosterone. You've got skin that reacts abnormally to this hormone. You start producing testosterone around the time you start sprouting body hair. Testosterone tells glands in your skin, called sebaceous glands, to produce oily stuff called sebum. To add to the problem the inside of the tubes that hold each hair become gummy and get partially blocked - giving you blackheads. Put together if sebum blocks the tubes --- you have big acne.
So go to your pharmacist or doctor to get your acne treated. Here are a few tips that will help you know how to treat acne at home.
1. If you have red angry looking acne, don't touch it. If you squeeze now, all you'll do is force the contents deeper into the skin that will make matters worst. And all you'll end up with is redder, angrier acne than you had before. Don't do it.

2. If you have a yellow custard top? Go for it. These beauties CAN be squeezed but there's an art to it. Here's how. Wash your hands thoroughly to avoid trouble and infection. Put a tissue over your finger. Why? Because you want the contents of the spot on the tissue, not splattered all over the mirror. Using the side of your thumb and the end of your finger, very gently start to squeeze. Don't whatever you do, use your nails as this will damage your skin. Stop when you're applying a lot of pressure and nothing is happening and you see clear fluid, rather than yellow grotty stuff and the spot begins to bleed. When you've finished dab it with antiseptic. Once the custard bit is out, the spot will heal more quickly than an unsqueezed yellow top would, providing that you now leave it well alone. Now wash your hands again.

3. Whiteheads and blackheads. If acne is left untreated they may cause this problem. Here the rule is if they're black, squeeze but if they're small, white raised lumps leave them alone. All that stuff about clean hands, tissues and stopping if nothing is happening or you see blood, apply here too.

Tips for acne treatment 1. DON'T TRY TO WASH IT AWAY
Acne isn't caused by dirt. In fact people with oily skin have cleaner skin than average because they wash it more often. But it's a fact that washing too much can make acne worse because it makes the skin dry and sore. So, wash no more than twice a day, using mild soap and water. If you have patches of dry skin, don't worry about putting moisturizer on. It won't make your acne worse. If you're still concerned, use an oil free moisturizer.

There are lots of over the counter creams, gels, lotions and potions. Most contain a powerful bleaching agent called benzoyl peroxide. You'll find the strength written on the label. You might be tempted to go straight for the highest sort, working on the 'let's nuke 'em principle. The likely result is that you'll irritate your skin like mad. It may also go all dry and scaly on you. But if you still are willing to bleach then use the mild one.

If you have been using over the counter remedies for two months and there is no real improvement in your spots, this is the moment to go and make an appointment with your doc.

The thing you are most likely to be given by the doctor is a prescription for antibiotics. These will either be topical (which means something you put on your skin) or tablets you have to take every day. Whatever treatment your doctor or pharmacist recommends, follow the instructions carefully and keep using for at least two months. There should be a noticeable improvement by this time. If not, go back to discuss other possible treatments Antibiotics are perfectly safe to take. You should take them for at least two months and then go back to your doc. If they seem to be working, he will probably tell you to keep taking them and give you some more. If they aren't doing their stuff, don't despair - he has loads of other spot busters in his black bag.

Hundreds of thousands of teenagers seek help for acne. You are not alone. You are not an alien. And if people really care about you, they don't even notice your acne, however bad you think they are. But you will need to be patient. Most treatments take time to work. At least two months. And some treatments, like antibiotics will work well but may have to be taken for months, or even years.

Acne does tend to get worse just before a period. It's because there is a surge in hormone levels at this time. But boys don't get away lightly either. Being hot and sweaty (particularly after sports like football) makes acne worse. And for everyone, stress - particularly at exam times - is a cue for a mega breakout. This is normal - and of course, even more reason for feeling stressed. Go chill. They'll get better - promise.

Some beauty products are big no-nos. These include pomades and defrizzing agents for hair that tend to cause an outcrop of blackheads along the hairline and some of the heavier cosmetics. And be wary of suntan oils. Not all will make you break out, but some may. Try a friend's first before you buy. By the way, the sun might dry up acne and a tan might hide them, but your skin is still vulnerable in the sun and needs protection.

You can't catch acne during kissing - go for it!

It's a myth that eating chocolate and fried foods causes acne. However, eating a good diet improves your general well-being and this is reflected in your skin.

Common Questions asked about acne problem Does wearing make up cause acne?
It is not necessary that wearing make up causes acne. Acne is caused because of hormonal imbalance mostly during puberty. But you have to take special care while you apply make up and thereafter if you have acne. Make sure you wash any make up tools, including sponges and brushes as often as possible as these become a breeding ground for bugs which can cause your spots to pop up. Stop wearing make up if you have too many spots and you can resume after you have treated them. Don't forget to clean the make up after you come home and and make sure you cleanse your face properly each night.

Do skin toner and moisturizer cure acne?
One thing that you need to know is acne is not caused by dirt, so no amount of cleaning and toning is going to get rid of them. So for treating acne you must consult your doctor and eat lots of healthy food and drink lots of water. That is the natural way to keep you face spot free.

Is it ok to do facial?
It can be a real treat to have the facial done, as they can be very relaxing and make you feel properly pampered. However, you should be aware that they should not be used to help 'treat' spots, as this can be quite dangerous if the beauty therapist is not trained. Sometimes a beauty therapist will also squeeze out any spots and blackheads that if it's not done properly, may cause a bigger problem than before.

What is the best way to cover up spots?
Foundation is okay to use and may give you more confidence if you've got a hot date, but remember to look for oil-free one. Whatever you use to put on your skin, wash your hands or sponge before applying foundation.



The best treatment is the one that cures the condition. This is the logical conclusion that anyone must come to when considering medical treatment. But all too often the primary cause is overlooked and the condition is not treated properly. Why is it that useless drugs and facial creams continue to be prescribed by doctors for the treatment of acne? Well, I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions, but the fact is that acne cannot be cured with drugs and creams. The Acne Curesheet addresses the primary cause first and foremost. It has been proven to be 100% effective and its natural remedies are completely safe, with absolutely no adverse side effects whatsoever.


Acne is caused by a high secretion of oil from the glands in the skin of the face. This, of course, is due to the teenage hormonal surge. You can't do much about that, but what you can do is counter the effects of the high oil flow: the pores of the skin get blocked, and wherever you get a blocked system bacterial infection is not far away. It's when the bacteria start getting out of control in these clogged-up pores that pimples appear. After all, a pimple is nothing more than a localized inflammatory response to infection.


Treatment of acne centers on one thing and one thing only: keeping the pores of the skin clean and open. You can't do that with drugs or facial creams. You can't even do it with soap. The treatment given in the Acne CureSheet is both simple and effective – all you need to do is spend a few minutes each day following the instructions (without drugs or expensive cosmetics) and your acne will be a thing of the past. The CureSheet is backed up by a full no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. If your acne does not significantly improve within one week, I will give you your money back – it's as simple as that.

Acne and Pimples Internal Cure

Acne and pimples are not only local events

To suffer as a young person from acne and pimples, not only reduces one's well-being. Objectively it reduces important options decisive for all life: to find one's optimal life partner, to find a good job, to succeed in economy and society.
Whoever struggles with acne and pimples in the face and elsewhere, already knows well the common explanations, how these unwanted and ugly pimples develop, and how their inflammation is caused. Hormones are said to be the reason for increased acne during the age of puberty, and certain bacteria are reasoned to be responsible for the inflammations around the pimples.
Decisive questions remain unanswered: Why do some suffer more, others less from acne and pimples? Especially: Why do many others enjoy themselves with a completely clear and healthy skin, although being in puberty too, and surely having been contaminated with the same bacteria by their friends and classmates?

Common explanation of causes insufficient

The common explanation of acne only considers the local events: How the pores get obstructed as a consequence of accumulation of sebum; how this sebum serves as culture medium for bacteria; how the bacteria then cause inflammation and suppuration.
Consequently, the recommended measures are constrained to local cleansing and keeping open of pores, which daily has to be done. However, this means an only symptomatic treatment, no cure of the acne condition. As soon as the measures are stopped, acne and pimples appear again.
As a young person you might think: Science couldn't yet find more; perhaps it is a genetic condition; I have to resign myself to it; why did it happen to me, why to others not?
Let me give you some advice, which could become important for all your health and life. It is based on my experience of several decades (see Curriculum Vitae<>) with health, diseases and their backgrounds, which proved to be very strange in some aspects:
Whenever a problem is described to be unsolvable, a disease explained to be incurable, and only perpetual application of symptomatic measures are offered - ask yourself once:
"CUI BONO?" - "For whom is it good that there is no change?"

"CUI BONO?" For whom is it good as it is?

No doubt, good money is made by producers and merchants with special cleansing essences, creams and soaps for daily treatment of acne and pimples. How big the turnover and economic interests connected to this business are, you can easily estimate. Look once, how many (the percentage) of the youngsters around you suffer from acne and pimples. Get from population statistics how many young people are living in your country in total. Calculate by the percentage found how many of them should suffer from acne and pimples. Find out, how much one young person pays per month to buy those cleansing products. Multiply it with the estimated number of young people suffering from acne and pimples in your country. Now you know the level of economic interest connected with the "status quo" - that everything remains as it is. (The same estimation you could do with some other widespread problems and diseases, catching a shocking insight into abysses of business, moral and ethics of our modern society).
If it would get around to all youngsters suffering from acne, how they could get rid of the bothersome blot by simple and natural measures, get a clean, fresh looking skin, and a better health and vigor in general - all the lucrative acne turnover would break off. Acne is only one example. Similarly it could happen with other diseases, ailments and conditions.
Between respective lobbies (interest groups, pressure groups) whose economic interests depend on diseases, sometimes alliances develop: E.g. between lobbies whose products cause diseases, and others who live from those diseases. E.g. to coordinate public relations strategies: which information should be released to the public, and which others not. (E.g. "not to make the population anxious").
Pressure groups don't hesitate to use "carefully directed misinformation", to protect their economic interests from the truth, which could reduce their turnover, power and influence. Watch out and use your common sense and logic intelligence, whenever you find suspicious news and articles.
Do you want to protect yourself, your family and your friends, from suffering only to become or stay welcome paying members of one or several diseases target groups? In this case, you should start a surf tour on this site. A good survey is offered by "Dr. Schnitzer's Health Secrets Service - Survey and Introduction" <>. An example: Probably you know that hypertension is the main risk factor of civilization, causing the death of every other person by one of the cardiovascular diseases like heart attack, stroke, embolism. But did you know too, that Hypertension is curable for good within only weeks without pills, (please click here: <>), and that the cured person leaves at the same time the risk zone of those cardiovascular events?
From this sketch about hidden activities behind the backstage of the "health theater", and options of self protection, let's go back to our main topic: Acne and pimples - internal cure.

Skin important to eliminate toxins

Skin is an important organ to eliminate toxins. The body uses the skin too to eliminate those products of metabolism and poisons, which can't be eliminated the normal way via urine and feces. Most of these products can't be eliminated as active substances. Beforehand, the body must neutralize them by support of the immune system and its cells. This needs partially even inflammation. E.g. it is impossible just "to throw bacteria or virus out of the door as they are". Before, they must be aggressed by antibodies and "eaten up" by macrophages. Those, with the enemies inside their cells, move to the surface (skin), to eliminate the enemy together with themselves: inflammation, suppuration, elimination of pus.

Most toxins in the blood come from the last section of the bowel

It is the digestive system, which takes the food in from environment, assimilates it, and metabolizes it into its own energy and substances of the body. After having passed the wall of the bowel, the substances pass to the lymphatic system and reach the circulating blood, for transport to where they are needed for immediate consumption or storage. From the main part of the bowel, the blood is not directly returning into the main stream; first it passes to the liver which filters out and neutralizes toxins. Only from the last end of the bowel the blood is directly returning into the main stream of the blood.
This has been developed, approved and successful during an evolution of millions of years. Taking a man-appropriate native nutrition the human digestive system is genetically programmed for, there remains no toxic substances in the last section of the bowel, which would need a detoxification by the liver. This human origin nutrition was a frugivorous one. This was proved by Dr. Richard Lehne's "comparing dentition anatomy": Man's dentition is constructed to chew seeds, roots, soft leaves and fruits.
To compare with a typical omnivorous (=everything, vegetables and meat eater's) dentition, e.g. the wild boar is equipped with: Man's dentition should look like that, if man's genetic nutrition programming would be for vegetables and meat.

In the recent past: Dramatic change of feeding habits

During the last decades feeding habits of man changed dramatically, mainly in the so called highly civilized countries. Man's food now contains a lot of animal products, which are similarly inappropriate for the frugivorous man as for the herbivorous cattle.
If the herbivorous cattle are fed by animal products, this can result in a degeneration of the brain. BSE, a liquefaction of the brain of cattle, the first time was found in England, after parts from sheep were fed to cows, by scientists' arguments "to improve their protein supply, to increase production of milk and meat". Conclusions might be drawn from this fact to the growing number of Morbus Alzheimer (a degeneration of the human brain) with an increasing percentage of younger Alzheimer patients in a population, parallel to the increasing intake of man-inappropriate animal food (meat etc., recommended by scientists with similar arguments: "to increase protein supply").
In addition, the main part of "modern food" is more or less denatured, by heat and extraction, and refined. Even "native" vegetable foodstuffs contain pesticides, and nitrates from chemical fertilizers or from not aerobic composted animal dung. In the human bowel, these nitrates react with amines (metabolized products from animal protein), so becoming carcinogenic nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are the main cause of intestinal cancer. Intestinal cancer is one of the most widespread types of cancer of all.

Constipation and toxic putrescence ...

This denaturated, inappropriate food mixture causes constipation and toxic putrescence in the final section of the bowel. You can even smell the disgusting foul odor of the bowel gases and fecal matter of people who eat animal food (to compare with: From people who eat only plant food, you nearly can't smell anything). These heavy poisons directly go into the main blood stream, so getting distributed in the complete organism. The body tries to eliminate them in other ways, after constipation is blocking the normal method. Only the skin remains as such an alternative way to eliminate the toxins. That's how the condition for acne and pimples develops.
This is still the truth and fact - in spite of claims (carefully directed misinformation?) saying it "outmoded, because the offending bacteria is now found". If bacteria would be the cause, acne should be a communicable disease. The truth is: It isn't. An important basic finding of medicine is stated by the French medical scientist Professor Claude Bernard (1813-1878): "Le germe n'est rien, le terrain est tout" (the germ is nothing, the substratum is everything).

Hydrogenated (=hardened) fats and animal fats clog the pores ...

It depends essentially on the properties of the sebum, if it accumulates in the pores of the skin or not. If it is composed from animal fat (from cattle, sheep, pork etc.) or chemically hydrogenated (hardened) plant fats, e.g. used in margarines and chocolate, its melting temperature will be above body temperature. Such sebum will get stuck in the pores. Much easier it leaves the pores, if composed from oils from seeds and their germs, which are fully liquid even below body temperature. Additionally, those vegetable oils contain considerable quantities of highly unsaturated fatty acids, supporting the efficient supply of all cells of the body and brain with oxygen.

Animal protein makes the skin hard and rigid ...

Animal protein (from meat, sausages, steaks, hamburgers, ham, bacon, fish, egg, milk and milk products, in most cases accompanied by unfavorable fats) contribute to a hardening process of tissues and cell membranes (example: arteriosclerosis). The skin too becomes harder, less elastic, so the pores are more easily clogged by the hard, un-melted hydrogenated and animal fat. This forces the body to eliminate the accumulated fat cores by force, means by inflammation, suppuration and liquefaction of the tissues around it. Bacteria even are welcome in this situation, accelerating the elimination.

Cure of acne and pimples condition by eliminating the toxin sources in the bowel

The most important measure to create a cure condition for acne and pimples is the change of feeding habits. A change from man-inappropriate, denatured civilization and junk food to a native "civilized origin nutrition". It means, a nutrition according to the human genetic programming, which is a frugivorous one, composed of fresh, alive (and so supplying with life) natural vegetable foodstuffs, as cultivated and offered by agriculture and gardening. Such a delicious and natural nutrition is explained with recipes and 100 color pictures in the book "Schnitzer Intensive Nutrition - Schnitzer Normal Nutrition" (to go to the book review, please click here: ).
The classic book of man-appropriate natural nutrition: Schnitzer Intensive Nutrition - Schnitzer Normal Nutrition
The classic book of man-appropriate natural nutrition:
Schnitzer Intensive Nutrition - Schnitzer Normal Nutrition
(Click on the book or here: Order page. Click on this headline or here: Book review.)
Before writing this book, the author stated: "It's a fact, that feeding habits of civilization cause most chronic ailments of civilization. The genetic programming of the human metabolism couldn't adapt to this unnatural, denaturated food. So, the old genetic programming for man's origin nutrition must be functional". This origin nutrition he searched for, found, developed from it a man-appropriate "civilized origin nutrition", and described it in this book with recipes and pictures. Subsequently hundreds of thousands of people are able to recover from chronic diseases and recapture their health with it (13 editions, 144,000 copies sold). Realize your own health opportunities now also!

Another helpful measure: A daily clyster with warm water

Another important and helpful measure is a daily clyster (enema) with water of body temperature. The best time is before going to bed in the evening. By adding 0.9% of salt to the water, it gets the physiological salt concentration of blood and tissues. This makes the clyster easily tolerable. To do it, one lays down on the left side. Take only a quantity of water in which is possible without feeling pressure. When you buy the equipment in the pharmacy, ask the pharmacist; he or she will explain to you in detail how to do it.
The daily clyster allows to eliminate every matter by natural way from the final section of the bowel. So all contents of the complete bowel can move on, no constipation can happen, and no toxins can develop anymore. Even, if you feel it is good for you, the clyster can be done in the morning and in the evening, for an unlimited time of days, weeks, months and years, without any disadvantage.

Further possible sources of poisons: Mercury from amalgam fillings in the teeth, palladium from cheap dental gold

Special sources of poisons, possibly also causing acne and pimples, can be found in the mouth: amalgam fillings in the teeth, and dental works made from cheap gold. Amalgam releases permanently traces of mercury, causing many different nervous lesions and physical damages and complaints, including allergies, skin inflammations, eczema and pimples. Palladium proved to be a dangerous poison, after the German social insurances insisted to take cheap gold containing considerable quantities of palladium for dental work, because of cost savings.
Amalgam contains about 50 % of highly poisonous mercury. An electrolytic process releases permanently mercury. It moves into the near tissues, the jaws, the face, the brain (often it causes there depression, fatigue and deficiency of energy). Working in front of a computer screen, increases the release of mercury because of ionization of the tissues and saliva.
If a person carries amalgam fillings in the teeth, it's easily possible that acne and pimples resist to any therapy and health strategy, until the amalgam is removed (under careful aspiration, not to breath in and swallow down vapor and particles of mercury) and replaced by neutral material. In my German book "Zahnprobleme und ihre Überwindung" ("Dental problems and their Solutions" <> I described these correlations.
More information about the books you will find in the book reviews, by clicking on the titles. From there (or by clicking here: English books German books) you find access to the order pages, giving also surveys of the books available in English and in German..

Shortly after change the skin becomes clean and healthy

After a surprisingly short time the skin becomes clean, looking fresh and healthy, as the complete person starts to look. The results are even more: the intellectual and physical performance and vigor increase, the mentality becomes more open, more balanced, more positive.
On the one side this experience is quite new to most people, on the other side it is already reported in the Bible - as a "natural science experiment", as we would name it in our days. It happened, when four young Israelis from royal family were brought to the court of the king Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon (time: in the years 605-562 before Jesus Christ was born). You can read this story in Daniel 1:1-21:
Food, appearance and intelligence of the young sons of Juda
at the court of the king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
(The nutrition experiment of Daniel) - Dan.1
[1] In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem, and besieged it.
[2] And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, with part of the vessels of the house of God: which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god; and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god.
[3] And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and of the princes;
[4] Children in whom was no blemish, but well favored, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.
[5] And the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat*), and of the wine which he drank: so nourishing them three years, that at the end thereof they might stand before the king.
[6] Now among these were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah:
[7] Unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names: for he gave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar; and to Hananiah, of Shadrach; and to Mishael, of Meshach; and to Azariah, of Abed-nego.
[8] But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat*), nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.
[9] Now God had brought Daniel into favour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs.
[10] And the prince of the eunuchs said unto Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who hath appointed your meat*) and your drink: for why should he see your faces worse liking than the children which are of your sort? then shall ye make me endanger my head to the king.
[11] Then said Daniel to Melzar, whom the prince of the eunuchs had set over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah,
[12] Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse**) to eat, and water to drink.
[13] Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king's meat*): and as thou seest, deal with thy servants.
[14] So he consented to them in this matter, and proved them ten days.
[15] And at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat*).
[16] Thus Melzar took away the portion of their meat*), and the wine that they should drink; and gave them pulse**).
[17] As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.
[18] Now at the end of the days that the king had said he should bring them in, then the prince of the eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar.
[19] And the king communed with them; and among them all was found none like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: therefore stood they before the king.
[20] And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm.
[21] And Daniel continued even unto the first year of king Cyrus.
*) "meat" is not the correct translation of the original text; it should be the neutral word "food". The same incorrect translation is found in the English translation of the Genesis; God gave the seeds from herbs and fruits from trees as food to man, not as "meat". This incorrect translation might have contributed to the opinion, that meat could be eaten. In truth, God became very angry, when he had supplied them in the desert with this perfect manna falling down from heaven, and they complained and cried for meat! - You must read once, how God became so furiously angry on them, that he killed many of them before they even could chew the meat fully (4. Mose 11:1-35 Deuteronomy 11:1-35). In our days God punishes the meat eaters "only" by hypertension, heart attack, stroke, embolism, obesity, rheumatism, gout, aggressivity - and e.g. by acne, pimples and an ugly appearance.
**) pulse (leguminous like lentils, chickpeas, peas) - in the old Ethiopian Bible this word is translated with "t'era'tere", which means "raw seeds", expressly not boiled, not roasted; raw, probably slightly germinated by soaking them for some hours in cold water, as Ethiopians in countryside still do in our time, showing the same clear skin, beauty and natural intelligence, as the Bible describes the young sons of Juda had shown. I have seen this by my own eyes, whilst doing scientific studies in Ethiopia in 1983, 1989-90 and 1993, partially in cooperation with the Plant Genetic Resources Centre of Ethiopia, and the Director Dr. Melaku Worede of this institution. There they keep and renew those old varieties of pulses, cereals and other seeds the Bible is speaking about.
More about the surprising health effects of such a natural, man-appropriate nutrition you can read in German in the statements of over 3000 people, published in the "Schnitzer-Report" <>. Some hundred of these statements, selected by the topic "overweight", are also available in an English translation <>(to go there, please click on one of the two links).

Now: "Action!"

Now you know how to cure the acne and too, recapture your health. Naturally, to get practical results, the new knowledge needs practical action.
Most important: To correct your nutrition. Your best guide will be the English book "Schnitzer Intensive Nutrition - Schnitzer Normal Nutrition" <>. In case of additional problems (overweight or hypertension), one of the books "Natural Cure of Obesity by Health" <> or "Hypertension Causes & Cure - Life Threatening Risk Factor 1 Now Curable!" <> will supply you with the knowledge how to overcome those ailments. The books you need you could order via Internet by clicking here.
The germinable cereal grains (naked oats, wheat, spelt) to grind freshly - most important component of a healthy nutrition - you can buy in one of the health food or whole food stores. There you will find also different grinders with milling stones, to buy an appropriate one for your household. In such stores they have too pulses to germinate, and fresh salads and vegetables from natural cultivation without chemical fertilizers or pesticides, to complete your healthy nutrition.
An "irrigator" you can buy in a pharmacy; they will explain how to use it, or give you a written instruction with it.
Now you are ready for take-off: "Action!" Start your new life.
Soon your friends will be surprised and ask you, what you did, to look so good and healthy all of a sudden. They will notice your new handsome appearance. Probably soon you will remark, how your physical and mental performance are improving. A complete new feeling of life and natural happiness will take you over, when your body each day gets all that your body needs.

Pass your new knowledge on to others

Soon you will be able to confirm by your own experience, how this disagreeable acne and pimples have disappeared, being replaced by a clear face and skin and a beautiful appearance - and how you feel better and healthier now in general. Don't keep this knowledge to yourself - pass it on to others!
This doesn't only refer to the knowledge how to overcome acne and pimples. It means nearly all other health problems, ailments, complaints and conditions too. Very probably some of your nearest friends and colleagues suffer from different problems, e.g. from hypertension and the disagreeable "side effects" of the usual pills prescribed to them.
Pass your helpful source of knowledge on to them - give them the internet address of "Dr. Schnitzer's Health Secrets Service <>, or its English introduction <>. To those who suffer from acne and pimples, give <>.
On the page "Do your friends a favor" <> you find texts, links, pictures and banners to use them on your homepage and your e-mails.
Perhaps you would like just to print out the appropriate information and pass it on to your friends. They will be grateful to you - and I'm grateful to you for your assistance in this concern.
Friedrichshafen, Germany, 2004 Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
Special permission is given for this document to print it out unchanged in any number of copies, to help others with this information, who have the same skin problem.

P.S. (1) A common anti-acne drug is suspected of causing depression. The German news agency DPA reports this (Meldung vom 2002-01-09 16:31:00, eca198 4 x 206 ccccb dpa 513, US-Plane):

15-year-old suicide pilot was taking possibly depressant drug

Washington (dpa) - The 15-year-old Florida boy who flew a plane into a high-rise Tampa bank building was believed to be taking an anti-acne drug suspected of causing depression, media reports said on Wednesday.

Authorities discovered a prescription for the drug, called Accutane, at the boy's home. The drug has been under congressional investigation. A Democratic congressman's 17-year-old son who was taking Accutane also committed suicide, and there have been dozens of other suicide cases believed connected to the drug.

Bishop left a suicide note saying he acted out of "sympathy" with terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, police have said.

The boy, who had been taking flying lessons for two years, was the only casualty in the incident. The Bank of America building remained standing. Police said Bishop had been dropped at the St. Petersburg- Clearwater Airport by his grandmother on Saturday afternoon to take his "regular private flying lessons". He talked to his flight instructor, then boarded the plane and took off without clearance or the instructor's knowledge and later flew the Cessna 172 into the building.

dpa mm, 091631 GMT Jan 02


Acne is the term used for pimples and complexion problems wich can occur in young people and some adults. Pimples usually occur on the face, but may involve the neck,the arms, the chest or the neck. Acne is only a skin problem. It does not affect your general health.

Causes? At puberty, the oil glands of the skin start producing an oily material. It is called sebum. Sebum lubricates the skin. In some cases, the wall of the oil gland breaks and spills the sebum within the skin. That causes redness,swelling, and pus. In other words a pimple. Plugged oil glands may form whiteheads and blackheads. Blackheads are not caused by dirt. There is a bacteria that normally lives on the skin called Propionibacterium acnes. This bacteria lives on the sebum produced by the skin oil glands. Sometimes, this bacteria multiplies and causes inflammation and acne. Pimples are built into your genes it runs in families. In women, acne frequently worsens at the time of menstruation. Foods do not cause pimples! But there are cases when certain foods will make pimples worse. The most common ones are chocolate, milk, nuts or carbonated beverages. Acne may become worse under stress. Cosmetics make acne worse. Adult women often have trouble with acne through middle age. The reason is unknown.

The best way in treating pimples is to use benzoyl peroxide 5% gel (available at your local drug store) to the involved areas at night and NeoStrata alpha hydroxyacid in the morning (without using prescription medication). Some people are allergic to benzoyl peroxide. A product named Tend Skin is an effective acne treatment. Another advice is to wash your face twice a day with a mild non-soap cleanser. Do not pick or squeeze your pimples, as it can leave scars. Acne surgery can be done using sterile instruments to remove blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples.

There is no medical cure for acne. Acne can be controlled, but not cured. Many people do outgrow acne. Altough it is not recommended,sunlight may help some acne patients. Sunlight causes aging, wrinkling of the skin, and skin cancer. If cosmetics are used, they should be oil-free (the kind that separates into two layers). Cosmetics labeled water-based may still contain oil. If a moisturizer is used, it should be labeled non-comedogenic which means does not cause pimples.Your dermatologist may prescribe antibiotics to take by mouth,or to put on the skin.

Retin-A can also be used on the skin, even on body pimples. An effective acne regimen is two combine Retin-A with glycolic acid peels every few weeks. This involves coming to the office every two weeks to have a weak acid applied to the face. The acid removes the surface material from the skin that causes pimples to form. The face is left red and irritated for a few days. Once your acne is under control, the glycolic acid peels only need to be done every three months or so. When you come in for a light peel, the esthetician can also remove any blackheads or whiteheads that are found.

Beta hydroxyacid peels also are effective for treating acne.Accutane is a drug taken by mouth which is reserved for severe acne. Accutane has many side effects and if taken during pregnancy will cause birth defects. Patients taking Accutane must have periodic blood tests and checkups.

In conclusion,there are many different treatments for acne. Not all people respond to the same treatments. If the first medications do not work, chances are the second ones will.
About the Author

John Eminescu is a 29 years old writer. He work for a local newspaper and wrote 2 books about skin diseases.

Acne Treatment Products Reviews

Acne Treatment Product Reviews - ClearPores


Number One: Our Winner!

The ClearPores Skin Cleansing System is a unique method of improving the condition of your skin from the inside coupled with unclogging the pores and fighting the acne bacteria from outside. All washes and creams are 100% oil free which prevents your pores from clogging.

The unique combination of products, which includes selected and blended ingredients to specifically control sebum production in the pores, will reduce the activity of acne bacteria, and will help to get back your beautiful skin! Read full review or visit

Acne Treatment Product Reviews - Vilantae


Vilantae's pills should treat acne by reducing the sebum production. The problem is that Vilantea just reduces the sebum production and doesn't fight the acne bacteria.

The bigger and potentially more dangerous problem is that you should take up to 20 capsules a day and that the ingredients may have a negative impact on your health. Customers have reported many side effects:

Possible side effects: diarrhea, stomach irritation, headaches and many more.

Acne Treatment Product Reviews - Clearasil


I used Clearasil, it didn't show many effects. It helped me to get rid of small white heads, but I wouldn't recommend it for acne.

Acne Treatment Product Reviews - Clean & Clear

Clean & Clear

Clean and clear helped to get rid of my spots but it dried up my skin and sometimes caused inflammation.

Acne Treatment Product Reviews - Acnease


These herbal pills are among the many herbal pills on the market. Herbal pills have to include a blend of high quality herbs.

Acnease includes only few ingredients and most of them don't have any effects on skin conditions. Acnease is one of the products that will not help your skin get rid of acne.

Good skin comes to those who wait

I have always got mad whenever some old timer told me to be patient. Have you ever heard that saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day”? Well, that made me mad, too. Why should I wait? What’s the big idea with all this “wait, wait, wait” thing? Call me weird, but I’ve always thought that patience is overrated. A sort of excuse for people who can’t keep up with things. So whenever people told me to wait I used to say: You wait! I have better things to do.

Maybe it’s hormones, I don’t know. I have a bad case of hyperactive behavior coupled with a bad case of acne and I couldn’t really use another problem in my life. And, oh, yeah!, I don’t like to be patient. Things move fast nowadays and I shudder to think what my life would have been like two centuries ago. I’m sure those people had no idea how to move fast. That’s why it took them years to build Rome. I’m pretty sure that the whole construction phase could have been completed a lot faster than it was.

Anyway, one day I decided to put an end to my acne. There has to be a way to do that. So I looked around for acne treatments, things that I could use to get rid of this problem. It didn’t take me long to find something that sounded right. Decisions always come quick to me. I found this product called ClearPores, saw that it was a comprehensive solution, noticed the cool money-back guarantee and decided on the spot to buy it. No financial risk, looks successful, sounds OK – it’s a deal.

ClearPores is a system made of three parts. The first part consists of deep facial and skin washes that open the pores and clear out the grime, dirt and bacteria. The SD Alcohol and Salicylic Acid solution is very effective at clearing away the sebum and opening clogged pores. This way, bacteria don’t get a chance to turn my pores into pimples and my skin stays acne free. There’s none of that shiny look either. The washes really take care of the sebum.

The second part of the system is the herbal pills that take the fight to the bacteria. The pills make sure my skin is not a friendly place for bacteria. No thriving, no reproducing, no infecting. Bacteria die quickly and are gone. No more red spots for me. The third part of the system is the protection cream that keeps my skin free of pimples yet to come. Knowing that the cream keeps dirt and bacteria away from my skin makes me feel safe.

At first I was really mad and, well, a bit scared. I was nervous about my acne and I thought that the ClearPores system will clean me up in no time. Imagine my surprise to see that my skin looked worse than before. At that point I thought I’d been ripped off and I was getting ready to request a refund. However, I read on the forum that this thing is quite common and it actually means that things are getting better because the body is getting rid of many bad things.

Well, things are better know and I’m glad I didn’t quit the program. The only problem is that it takes time for results to show. Knowing that everything will eventually be OK helps a lot. Although I still hate the wait and I resent knowing that I have to be patient, I can’t give up now that things are looking better. It’s pretty clear that my expectations of a quick cure were a bit unrealistic, but I’m content that an end to my problem is finally in sight. I feel good.

Why Skincare Is No Longer a Distinctly Feminine Pursuit

To say that modern life is very different from what our ancestors used to call living is a huge understatement. It’s plain to see that ancestors as close to us as our very grandparents are shocked by many aspects of our lives. Little things like hairstyles, clothes, computers and ideologies are completely foreign to the older folk. Attitudes that were unthinkable 50 years ago are moving into today’s mainstream with the rise of a new generation of people.

Personal care has been for a long time associated with women. Through the centuries, personal care has gone hand in hand with beautification and the innate impulse of every woman to make herself look as pretty as she could. A pretty face goes a long way toward making a great first impression, not to mention other benefits later on.

However, men have always been supposed to be different. Men were expected to be tough and, if possible, smart. In time, men have let their coarse side show more and more frequently, until it became quite natural for men to be coarse and to disdain personal care. Such activities were seen as soft, feminine things that could make a man too soft for whatever manly business he was supposed to do. A man openly trying to get rid of acne because it made him look ugly must have been seen as a strange character.

However, times have changed. Men are today no longer content to play the old roles, neither at work nor in bed. The exploration of new ways of getting pleasure in bed has revealed that men have a lot to gain by admitting to softer feelings. Metrosexuality appeals to every man’s vanity and to the need to improve one’s chances of getting laid as often as possible. While certain men snicker at face creams, nail polish and strange clothes, these things tend to score points with the ladies.

The rise of Metrosexuality is also blurring the distinction between sexes. Any person can play any role and be anybody. This is why more and more men get to patronize expensive shops instead of simply buying a new pair of jeans when the old one starts to look threadbare and to go to hairdressers instead of barbers. New roles require new clothes, new styles and new attitudes. Modern men and women have become refined pleasure hunters, not easily pleased.

And with appearances playing such a big role in the lives of men, it’s small wonder that acne is no longer tolerated. Which is why men have started to turn to skincare solutions, such as ClearPores, in a bid to improve their looks. ClearPores is a full skincare system designed to clear away nasty red spots and blackheads that spoil the carefully crafted image of a stylish man. Using the effective of SD Alcohol and Salicylic Acid, ClearPores is able to open up the pores and clear away the grime, excess sebum and bacteria.

ClearPores can be described best as one of the key weapons in a modern man’s arsenal. A weapon in the war against acne. There is no reason to let acne spoil your image, just as there is no reason to settle for anything less than a full system that covers every angle of your anti-acne effort. This is why we recommend ClearPores as the best solution for all your acne-related troubles.

Are the lasting effects of acne more than just skin deep?

The teen years are a trying time for any person. Although the worries and cares of adulthood are still far into the future, the teen is not exactly a happy and relaxed person. The carelessness and ignorance of childhood makes room for rebellion and questions about one’s values and place in the world. Looking for their own road through life teens feel insecure and, often enough, misunderstood. Unfortunately, if the search for a place under the sun is not enough, teenagers also have to deal with other problems, such as acne. This unsightly condition is the bane of many teenagers because of the effects it has at psychological level.

It doesn’t take a lot to foster a negative self image in a teenager. Most of them are at least somewhat insecure about their outward appearance because of various real or imaginary blemishes. But a real condition that causes true discomfort and mars a young face is something else altogether. The fragile self image and self respect of teenagers are hard pressed to cope with the pressure exerted by the opinions of others and the comparisons with various role-models that teenagers find for themselves. In extreme cases, the negative self image turns into self hatred and the disfiguring condition is seen as a cruel instrument of self punishment for failing to rise up to some standard or other.

Teenagers live in small worlds. Parents, friends and the amorphous group of half-familiar school mates are the limits of their social lives. Naturally, teenagers tend to attach more importance to the praise or criticism coming from their friends or school mates, on grounds that parents love you anyway and are fatally biased. But, since teens can be very cruel to each other, the criticism of school mates is frequently unkind and meant to hurt. This serves to increase the feelings of anxiety, insecurity and self hatred, resulting in withdrawal from the social environment into a private world of pain and shame.

Teenagers are terribly earnest about outward appearances and criticism. They are still away from the age when human beings come to terms with themselves and are no longer much interested in what others say or think. Hiding one’s body or face and feeling ashamed just because somebody else said that this is the thing to do is a mistake and teenagers should be helped to see this. Acne can be defeated with persistence and by using the right products. However, the psychological effects of acne must also be fought, or else they may never go away. The teenager who hated himself for having pimples on his face will turn into the adult who hates himself for being a little overweight or not making as much money as some co-worker.

The feeling of discomfort and shame with oneself does not always go away in time. Sometimes it just finds a new problem to act as its power source. This is the lasting effect of acne: a poor self image, a lack of confidence and a feeling of being at a disadvantage when comparing oneself to other people. These moods and mindsets can ruin anybody’s social life and often times they also get in the way of professional development. Unfortunately, acne is not just skin deep.

Summer Skin

Summer is here in earnest and the weather is perfect for going to the beach. After an interminable winter and spring, the time has come again for walking out in the sun and having a blast outdoors. There are parties and trips to the beach and holidays waiting for the individual eager for fun. Care and worry left at home, it’s time to enjoy yourself.

However, if you suffer from acne you may want to take some precautions before hitting the beach. I’m sure that skipping the summertime beach fun is simply out of the question, but this doesn’t mean that you don’t need to be careful about it. Many people think that exposure to the summer sun is good for their skin since it tends to burn off pimples, but prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation is not a good choice. Also, the sun simply burns the topmost layer of the face skin. It does not deal with the true causes of acne and the so-called positive effects are only temporary. This means that pimples will be back as soon as the sebum starts clogging the pores again.

Walking around in hot weather is pretty much guaranteed to make people sweat. Sweat is bad news for acne and people suffering from this condition should refrain from wiping their face frequently. Sweat should be washed away gently with lukewarm water. Another bad news is that exposure to sun and wind tends to dry out the skin. Again, this may seem a good way to prevent the accumulation of excess sebum within the pores, but it’s not that simple. Dry skin tends to crack and lesions heal slower. Exposure to wind is also guaranteed to replace the negative effect of the sebum with the negative effect of wind-borne dust. Pores will still get clogged, just not with sebum.

Another thing you need to be careful about is sunscreens. These lotions and creams may contain oil which is just as bad for the pores as sebum. It would be a poor tradeoff to avoid UV radiation by worsening the acne. Be careful about what type of sunscreen and after beach lotions you buy and stay clear from those rich in oil. And one final advice: watch out for the effect of salty sea water on your skin. Salty water and perfect skin don’t mix well at all. And that’s even before you get to think about sea water not being all that clean.

What can be done to help fight acne in summer? For starters you can take care of your skin, make sure it is clean and free of sebum and dust in the morning and evening. If your lifestyle or job involves a lot of sweating, you may want to be even more careful about your skin. The ClearPores skin cleansing system is the perfect tool for this job. The deep washes use Salicylic Acid and SD Alcohol to keep both the surface of the skin and the pores clean and dry, while the herbal supplements kill bacteria. Finally, the protection cream acts as a shield on your skin and makes sure sebum, grime and bacteria don’t become a threat.

Perricone's Do’s and Don’ts for a healthy skin

Shaping up through the proper diet goes along with having a smoother and healthier looking skin. The right combination of healthy foods and dieting can bring out a better-looking you. Living with the wrong diet will only leave your body weaker and your skin looking old and tired.

Perricone, a specialist on eating for a better skin, says that eating right helps improve how one looks. It basically means that the type of food that you eat can help define your physical appearance. Perricone was responsible for the “anti-inflammation diet,” which, when observed by his patients, resulted in a younger look and significant reduction of acne and eczema problems.

Perricone’s “wrinkle-free diet” contains a lot of do’s and don’ts. The first crucial element in his diet regimen is Protein. Protein helps a lot in repairing the cells and in fighting aging. Some of the most popular in the list of protein foods are fish, chicken without the skin, turkey breast, and egg whites.

The next important element is that fat should not be avoided, well, not totally. The reason for this is that fat is anti-inflammatory and it contains antioxidants that help maintain a youthful looking skin. Just as most fish contain proteins, salmon, tuna, and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids that lower bad cholesterol and are, consequently, good for the skin.

Perricone’s list of Don’ts includes lessening the intake of carbohydrates and sugar that may cause inflammation. As these foods cause chemical changes in the body, they likewise cause collagen to diminish, which is not very good for the skin.

Lastly, Perricone suggests a regular intake of water because it not only helps cleanse the body; it also causes the cells to work better. Eating right is an important key to a successful skin care regimen. Having a well-maintained body also leads to a better and healthier looking skin with fewer wrinkles.

Know Your Skin Type

Vanity is a natural human characteristic. It is innate in all of us. And although most people do not regard their skin as an organ, our skin is in fact the largest vital organ in our body. Skin that is clogged and unhealthy is not just a beauty problem. It can become a hindrance to your sense of vitality and wellness. Proper care of your skin is important not only to your personal sense of beauty but also to proper elimination, more graceful aging and overall health.

There are five major types of skin. Understanding your skin type is the best approach to your personal skin care.

  • Normal skin—is the type of skin that we’d all love to have. This is the “healthy” type of skin. This type is the not too oily, not too dry type, characterized by few blemishes, generally firm and smooth with small pores. When you pull the skin away from the bony structure, it springs back to normal position. Lines and wrinkles are appropriate for age.
  • Dry Skin—due to environmental exposure to harsh elements and very often lack of water skin may flake off and feel tight in your face. It may lack natural oils, may look rather flaky with small pores, blemishes and blackheads. Without adequate moisture, dry skin can easily become chapped. As dry skin ages, it’s more likely than other types to become wrinkly.
  • Oily Skin—skin may look oily and coarse, may have recurring blackheads, acne and large pores. The texture of skin is thick; the touch is often sticky. This type is usually youthful- looking due to the presence of oil on the skin. Often, individuals with oily skin have a tendency to develop acne in their teen and middle years, and overgrown oil glands, or sebaceous hyperplasia, in the middle and late years.
  • Combination Skin—varies according to your skin type. This is the Jekyll and Hyde type of skin, often with split personality. This type may be characterized as oily on the T-zone (the area that stretches from the forehead down to the nose and chin), and dry to normal on the cheeks and around the eye area.
  • Sensitive Skin—people with sensitive skin are the most prone to allergies, rash, sting, and burns. This type of skin gets irritated easily and can go very red and blotchy. This type will have a lot more trouble to environmental factors and tends to be very sensitive to cosmetics.

Know your skin and take care of it. It is your glory to being healthy and beautiful.

Indoor Tanning

The social desirability of the tan is a modern phenomenon. The concept of having a tan without going outdoors became more and more appealing. People enjoy having a tan for innumerable reasons. Aside from cosmetic reasons of just having a good tan, people actually enjoy the therapeutic effects of tanning.

It was actually the Europeans who started tanning indoors with sunlamps. The practice of harnessing ultraviolet light as a therapeutic exercise spread in Europe, particularly in sun-deprived countries, in the 1970s. This was long before the first indoor tanning facility was established in the United Sates in the late 1970s.

Since then, the professional indoor tanning industry in the US has grown substantially in the past 30 years. According to industry estimates, it has grown into a $5 billion industry with 28 million Americans tanning indoors annually at about 25,000 tanning salons around the country.

The most popular device used in tanning salons is a clamshell-like tanning bed. The customer lies down on a Plexiglas surface as lights from above and below reach the body. However, indoor tanning units are alleged to have safety risks. While this is so, people - young women in particular - still patronize tanning salons. The development of photo aging and skin cancer will take years to become apparent in these young tanners, while the perceived social value of a tan is immediately apparent.

Tanning occurs when the skin produces additional pigment (coloring) to protect itself against ultraviolet rays. Overexposure to these rays can cause eye injury; premature wrinkling of the skin, light induced skin rashes, and can increase the chances of developing skin cancer. Even the indoor tanning industry admits ultraviolet radiation can cause skin cancer provided that it produces an actual burn.

However, industry spokespeople point out that the pattern of sun exposure that causes skin cancer, in particular melanoma and basal cell carcinoma, is not consistent with indoor tanning practices. For a given amount of UV light, the industry argues there is a difference between receiving the energy in many small doses that lead to a tan versus a few big doses that produce a burn.

So protect yourself from the possible risks of skin cancer.

Take note of the following precautions:

  • Limit your exposure to avoid sunburn. Always ask for information and further assistance concerning exposure limits for your age and skin type.
  • Use goggles to protect your eyes. Make sure the goggles fit snugly and check if the salon sterilizes the goggles to prevent the spread of eye infections.

Consider your medical history. Avoid tanning devices when you are undergoing treatment for lupus or diabetes. You might also want to inform the salon if you are taking antihistamines, tranquilizers or birth control pills.

How to Properly Wash Your Face

Face washing is often the core of beautiful face. Before you apply all those cosmetics or medications for your acne, experts always tell you to wash your face.

Cleaning is essential in maintaining beautiful and healthy skin. And since we always want to put our “best face forward,” here are several tips that we compiled on how to properly wash your face.

  1. Remove every trace of make-up/cosmetic on your face. Use cotton ball and moisturizing cream to avoid damaging your skin.
  2. Use lukewarm water. Avoid using too hot and too cold water that can dry out your skin. This will also open the pores for deeper cleansing.
  3. Avoid strong or harsh soaps/ cleansers. Strong soaps can dry your skin and strip off natural lipids. Choose soap that are mild if you prefer soap, or you can always choose cleansers that are soap- free, non- comedogenic, and mild like Cetaphil, Burt Bee’s or Neutrogena.
  4. Massage face by gently rotating upwards your middle ring and pinky fingers. Remember that hard rubbing will actually do more harm than good.
  5. Rinse face well to remove all residue of soap or cleanser. Residues left behind can actually clog your pores. Facial cleansers can leave an invisible residue behind which can clog your pores. Rinse three times, then rinse again.
  6. Pat dry with soft, non- abrasive towel. Never ever rub your face.
  7. Use an alcohol- free toner on your face. It should make your face feel smooth and refreshed. Astringents and toners with glycolic or alpha hydroxy acids work the best for toning the face. These acids actually can reduce the pore size, and help avoid ingrown hairs. They are aggressive and have quick results. Remember to look for a product that is not photosensitive (sensitive to light).
  8. Finish off with moisturizer to replenish the natural oils that has been lost. Moisturizing is a necessity. Again, the product with the least amount of chemical additives is the best. Always use a light moisturizer on your face after cleansing. For an intensive moisture treatment use pure vitamin E, or aloe vera oil. It is available in liquid form, or just break open a capsule and apply the oil directly to the skin.

Those are eight simple steps that would help you keep your face clean and beautiful. Start today for a more refreshed and beautiful you.

How to cleanse your skin

Did you know that the skin is the largest organ in your body? Covering you from head to toe, the skin is one of the crucial parts of your body’s defense system. Remember that clean and healthy skin means a healthy body and a happier you.

The skin is on duty protecting you 24 hours per day and keeping infections out. It is the first line of defense against attacks on your health. This is why it is so important to take care of your skin and make sure you are helping it do its job. By keeping your skin clean and healthy today you also prevent problems such as wrinkles or skin cancer tomorrow. Don’t slack just because some things are still to come.

Hygiene goes beyond the simple task of making sure you don’t smell bad when you go out in the street. Proper hygiene means keeping clean the largest organ in your body and also the most exposed to the hazards of this world. Here’s a list featuring simple tips for your daily hygiene:

  • Start simple. Who said you need expensive products to take care of your skin? Gentle cleansers or soaps are usually enough for the daily cleansing of your skin.
  • Start early. People tend to think that skin hygiene can be postponed indefinitely. This is not the case if you want to have healthy skin in your old age. Start protecting your skin today so it can stay healthy and fresh as the years go by.
  • Use mild soap. Stay away from harsh cleansers that are made of strong chemicals. These can dissolve your skin’s natural proteins and oils, thus doing more harm than good. Cleansing products should be as chemical-free as possible. Do not use deodorant soaps on your face! They are made of strong chemicals and also leave a detergent film behind. This protective layer will actually irritate your skin and clog your pores.
  • Use lukewarm water. The water used on your face should always be lukewarm. If you make it too hot, you will dehydrate your skin, making it more prone to damage. You may also scald or even burn your skin. If it’s too cold, the water will dry your skin.
  • Be gentle. Some people think they ought to scrub their skin raw, but this is one of the things to avoid. You should instead be careful not to damage or tear your skin. Exfoliation is good because it will help remove dead skin cells, but be careful and so you will not hurt yourself.
  • Toning is ok. Toning helps keep the skin clear and firm, which is good. The best tones around are those containing alpha hydroxy acids and glycolic. Avoid those made with alcohol and those that are marked photosensitive.
  • Moisturize your skin. Moisturizers work by preventing the loss of water. They either draw moisture to the outer layer of the skin, or coat the skin's surface with a film of substance, thus sealing moisture into the skin. The best substances for an intensive moisture treatment are pure vitamin E, or Aloe Vera oil. The oil is available in liquid form. You can also break open a capsule and apply the oil directly to the skin. This is a great treatment for the sensitive skin under your eyes. This part of your face is one of the first to succumb to show signs of aging because it secretes none of the oils that keep skin supple and firm.

Take good care of your skin. Nobody else will do that for you.

How the skin works

Can you imagine how we would look if we do not have skin covering us up? That may be too gross for our imagination.

  • The skin is the largest vital organ of the human body. It covers you up, keeps you warm and keeps you cool. It also decides what can be absorbed and what should be rejected.
  • Skin that is clogged and unhealthy is not just a beauty problem. It can become a hindrance to your sense of vitality and wellness. Proper care of your skin is important not only to your personal sense of beauty but also to proper elimination, more graceful aging and overall health.
  • It acts as a mechanical barrier to infections. It ultimately prevents microorganisms and other substances from entering the body.
  • Langerhans cells (a type of macrophage) are found within the dermis, they engulf invaders foreign to the body and debris.
  • Keratin layers in the epidermis together with sebum produced by sebaceous glands act as a waterproof barrier.
  • Melanocytes protect the body from ultraviolet light.
  • Finger and toenails protect the extremities of fingers and toes from damage. Fingertips are important for dexterity and the sense of touch; they have ridged areas to assist in picking things up.
  • Hair follicles offer some extra protection to certain parts of the body such as eyes and head.
  • It regulates body temperature. Considerable heat is lost through the skin. Even under extreme conditions of high temperature and exercise, our skin tends to make body temperature normal. The production (evaporation) of sweat in the skin cools us down when exposed to too much heat.
  • The core body temperature needs to be kept constant for normal physiological activity to take place (37° C). It needs to maintain a core temperature for homeostasis.
  • Skin excretes waste product and excess salt from the body. Sweat includes waste products in solution. Water is lost continuously through the skin as insensible sweating. More pronounced water loss through sweating occurs as part of temperature regulation.
  • Skin provides the sense of touch or sensation we need to know more about our outside environment through recognizing heat, cold, pain and other sensations. Nerve endings of the skin provide the body with a great deal of information about the outside environment.
  • Skin synthesizes the use of Vitamin D in the presence of sunlight and ultra violet radiation needed for the absorption of calcium and phosphate.

So take care of your skin. No other organ in our body would perform these functions for you.

Home and Over-the-Counter Acne Treatments

Acne is the most common skin disorder known today. In United States alone, nearly 60 million people are infected with acne, where 85 per cent of teenagers suffer from it.

Skin experts and practitioners recommend several natural acne treatments. Here are some that we have compiled just for you.

  • Wash your face twice a day (thrice at most) with gentle and unperfumed cleanser. Avoid using soaps as they contain harsh chemicals and ingredients that can damage your skin.
  • Avoid touching your face. Stop putting your hands by your face! I am often guilty of this resting my hand on the side of my head while reading. Also rubbing or bracing your chin is another common problem when thinking. Avoid rubbing, touching, or itching your skin with your hands. Your hands contain a lot of bacteria that can cause acne flare-ups. It is probably one of the most difficult things to avoid since much of the hand to face contact throughout the day we are unconscious of. Make it a habit to avoid hand contact and be conscious of it during the day to avoid bacteria.
  • Avoid the temptation to pick, prick and squeeze your acne. This will send the infection deeper into the skin and can cause severe scarring.
  • For mild to moderate acne, you can use over- the- counter topical ointments, solutions, lotions or gels that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or azelaic acid as an alternative to benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is best at killing P. acnes and may reduce oil production. Resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur help break down blackheads and whiteheads. Salicylic acid also helps cut down the shedding of cells lining the follicles of the oil glands.
  • Topical antibiotic solutions and lotions can also be applied.
  • Tea tree oil is a natural antibiotic and antibacterial agent and has a drying effect on the skin. It keeps the P. Acnes bacteria at bay along with decreasing facial oiliness, which makes this oil a worthwhile investment.
  • Sulfur helps to heal existing blemishes by unblocking pores.
  • Alpha or Beta Hydroxy Acids (AHA or BHA) works by keeping the skin exfoliated. Glycolic acid, the most well-known of the bunch is a useful adjuvant therapy for mild acne. Mandelic acid, a lesser known one, but one that combines the keratolytic properties of glycolic acid with natural antibacterial properties that help reduce the presence of P. acnes, may be considered a more effective alpha hydroxy acid in treating acne lesions. It is also much less irritating than glycolic acid, a factor that may be very important to those with sensitive skin who are unable to use other agents such as Retin-A, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, or salicylic acid. It is effective in treating mild cases of acne on its own, and can be used successfully with other therapies on moderate acne.

These treatments are usually effective for mild to moderate acne problems only. The effectiveness usually takes several weeks or approximately three to six months to be noticed. For more severe and serious acne conditions, do not hesitate to consult your dermatologist.

Getting Rid Of Dark Spots on Your Skin

People want smooth, clear and even complexion. Naturally, nobody wants their skin to be synonymous to a Dalmatian…unless they are trying to set a trend on that, to which I very much doubt if it would work.

The sad truth is, even with regular cleansing, some people still develop dark spots, also called hyper- pigmentation by dermatologists. It is characterized by pockets of discolored skin that remain even after pimples or skin bumps have disappeared. Hyper-pigmentation can be caused by many factors that can be external or internal. Among internal factors, we have certain illness such as Edison's disease and some hepatic problems. If someone is taking too much iron, for instance, it can cause darker areas on the skin. Hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause also have a role to play. The deficit of certain vitamins and minerals such as calcium and vitamins A, E and B also can cause hyper-pigmentation.

The common culprit is the increase in melanin that occurs after skin is inflamed or irritated, or too much exposure to the sun. People with darker skin tones such as South Asians and Latinos are more likely to face this kind of problem.

While persistent dark spots can be remedied at home, health experts advise people to FIRST check with a dermatologist to make sure that the spot is harmless and can be left alone in place. After that, there are simple ways to effectively eliminate dark spots in your skin. For some, simply applying creams and sun block might work. For others, they might require skin peelings. No matter what, it is best to consult with your dermatologists.

Here are simple tips on how to get rid of those persistent dark spots.

  1. Use sunscreen daily with SPF 15 or higher. It is always wise to block the sun that darkens our skin. This will also minimize our risk of acquiring skin cancers.
  2. Do not pick your pimples or zits since it will result to scarring.
  3. Pick up a product that contains mild hydroquinone since it is the main ingredient in most skin bleaches. If you cannot tolerate hydroquinone, try skin brighteners. Hydroquinone is usually used with glycolic acid and tretinoin.

Always remember that skin bleaching is not instant. It may take you three months to a year to fade the darkened skin depending on the type of your skin tone. Moreover, try not to abuse skin. If you have persistent skin problems like acne that leave scars, treat them immediately and stop the cycle.

Remember, prevention is always better than cure.

You dont have to suffer from acne any more

There is a way to a blemish-free skin

If you are between 16 and 20 years old, odds are you are having problems with the old enemy, acne, and that you are trying to find a solution to it. You’re far from being alone in this matter, as nearly 70% of all youths suffer from more or less severe forms of acne. And for many people, moving into the late 20s does not mean an end to acne, but the same old problem.

The most embarrassing, of course, is facial acne. Pimples on you back or chest can be hidden under clothing even in the summertime, but your face is always exposed. Every person you meet will look you in the face and even if no comment is made you know what they are all thinking, don’t you? Fact is, people tend to judge others from the clothes they wear, the state and color of their skin and other such superficial aspects. This is why you have to get rid of acne.

Causes of acne

Facial acne is easier to treat than body acne, but has a bigger chance of coming back in the form of flare-ups. Dust, air pollution, cosmetics and shaving are all factors that work in favor of acne by irritating your skin or clogging your pores. Moreover, dust and air pollution also bring the bacteria, which are responsible for pimples. Whenever a pores is clogged with sebum and dead skin cells, bacteria seize the chance and start multiplying in the sebaceous follicle. Before long, the follicle turns into a blackhead or a whitehead (in mild cases), or even into pustules or papules (in severe forms of acne).

While the market is practically awash with products promising to treat acne and teen magazines are drumming up for this or that trendy cure, we have conducted our own independent research into this issue. What we found is that most products are using either ineffective ingredients that do nothing for your skin beyond a short-lived improvement, or are made of strong chemicals. For instance, ProActive contains Benzoyl Peroxide, which is a strong substance known to cause rashes, skin irritation and crusting. Our advice is to stay away from such hazards to your health.

The best acne treatment on the market

However, we do recommend a skin cleansing system that held our interest through both its quality of ingredients and safety record, since no customers complained of side effects. The ClearPores System is composed of deep facial and body washes, a herbal supplement and protection creams for face and body. The washes are based on the effective SD Alcohol and Salicylic Acid solutions that open the pores and cleanse the skin of dirt and bacteria, while the herbal supplement helps the body fight bacteria from the inside.

Unlike other skin cleansing products, ClearPores does not leave your skin shining with excess sebum or dry and swollen. By opening the pores to remove dirt and by fighting bacteria at the roots, the system makes sure you’ll no longer have to suffer whiteheads and blackheads on your face. It also helps reduce inflammation and rebuild damaged skin cells in order to make your skin healthy and smooth. And if this was not enough, the product is backed by an amazing 6-month money back guarantee that makes usage virtually risk free for you. What more could one ask?

Why spend your time feeling bad about your face and body when you can put an end to this nuisance with the help of the 3-part ClearPores System? We recommend it to all those who are struggling to hide or fight acne. No more will you have to be afraid of meeting new people. No more will your skin stand between you and a good time. With ClearPores, you can turn the tide of this struggle and win!

Get Radiant Skin with a Healthy Diet

The skin is the body’s largest organ and it covers you from head to toe. Just like the other organs, your skin also needs proper care and nourishment to look and feel healthy and avoid premature aging. There are a lot of products in the market that all promise to make your skin softer, smoother and more radiant. These expensive products may come in various forms, such as lotions and creams, pills and tablets. People with skin problems usually spend a fortune just to buy these products, but they do not get their money's worth.

The cheapest and most effective way to have healthier skin is not through the products mentioned in the previous paragraph, but by changing your diet. Not all people know that the food you eat is reflected on your skin. If you eat fatty food, the tendency is that you will have oily and pimply skin. If you learn to eat nutritious food, your skin will have a glowing and radiant look.

When you want to prevent skin problems such as pimples, acne and white and dark spots you should change your eating lifestyle. A great skin can be achieved by eating food that is rich with antioxidants. Studies showed that antioxidants in food can slow down the aging process of people. It was also found out that these can fight heart diseases and slow down cell degeneration. These foods usually have low calories that can help maintain your slim but healthy figure. You can increase your antioxidant intake by eating at least 5 to 9 servings of fruits and leafy vegetables a day. Eating these nutritious foods is much better for the body rather than taking pills.

Water intake also plays a big part in your skin's health. Doctors recommend that you take at least 10 to 12 glasses of water a day. This is to avoid dehydration that will affect your cellular metabolism. Drinking enough water a day can make your skin clearer and healthier.

The substance that makes your hair grow strong and shine under the sun is the protein. Most people do not realize this, so they eat food that are lacking in the protein needed by the body. You must remember to increase your protein intake every day by choosing protein-rich food such as poultry, fish, chicken, and shellfish. As much as possible, lessen your red meat intake so you can avoid clogging your arteries with saturated fat.

Carbohydrates are food components that act as a source of energy. However, too much carbohydrate is not always beneficial to the body. When you eat too much food that is rich in carbohydrates, your pancreas has to increase its insulin production. This results in damaged cells and premature aging. Choose carbohydrates that have low glycaemic index to help the body absorb it.

You must also lessen you sugar intake by eating fruits instead of drinking fruit juices. This practice will prevent age spots and discoloration of the skin.

Fruits for Healthy Skin

Healthy and beautiful skin is essential part of our overall well being. However, since every product available in the market spells dollars and depleting financial resources, we compiled some effective natural aids for your skin that will not force you to shell out cash.

The beauty of this is that you can have your own beauty products from the stuff you can find in your kitchen, fridge and garden.

Some healthy fruits for your skin:

  • Apple apple juice makes an excellent remedy for fine wrinkles, cracked skin, itching and inflammation. Apples can be used as great conditioner and toner. They have been used for centuries for their skin-healing powers. Add a cup of apple juice to your bath to cleanse and soften your skin. The juice of apple can be used as breath freshener. Apple juice when applied to your hair scalp can prevent dandruff. Use as a final rinse after shampooing your hair.
  • Apricots fresh juice of apricots is good for sunburn, itching and eczema.
  • Avocado can be used as an effective facial mask.
  • Banana can be made into an effective and inexpensive facial mask.
  • Cucumber is good for treating skin eruptions and bulges and for whitening skin. It can also prevent pimples, wrinkles, blackheads and dryness of the face.
  • Guava boiled leaves can be used as natural antiseptic.
  • Lemons a classic home beauty ingredient, lemons are used to cleanse and freshen the skin and hair. Use lemon slices to soften rough skin spots such as elbows and heels. Lemon slices also help deodorize and mix a few teaspoons of lemon juice in your bath and you will feel fresh the whole day. Lemon juice can be added to your favorite cleanser or shampoo to refresh and tone your scalp. It also helps prevent dandruff.
  • Lime Juice is very important natural aid for beautiful skin. This treatment will help you to look young and beautiful. It will also help cure pimples. It is also known to help in controlling oily skin, improve a dull and greasy complexion, improve rough and dry skin, relieve tired eyes and remove freckles
  • Mango leaves can be boiled and be used as antiseptic.
  • Orange orange juice paste can be is an effective remedy for pimples and acne. It can also be used for scar and blemish removal.
  • Papaya orange and green papaya is used to remove whiteheads, boils and spots. It also contains the papain enzyme, which is effective in skin whitening.
  • Peach the skin of peach is said to be useful in improving complexion. It can also be made as anti-wrinkle cream.
  • Pineapple are good skin softeners which cleanse and rejuvenate dull and dry skin, especially for classic rough skin spots like knees, elbows, and heels.
  • Pomegranate paste of roasted and powdered pomegranate skin is good in treating boils, pimples, blackheads and whiteheads.
  • Strawberry can be used for conditioning and skin toning treatment. They are rich in salicylic acid an ingredient found in many commercial acne creams and thus are the best treatment for troubled or teenage skin.

Find the best acne solution here

Sick and tired of looking into the mirror and seeing the same ugly spots and blemishes? Annoyed that you can never go out and have a good time because people stare all the time? Then it sounds like high time you do something about it. From the myriad of chemical and herbal products available on the market, with more launched every year, we present you with the best anti-acne system ever. It’s not a single product designed to treat merely one aspect of acne that we’re talking about, but a powerful 3-part system that attacks both the causes and the effects of acne anywhere on your body.

Most products target only facial acne, and even that without much success. But we must ask the questions: is acne a problem only on the facial skin of our prospective customers? The obvious answer is “NO”. Acne can and does appear on the chest, back and upper arms, which means that products dealing only with facial acne are not enough. Not to mention that some of the products contain either ingredients that are perfectly useless for treating acne or ingredients that are downright harmful to users.

However, this is not the case with the 3-part ClearPores System. This one caught our eye with its backing by the studies of American doctors, European herbalists and independent review sites. Not to mention the flood of success stories and letters sent by satisfied customers. People who have been suffering from acne for years are now displaying perfect skin and enjoying living without troublesome red spots and blemishes.

What makes ClearPores such an extraordinary treatment for acne?

What makes ClearPores such an extraordinary treatment for acne? The key to understanding how ClearPores works is the fact that you’re not dealing with a single product, but with a system designed to take care of all the aspects that make acne such a problem. Basically, acne means that increased sebum production ends up clogging the pores on your skin, which allows bacteria to flourish inside the sebaceous follicle. That is why it is imperative to operate on several fronts at the same time in order to open the pores, cleanse the skin and destroy the bacteria.

Thus, the ClearPores System comes with deep facial and deep body washes designed to work from the outside by unclogging the pores and washing the dirt and bacteria from your skin. Next comes the inside attack as herbal pills help your body kill bacteria before they have a chance of turning a follicle into a pimple. And last, but not least, are the facial and body protection creams that keep your skin free from renewed acne attacks. This simple to use and extremely effective system combines the herbal power of Aloe Vera, Dandelion Root, Red Clover and Sarsaparilla Root with the SD Alcohol and Salicylic Acid solution in order to cleanse the skin and defeat bacteria.

High Effective and safe ingredients

These ingredients are perfectly safe and their effects on the human skin have been thoroughly tested by both ClearPores experts and independent researchers. However, be warned that not all products available on the market are made from the same safe ingredients. ProActiv is one of the best-known anti-acne products, but it contains Benzoyl Peroxide. This chemical ingredient is extremely strong and has many reported side effects, such as skin irritation, blistering, crusting and rashes. Another well-known product is Vilantae, which is sold as safe herbal pills. However, some customers complained of headaches, diarrhea and stomach problems. Prescription drugs are even worse than this, which is why they should never be taken without physician supervision. But why bother with strong chemicals or risk your health with hazardous products when ClearPores is a safe solution to your acne-related problems?

As a mark of the parent company’s trust in the success of this skin cleansing system, ClearPores offers the best money back guarantee in the industry. That’s right, you have six months at your disposal to claim a refund if you are not satisfied with the results of the ClearPores System. ClearPores is also offering free access to their skin care and beauty articles database and forum that will help you stay healthy and beautiful throughout your life. Why spend time and money with inferior products when the answer to your acne-related problems is at hand? We recommend ClearPores for everyone interested in getting rid of those ugly blemishes.

Fight Skin Problems with Sun Screens

When winter comes, it usually makes the most impact on your skin. The cold season makes your skin dry, brittle and flaky. Unlike the summer sun’s, the effects of winter are not as obvious because you are usually covered up with your winter clothes. Your dry and cracked skin becomes more of a problem when winter ends and you must once again don your regular clothes. Summer is usually the season in which you go out on the beach with your bikini or exercise outside with tank tops and shorts. However, wearing these summer clothes might become a problem if you do not have healthy skin.

Before summer comes, you can start rejuvenating your skin through constant exfoliation. This process involves removing the dead cells from your skin’s surface. It is a simple process, normally involving only a loofah or a piece of cloth rubbed against the skin. After this, you can apply lotions or moisturizers to avoid drying your skin.

There are many ways of taking care of your skin during the summertime, yet the most effective is using sun protection products to prevent sunburn. These products usually have different Sun Protection Factors or SPF, which refers to the amount of protection it offers against the sun. Choosing the right SPF all depends on whether you have a fair or dark skin. The fairer your skin is, the higher the SPF that you will need. It is safe for everyone to use a sunscreen, which has 15 and above SPF. This will ultimately help in preventing the harmful effects of bright sun’s rays, like skin cancer.

When you apply sunscreens, it is important that you use more than enough to shield your exposed skin. You must always remember treating skin cancer is more expensive than buying sunscreen products. For the sunscreen to work effectively, it is best to rub it on before going outside. The reason for this is that the protection works better after fifteen to twenty minutes has elapsed from the time of application. You must also remember to reapply it after every two hours. When you sweat or go for a swim, the sunscreen becomes less effective, so you must lather up your body again, including your scars after you wipe yourself. The regimen discussed above is an effective way to take care of your skin and keep it healthy.

Face Washing Donts

Here are several things that one should avoid when washing their faces. Remember that it is our aim to make your skin healthier and beautiful.

  1. Do not wash face too often. Washing your face doesn't mean you have to wash it every hour of the day... Experts recommend ONLY two or three times per day. Frequent washing may dry out your skin thus increasing your risk to irritations that may even cause acne. Moreover, if the skin is too dry, your glands will produce more oil to compensate for this loss. This means that the risk of getting too much sebum also increases.
  2. Do not use harsh soaps and cleansers. Never use bar soaps or bar cleansers. The ingredients that keep these soaps and cleansers in bar form can clog your pores and irritate your skin... plus, they can help foster breakouts. Harsh soap and cleansers can strip off the skin’s natural lipids thus irritate your skin. Choose cleansers that are mild and non-comedogenic, hypo-allergenic, and soap-free. There are several products like this in the market like Cetaphil, Burt Bee’s or Neutrogena. Dilute your cleanser with enough water when you wash... The less concentrated your cleanser, the gentler it will be.
  3. Do not use too much cleanser. Even if you are using mild cleansers, it is best to dilute it with water (a palmful will be sufficient). The less concentrated your cleanser, the gentler it will be for your face.
  4. Do not use cleansers containing alcohol. Alcohol will upset your face’s natural ph level, thus causing irritation. Using toners and astringents may feel wonderful... but over-using these will irritate your skin!
  5. Do not just use products. Instead, know your skin type. For dry skin, look for products with cocoa butter or glycerin. For oily skin, look for products with benzoyl peroxide, citric acid or salicylic acid. For sensitive skin, look for aloe vera, almond oil or chamomile.
  6. Do not under rinse. Residues left behind can actually clog your pores. Facial cleansers can leave an invisible residue behind which can clog your pores. Rinse three times, then rinse again!
  7. Do not exfoliate often. Removing dead skin cells can make your skin less dull but you should not overdo it or you will injure your skin. Too much scrubbing will make your skin dull and flaky. Avoid abrasive facial pads and grainy facial scrubs.

Remember, in everything that you do, simplicity and moderation is often that key. Do not abuse your skin. Go easy and gentle. And put your best face forward.

Even Your Skin Needs to Take Vitamins

Your body isn't the only thing that needs to be healthy; your skin has to be healthy, too. Some people may not be aware of this, but a lot of vitamins are essential and helpful in improving your skin's health.

Let us start by discussing the Vitamin A. You have probably heard discussions about how good this vitamin, more specifically beta-carotene, is for the eyes, but aside from this, it is also good for the skin. Vitamin A is important in repairing and protecting the skin tissues. A lack or even a small drop in the required amount of this vitamin will immediately be manifested by the body, especially by the skin itself. Flakiness and drying of the complexion is a good example the signs of vitamin A deficiency. To avoid these consequences, it is best to take foods that are filled with vitamin A, such as fruits and vegetables.

Aside from food supplements, the external application of Vitamin A is also a plus. These supplements can be taken in the form of lotions and creams, which help control the fast growth of acne, wrinkles and unwanted facial lines. Aside from these important benefits, Vitamin A also helps us avoid psoriasis, the symptoms of which include the swelling and scaling of the skin. Retin-A, which is a derivative of Vitamin A, is used in the formulation of retinols. Retinol is an over the counter drug that is used as a treatment for aging. Topical retinol with Vitamin C is also found to reverse skin changes, which are caused by photoaging and chronological aging.

The next vitamin on our list is Vitamin B for Vitamin B Complex. The most important "B" to remember in Vitamin B complex is Biotin. This nutrient is responsible for the formation of the nails, hair, and skin cells. Biotin is found in various types of food such as eggs, rice, oatmeal, and bananas. Even the human body creates its own biotin.

However, the fact that our body produces it doesn't mean that you should stop taking food and other supplements rich in Biotin and the entire vitamin B complex. A lack of this important nutrient may result in dermatitis or skin inflammation accompanied by itchiness and redness of the skin. Hair loss is also another symptom for vitamin B complex deficiency.

There are now available creams in the market which contain B vitamins. These creams help restore or bring radiance to the skin as it moisturizes skin cells and improve the entire body' s skin tone. Aside from biotin, Niacin is another B vitamin which helps bring back moisture to the skin in almost less than a week. They work by relieving dry and chaffed skin. It also serves as a skin lightener which can clear up blotchy skin.

Vitamins C and E are also good for the skin. Individually, vitamin C helps protect the skin from skin cancer normally caused by very long and frequent exposures to the sun. Vitamin E, on the other hand, is responsible for the reduction of wrinkles and photo damage. A 400 mg dose of natural Vitamin E every day would help prevent this damage and enhance the skin's texture. Together, these two vitamins work in reducing DNA damages in the skin cells. This fact made researchers come to the conclusion that antioxidants help defend the body's skin cells from further DNA damage. The vitamins C and E also lessen damages brought about by free radicals, which are detrimental byproducts of pollution, smoke, and exposure to too much sunlight. These free radicals gorge down elastin and collagen fibers that are important to the structure of the skin.

There are formulated lotions, which include a combination of vitamins C and E to help restore lost vitamins and to make your skin healthier looking. Good sources of vitamin C include broccoli, bell peppers, citrus fruits, cauliflower, and other green leafy vegetables. There are also a lot of vitamin C supplements available as over the counter drugs, of which it is enough to take a 500 to 1,000mg tablet a day. For Vitamin E, nuts, olives, asparagus, vegetable oils, and spinach are good sources. Unfortunately, you cannot make your vitamin E supply depend only on taking these foods. It can be supplemented by creams, lotions, and pills, of which the required amount is up to 400 units a day. An excessive intake of vitamin E may also be harmful.

Lastly, the skin also needs vitamin K. Vitamin K does not do much for the skin, but it has one major benefit. This benefit is manifested by the reduction of dark circles formed under the eyes and the appearance of bruises. It can also be combined with vitamin A to form a potent formula for lightening the circles under the eye.

Easy Home Remedies for Beautiful Skin

Tired and confused of all the cosmetic products in the market? Are you typically at loss on what to buy to have the best quality that would give your skin the care it deserves? Well, if you are constantly fooled by the hypes done by those big cosmetic companies who are spending billions of dollars each year to satisfy your quest, then you might consider computing the amount of money that you have spent. How much does each trip to the drugstore cost? How many bottles of products did you buy aimed to cleanse, tone, moisturize, and exfoliate your skin? Does your bureau resemble a hospital medicine cabinet? The truth is, maintaining a beautiful skin does not have to be this complicated. There are natural ways to have that beautiful skin you have always longed for at your refrigerator and kitchen. Moreover, they are not that expensive as those bottles of cosmetics that you are so fond of.

Easy Home Recipes for Beautiful Skin for Every Day of the Week

  1. You will need one egg, a heaping tablespoon of mayonnaise and a tablespoon of honey. Mix this together thoroughly with a fork and apply sparingly to the skin. Allow this to dry and then wipe off with a warm washcloth.
  2. You will need 1 tbsp. yeast, 1 tbsp. baking soda, 1 tbsp. water. Mix together ingredients and apply on face allowing it to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it with warm water.
  3. You will need 1 tbsp. of gram flour, 1/4 tsp. orange peel powder, 1 tbsp. beaten yogurt, 1 tsp. olive oil. Mix ingredients well and apply paste on your face and neck allowing it to dry. Rinse with warm water first then cold water.
  4. Slices of cucumbers applied to the eyes refresh and relieve puffiness and they are great cleansers when sliced and rubbed over your face. The same holds true for slices of fresh tomatoes.
  5. You will need one-fourth tsp. of limejuice stir to mix with one tsp. of milk and cucumber juice. Apply on the face and neck and wash off after 14 minutes. This cleanses and purifies pores of skin.
  6. Make a paste by mixing papaya, honey, milk and milk powder. Apply on the face and let sit for a few minutes then wash off.
  7. You will need 1/2 tsp of rose water mixed with 1 tsp of honey. Gently apply to the face. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes, then wash off with tepid water. Honey moisturizes and soothes dry skin, and is gentle enough for daily use.

Really, you do not need to blow your savings just to have a beautiful skin. Next time you long for a facial open your fridge and treat yourself to an inexpensive, all natural, at home salon. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Different Acne treatments

Acne is the most common skin disorder known today. In United States alone, nearly 60 million people are infected with acne, while 85 per cent of teenagers suffer from it.

Skin experts and practitioners recommend several natural acne treatments. Here are some that we have compiled just for you.

  • Wash your face twice a day (thrice at most) with gentle and unperfumed cleanser. Avoid using soaps as they contain harsh chemicals and ingredients that can damage your skin.
  • Avoid touching your face. Stop putting your hands by your face! I am often guilty of this resting my hand on the side of my head while reading. Also rubbing or bracing your chin is another common problem when thinking. Avoid rubbing, touching, or scratching your skin with your hands. Your hands contain a lot of bacteria that can cause acne flare-ups. It is probably one of the most difficult things to avoid since much of the hand to face contact throughout the day we are unconscious of. Make it a habit to avoid hand contact and be conscious of it during the day to avoid bacteria.
  • Avoid the temptation to pick, prick and squeeze your acne. This will send the infection deeper into the skin and can cause severe scarring.
  • For mild to moderate acne, you can use over-the-counter topical ointments, solutions, lotions or gels that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or azelaic acid as an alternative to benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is best at killing P. acnes and may reduce oil production. Resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur help break down blackheads and whiteheads. Salicylic acid also helps cut down the shedding of cells lining the follicles of the oil glands.
  • Topical antibiotic solutions and lotions can also be applied.
  • Tea tree oil is a natural antibiotic and antibacterial agent and has a drying effect on the skin. It keeps the P. Acnes bacteria at bay along with decreasing facial oiliness, which makes this oil a worthwhile investment.
  • Sulfur helps to heal existing blemishes by unblocking pores.
  • Alpha or Beta Hydroxy Acids (AHA or BHA) works by keeping the skin exfoliated. Glycolic acid, the most well known of the bunch is a useful adjuvant therapy for mild acne. Mandelic acid, a lesser known one, but one that combines the keratolytic properties of glycolic acid, with natural antibacterial properties that help reduce the presence of P. acnes, may be considered a more effective alpha hydroxy acid in treating acne lesions. It is also much less irritating than glycolic acid, a factor that may be very important to those with sensitive skin who are unable to use other agents such as Retin-A, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, or salicylic acid. It is effective in treating mild cases of acne on its own, and can be used successfully with other therapies on moderate acne.

These treatments are usually effective for mild to moderate acne problems only. The effectiveness usually takes several weeks or approximately three to six months to be noticed. For more severe and serious acne conditions, do not hesitate to consult your dermatologist.

Control Your Chest Acne

Acne was once known as the mark of adolescence. This image has slowly diminished with today’s rapidly changing lifestyle. Studies have shown that at present, approximately fifty-four percent of the female population in their adulthood are suffering from various forms of acne problems. These problems may include pimples, blackheads and epidermal cysts. As teens, people acquire acne because of some genetic factors that may have left them prone to this condition. However, in adulthood, acne may come not only from the genetic factor, but also from the hormonal changes, stressful lifestyle, urban pollution and various preparations and medications such as birth-control pills. Since hormonal changes, like that induced by menopause, are more drastic in women, they are also more prone to acne problems as compared to men. Only forty percent of adult men at present are suffering from these skin irritations.

Acne conditions in adulthood starts with the shedding of epidermal cells. The flakes shed by the epidermis then clog up the skin’s pores. Meanwhile, oil is produced by the oil glands in the skin, which should, ideally, be released through these pores. Since the pores are clogged, the oild builds up under the skin, creating a conducive environment for bacteria growth.

One form of acne problem common in women as well as men is the chest acne. People suffer from facial acne due to its increased exposure to pollution and other external acne-inducing factors. However, people’s bodies may also become prone to acne when the internal factors like hormonal change, genes, and medication are accompanied by perspiration trapped by synthetic clothing. The best way to avoid this condition is to wear breathable fabrics, like cotton, in order to induce evaporation of sweat. Another effective control measure against acne on the chest, neck and collar areas is the ClearPores body wash and lotion. When used once every morning and every night, the ClearPores body wash will prevent the breakout of body acne. It is best to make ClearPores a daily regimen with the wash accompanied by the ClearPores lotion, to be used twice every week and the ClearPores Pills to be ingested for internal control of blemishes.

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