Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Common causes of acne

I always asked myself, why, why do I have acne and other people not. But worldwide there about 60 million people who suffering like I did.

I did some research and talked to my doctor to find the most common causes of acne.

  • Hormones: The number one cause of acne is the production of sex hormones, known as androgen, that begins at puberty. This is why majority of acne sufferers are adolescents and teens. Hormones are responsible for then acne flare-ups during menstruation and pregnancy.
  • When the sebaceous gland is stimulated by androgens, it produces extra sebum. In its journey up the follicle toward the surface, the sebum mixes with common skin bacteria and dead skin cells that have been shed from the lining of the follicle. While this process is normal, the presence of extra sebum in the follicle increases the chances of clogging — and acne.
  • Stress: can also cause the production of hormones, such as cortisol, which can aggravate acne. Stress brings upon different hormone levels. With hormone changes the body prompts the skins oil glands to enlarge, secreting more oil. Which causes white heads, black heads and pimples.
  • Oily or heavy make up: Heavy make-up clogs the pores and oily make-ups add more oil, which only adds to the problem if oily skin already exists. Cosmetics, especially certain moisturizers, foundations and pomades contain lanolin, petrolatum, vegetable oils, butyl stearate, lauryl alcohol and oleic acid.
  • Certain medications and steroids: Vitamins are good for your body, But an excess of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can cause acne flare-ups. These vitamins are good for the skin, but avoid overuse.
  • Diets: For some people, a diet that is high in refined carbohydrates and sugars can actually aggravate their acne.
  • Over abrasive cleansing: Harsh exfoliators can damage skin and spread infections.
  • Picking and squeezing: This can actually send the infection deeper into the skin and can cause scarring.
  • Environmental irritants: such as high humidity and pollution. High humidity actually causes swelling of skin. Pollution is of course is a big cause for clogging your pores.
  • Genes: Family members who are also acne sufferers. Acne is inherited and severe cases known as cystic acne usually come from heredity.

Common Acne Myths

Try asking people advice regarding your acne and chances are, they would tell you that it is due to your poor hygiene, poor diet or that you are in love.

However, skin experts are actually dismissing those as nothing but myths. The best way to cope with your acne problem is to educate yourself and it is with this purpose that we decided to list here the common acne myths that people often encounter.

  1. Acne is not a caused by a poor hygiene. Many people believe that acne is caused by poor hygiene; therefore they tend to over-wash their skin. However, washing too frequently and too aggressively can strip the skin of its natural lipids, damaging the skin's natural barrier function. In response, the follicle will produce excess sebum and possibly additional breakouts. So unless you get yourself dirty on regular basis (like a mechanic, perhaps), do not over-wash your face.
  2. Acne is caused by certain foods. The common misconception is that eating junk food will lead to or worsen an acne condition. Scientific studies have shown that diet has little to no effect on acne. This varies depending on the person. While eating healthy and balanced diet is encouraged for our health, there is really no scientific evidence that connects certain foods to acne. If you are one of those who are affected by certain foods, it is always wise to avoid them.
  3. You can outgrow your acne. It is much more sensible to treat your acne immediately to avoid emotional stress and permanent scarring.
  4. Acne is just a little problem, no need to overreact. It is embarrassing to have acne, thus can affect our confidence and esteem. It may even affect our social relation and job performance.
  5. Acne is just a cosmetic disease. Heavy and oily make up may contribute to acne build up. However, cosmetics labeled non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic might actually contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid that may help to fight acne.
  6. Stress can cause acne. While over stress may actually produce hormones that can aggravate acne; normal, everyday stress does not really trigger acne.
  7. Getting a tan would clear up acne. While sun exposure may dry out existing acne, it will not prevent new ones from forming. It can also over dry the skin thus sebaceous glands will produce more oil that will ultimately worsen your condition. It will also increase your risk of skin cancer and wrinkles.

So there, the next time somebody tells you one of those things, gracefully correct them and share what you know. Remember, knowledge is power.

Basic Knowledge to Care for Your Skin

Your skin is one of the most essential body organs and it needs proper care and attention. It is also the body organ that becomes most affected by extreme sun rays.

The sun has ultraviolet rays that can cause various skin problems, such as skin cancer. However, this can be prevented by obtaining basic knowledge regarding proper care of your skin. The sun’s rays are fiercer from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., within which period, it is better if you stay inside your home or under a shade even if it is cloudy. You must remember that you are more likely to get sunburned near beaches.

The sun’s rays affect everybody; it does not matter if you are young or old. However, children are more at risk since they like playing outside when the sun’s rays are at its most intense. The most effective way to prevent sunburn is to dress your children with dark-colored clothes that cover as many parts of their bodies as possible. You must also apply sunscreen on their skins.

It is also a good option to buy your kids sun-protective swimwear. This swim wear covers as many exposed body parts as possible, shielding them from the sun. Cotton shirts for your children can also minimize sunburn. Dark-colored shirts offer more protection than white shirts. The reason for this is that the sun’s rays can go through those light colored shirts. Dying your children's clothes with SunDye is one way to prevent the sun’s rays from penetrating them.

A good defense against the harmful effects of the sun’s rays is the application of sunscreens that can be bought in most stores. When you apply sunscreens to kids or babies, make sure that it has no negative effects on their skins. It is also wise to apply it in small doses because babies’ skins are very sensitive. It is important to apply sunscreens on their whole body, including the feet.

Not many people know this, but the lips also get sunburned. To prevent this from happening, you can apply sun sticks or the ordinary lip balms with sun protection. For more information about these products, you must make it a point to always read the instructions. This practice will help you maximize the effects of your sunscreen products. When out for a swim or walk, always remember to reapply your sunscreen every two hours. Doctors often recommend a sunscreen product with an SPF of 30 and above.

When you are out and the sun is hot, it is important to always stay under a shade. When you are planning an outdoor trip, it is wise to always bring an umbrella, hat, tent, and other equipment that can keep the sun’s rays away from you. Of course, you should never forget to bring enough sunscreen products to last for your whole trip.

Clear Up Pimples

What causes acne?

Acne seems to be the bane of our existence for most of us. Nowadays acne is the most common medical condition affecting more than 60 million people in the US.

So what causes acne? We have gathered these most common sources of acne problems:


are the number one cause of acne. The production of sex hormones (androgens) beginning at puberty. This is why the majority of acne sufferers are teens. Hormones are also responsible for acne flare-ups during menstruation and pregnancy.

Extra sebum

when the sebaceous gland is stimulated by androgens. In its journey up the follicle toward the surface, the sebum mixes with common skin bacteria and dead skin cells that have been shed from the lining of the follicle. While this process is normal, the presence of extra sebum in the follicle increases the chances of clogging — and acne.


also causes the production of hormones aggravating acne. Stress brings upon different hormone levels. With hormone changes the body prompts the skin's oil glands to enlarge, secreting more oil which causes white heads, black heads, and pimples.

Heavy or oily makeup

clogs the pores and only adds to the problem if your skin is already oily. Cosmetics, especially certain moisturizers, foundations and pomades contain lanolin, petrolatum, vegetable oils, butyl stearate, lauryl alcohol and oleic acid.

Certain medications and steroids

Vitamins are good for your body, But an excess of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can cause acne flare-ups. These vitamins are normally good for your skin, but avoid overuse.


that is high in refined carbohydrates and sugars can actually aggravate acne for some people.

Squeezing and picking

actually send the infection deeper into the skin and can cause scarring.

The 3 Evils When Popping Pimples And How To Solve Them!

We all get the craving...

When you see a unsightely pimple on your face, you most probably get a urge to pick at it. As you know, once you start picking at your pimples...the pimple starts to swell. Why is this?

Well, in lamens terms it's because you are irritating your skin and it then fills up with blood to sooth it. This is what causes the swelling.

There are 3 things you should NEVER do when trying to pop your pimples.

1. Never pop a pimple which hasn't surfaced yet!

It must be very irritating and embarrasing to walk around with a big dot on your face, but's temporary. If you are going to try to pop a pimple while it hasn't completely surfaced yet, you are going to get a scar and those scars are very difficult to get rid off.

Solution - The normal thing to do is wait until it has completely surfaced and then pop it. Most of you don't like at least try to dry out the pimple by mixing warm water and salt and applying the mixture to your pimple and let it sit for a while. Make sure you add alot of salt. You should also add benzoyl peroxide after washing off the salt water.

2. Never pop a pimple with your fingers!

Ever heard of bacteria? It's the little critters that will cause a infection where the pimple is and then cause the pimple to swole even bigger. Even if you have washed your hands, it still might not help since 50% of the backteria on your fingers are located beneath your nails.

Solution - always use anti bacterial face pads or ear buds to pop your pimple. Never touch it with your fingers when popping! After popping...wipe off any liqued or blood with a tissue. Then apply some antiseptic.

3. Avoiding popping or squeezing your pimples at all cost!

Pimples might appear awful, but for God's sake...scars on your face is permanent. A pimple can and should only be picked if the white of the pimple is at the very top of the head. Even if a little white does NOT mean you should pop it. You will know when it's right. The pimple should pop with very little ease and you shouldn't feel any pain.

Remember to keep your hands sterile through the day. You might just touch your pimples during the day and infect them more. Keeping your hands sterile will keep bacteria away from your skin as much as possible.

Acne Treatment

Acne treatment has many varieties, all of which are outlined in this website. Acne is a broad term which includes blemishes, blackheads, and whiteheads. See acne information for more. Acne can strike at any age. Effective acne treatments are sometimes difficult to find, and understanding acne and prevention can be frustrating. Below are some acne treatment tips that have worked for many. Understanding acne treatment is a very important step to take before undergoing the treatment itself.

Although acne isn't life threatening it can be uncomfortable and hard on your ego. There has always been a debate about the actual cause of acne. The actual cause isn't as important as finding a cure. There's acne treatment for teenagers that has been specifically configured for the teenage age group. Adult acne is also common and adults can experience acne problems well into their 40's.

So is there a cure for acne? Well yes and no. There are many products available and for some they are a cure, for others they do not help. A cure is only a cure when you find a product that works for you.

Most acne treatments will take time to work. It usually takes around 8 weeks before you see any significant improvement so you are going to have to be patient. Once your acne's cleared up it's important to continue with the treatment that's working so it does not return.

If you have serious acne it is best to consult a dermatologist. However in milder cases you will often be able to get it under control by yourself just by preservering. Try these acne treatment tips to conquer your acne.

Acne control through exercise

Regular exercise helps keep your whole body in shape. It builds your immune system and helps eliminate toxins from the body. It's a great start to fighting acne.

Diet can act as acne medicine

You need to eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables each day. Fresh fruit and vegetables are full of nutrients that your body needs. They boost the immune system and are good antioxidants. They can work towards helping you get rid of the acne. Try to avoid refined sugars and fatty foods which have are not good for you or your skin. You also need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to flush your system of toxins.

Cosmetics can help acne treatment

Choose cosmetics that are water based and hypo-allergenic. Avoid oil free products, coal tar derivatives, and heavy creams. Make sure you wash your skin thoroughly every night to remove makeup residue.

Hormones and acne

Hormones can play a role in acne flare ups and they can be used to reduce outbreaks. Your doctor may decide to use HRT to eliminate or reduce your acne outbreaks.

Clean skin for acne treatment

You need to avoid harsh scrubbing of your face but you also need to thoroughly clean your skin nightly. Use a mild cleaning regime every night. Once or twice a week you should also use an exfoliator to gently remove damaged skin and unplug pores.

Shaving and acne

Is actually a great exfoliating treatment the removes dead skin. However you should never shave an area that is infected or inflamed. Always use a shaving cream if your skin is sensitive.

Stress and acne control

Can be a contributing factor to acne so try to relax and unwind. Emotions trigger chemical reactions in the body which can cause an outbreak.

The Best Acne Vitamin

It is easy enough to rush out and buy an acne treatment from the pharmacy, but you should look into some alternatives.

Taking certain vitamins or following a certain diet can be a good way to treat acne and keep it at bay. Also, this can be used whilst taking medication for acne whether moderate or severe.

So what is a good acne vitamin? Studies have shown that vitamin A is one of the best acne vitamins as it can be effective in many ways.

Vitamin A is an acne vitamin that is fat soluble. What this means is that the body will break it down better because of the natural body fat. Improvements in night vision and hormone production are other main effects of this acne vitamin. It will also help to control the digestive, respiratory function and urinary tracts. The quality of the teeth, skin and bones are also boosted by vitamin A. Not having any or little vitamin A can cause a weak immune system.

Since this vitamin can also cure sever forms of acne, vitamin A is looked on as a very good acne vitamin. To be effective, a dosage is needed in the region of 300,000 to 500,000 IU every day. You must be aware that this is a very high dosage and that is why this level is for severe acne sufferers and monitored by a medical professional such as your doctor or GP.

You must also be aware that taking high levels of this acne vitamin over a long period of time can be harmful. This is due to the fact any excess is not eliminated from the body. When too much is stored in the body for too long, it can be directly linked to liver damage and nerve damage.

Tests have been carried out to find a safer way of using this vitamin in treating acne. It has been discovered that severs acne can be treated safely by taking 300,000 IU of vitamin every day for 14 days and then reduce the daily dosage by two thirds to 100,000 IU for two months.

Two side effects that may occur on a high dose are nausea and headaches. If these side effects emerge, then it is recommended to cease using this acne vitamin. And as another tip, do not take the daily dosage all in on go. It is better to spread the amount of the dosage into smaller dosages to take throughout the day with meals.

What Acne Treatment Leaves You Free of Blemishes in 3 Days?

Are you aware of the best acne treatment on the market? For those who battle acne on a daily basis, a satisfying acne treatment regimen needs to work on a permanent basis, as well as cost inexpensively. Well, I can tell you that I have located the best acne treatment that suits both conditions. First, I will start off by sharing the acne problems that I once suffered.

My face screamed for an effective acne treatment, as I was a victim of the embarrassing condition for many years. There was no end to the constant breakouts.

Over the years, I have spent nearly hundreds of dollars on over-the-counter acne treatment, medications, and plenty of skin doctors. No dermatologist was able to suggest an acne treatment that could get rid of my problem. My acne was so bad that I was suffering emotionally as a result. My self-esteem and dignity plummeted to its lowest and I also had additional health complications to worry about. I soon became consumed with the determination to find just the right acne treatment, as I was close to giving up all hope.

Then one night, I went on the Internet and started looking for additional acne treatment choices by surfing a variety of websites. I started to glance at a couple of testimonials in an attempt to figure out what was helping people cure their acne. An acne site caught my eye. Their claims were amazing, "…in 3 days, get rid of my acne," I'll believe it when I see it. Anyways, the details on the acne treatment site were calling my name. I think it was because the site wasn’t trying to sell me a product that would have been relying on more and more. The site was offering an acne treatment that was used once. All they offered was the truth. This site was of value to me, as I had been on every other link that lured me to purchase items that I already knew about, such as more typical acne treatment products and supplements that failed.

So, since I had tried every other claim regarding acne treatment, I had nothing to really lose with this site. I eventually bought the acne treatment book that immediately downloaded onto my laptop.

Holy moly! I was truly surprised with how easy and simple the explanation of the acne treatment techniques was and questioned if this would really work. Nevertheless, the acne treatment suggestions were impressive and I began to see results. Ever since, I haven't had the need to purchase any pricey applications, creams, or other cleansers. My skin looks normal and healthy – the way I always wanted my skin to appear.

These are the amazing techniques revealed and how you can end acne by stopping the source.

  • You will practically eliminate – if not entirely – stop your acne in its tracks in three days!
  • You can return to living life without stress or torture.
  • You can accomplish all that you desire, but never had the confidence to do so.
  • You will be able to live out all of your dreams without the fear that acne will ruin your moment.
  • You will feel better about yourself and appear healthier, as your confidence skyrockets.
  • You will spend more time with family and friends, as you proudly show off your unblemished skin.

I acquired the secrets of acne treatment by taking advantage of a special offer for a limited time. The best thing I learned about the ebook was that you could possess the material within a couple of minutes because it is an instant download.

After following this acne treatment product, my acne is no longer a problem. You too can end your battle with acne.

Acne Related Good and Bad Diets

One of the oldest popular believes about acne is its link with diet. The role of diet in acne was a proven fact in old ages. However with modern advancements in scientific researches the accountability of diet has become controversial. There are certain dermatologists how totally liberate diet from this blame while most believe that diet does have a role at least in acne flare ups, if not in formation of new lesions. There are two aspects of diet in this regard;

  • 1. Some bad foods that cause or exacerbate acne
  • 2. Some good foods that prevent or help to clear acne.

Acne Related Bad Foods:
As long as acne flare ups are concerned, the notorious of all foods are chocolates, soft drinks, potato chips, spicy foods, shell fish and so forth. As acne is predominantly a disease of teenagers, (although women in 20s or 30s may also be affected) the age when such foods are the favorites. While parents usually hate to see kids filling their stomachs with such junk foods mainly because these diets are glaringly deficient in several vital minerals and vitamins. Consequently it is the desire of parents for a dermatologist to declare such sugary and oily foods to be the main culprit. Beside junk foods there are some acne sufferers who found that spicy foods or beef are the ones that worsen their pimples. In contrast to above you may come across few researchers that claim milk to be the main cause in some people. Eggs are another infamous food for acne. Similarly there are many other believes regarding the link of food and acne. Above all there are different effects of same food on different people.

Quite opposite to the strong traditional belief that wrong diets cause or worsen acne, Scientists have not found any connection between specific foods and acne. The Journal of the American Medical Association recognized, "Diet plays no role in acne treatment in most patients…even large amounts of certain foods have not clinically exacerbated acne." There has been found no direct influence of food to the cause of acne. Still we will recommend unhealthy junk and spicy foods to be avoided at least during the course of treatment because they will drop off the intake of healthy foods that promote rapid healing.

Acne Related Good Foods:
Even though certain foods do not cause acne or aggravate existing acne lesions, a good healthy diet does have a role in clearing skin. A healthy food promotes an overall good health, and as skin is the reflection of one’s well being, a good health will reflect a fresh glowing complexion with clear skin. There are certain Vitamins and minerals that are very essential for a healthy skin. The most important of all are;

  • Vitamin A; major sources are liver, fish oil, carrots, apricot, parsley, spinach, tomatoes, milk, cheese and whole eggs.
  • Vitamin E; major sources are nuts like almonds and peanuts, whole grain, vegetable oils, avocado, green leafy vegetables especially kale.
  • Zinc; Major sources are Lean meat, skinless chicken, Shellfish, Nuts, Seeds, whole grain Cereals, Yogurt, skim milk, eggs, whole grains, mushroom.
  • Vitamin B and Chromium have also been found useful in clearing skin and getting a glowing complexion.

The important factor for getting a clear acne free face is to avoid bad foods as much as possible, to add good foods to your diet and drink plenty of water. Though the part of water for clearing acne was well known in the near past, yet new researches have made this controversial too. Still its role in maintaining body’s well being is incredible and as already mentioned a good health means good skin.

Acne No More Reviews?

Are you looking for an honest, unbiased review of the famous Acne no More Program? Well you are in luck because I happen to know the truth about this program and if it delivers what it claims.

My Honest Acne no More Review

Well first of all, I want you to know one thing about this program, this is definitely not a overnight acne solution, this program is based on 100% natural acne treatment information that focuses mainly in attacking the root cause of acne and not only the superficial symptoms as all other acne medications and over the counter products. That means you will definitely not find any recommendations for harsh prescription drugs and medications with atrocious side effects. If you are looking for that king of information then go to your doctor and keep on losing your money forever.

This program comes in a digital e-book format, so when you buy it, you can instantly download it and start reading it no matter what time is it.

When I first opened the book I was impressed by its size, this is definitely not a 30 pages do this then do that guide. You will get 223 pages of no fluff, solid content. I can easily call it the Acne Cure Bible.

Its author, Mike Walden, starts by explaining what acne really is and the root cause of it. You must clearly understand what actually causes acne or you will never believe enough the natural path for treating acne effectively.

As you read, you will easily notice that Mike really knows what he is talking about; it is obvious that he clearly knows the difference between acne causes and symptoms.

One section that really opened my eyes is where he explains the dangers and side effect of typical acne medications, in fact, if you are taking any prescribed acne medication right now, I highly recommend you to carefully read this part.

The next part is where he explains the holistic ways of curing your acne; he focuses in a 5 pillar formula, each step is very well explained and very easy to read and understand. This is the real meat of the book, the actual solution of the disease. I must warn you, the natural way for curing your acne is not easy; it takes effort and dedication from your part in order to achieve the long term benefits the program aims at.

In a nutshell, Acne no More covers many holistic topics such as internal body cleansing, appropriate diet, what foods to avoid and why, a natural hormonal balancing supplement that you should always take on a daily basis, and much more.

His diet recommendations are very specific and straightforward. He also gives a lot of emphasis to very specific supplements that can help you clean and maintain your inner body balance.

Who is Acne no More E-book for?

I sincerely believe this e-book is for everyone; even people without acne. This is a complete health program guaranteed to help you with any other health condition you might have. Obviously you must follow its instructions in order to see results. I guarantee that if you follow each recommendation Mike gives you in his program, you will obtain a clear skin in record time and be healthier as never before.

I must make it clear that this program is definitely not for the "pop a pill" type of person, it you are like this, then don't waste your time. Acne no More is for acne sufferers who are committed to do anything in order to finally have clear skin as fast as possible and permanently.

What Is Acne

Acne Facts

The main causes of acne are
1) Hormonal due to puberty and menstruation
2) Stress which increases your level of hormones.
3) Hyperactive sebaceous glands
4) Accumulation of dead skin
5) Scratching which can cause inflammation
6) Medication or food which contains halogens, lithium, barbiturates or androgens.
7) Anabolic steroids
8) Being exposed to high levels of chlorine (swimming baths)
9) It could also be hereditary

Acne is the most common disease of the skin. Over 11% of Americans age 25 - 44 have acne. Over 84% Americans age 13 - 25 will get acne sometime in their life.

If you ignore, acne it can become infected, and cause scars and pockmarks that become permanent blemishes on your face. If you do not wish this to happen to you, then read on and try and clear up your stubborn acne.

Acne is a disease known as seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis. It happens when the sebaceous follicle, beneath your skin, becomes contaminated with oily toxic substances, which carries dirt, dead skin excess sebum oil, acid waste, bacteria and toxic matter

Under normal circumstances the sebaceous glands release oil that comes through your pores onto the skins surface. This release keeps your skin moist and lubricated for protection from everyday life.

If the pores on your face are not clear or blocked, this produces toxic oil that can't come out onto your skin. This leads to a growth or pimple that begins to grow in size because more toxic oil attempts to get through to the surface of your skin.

If the pore walls burst out under the skin, white blood cells will go in and digest the collagen round the pores. Once this occurs, you will have scars on your face.

To stave off getting scars, you want to begin an acne-clearing program before you get acne or even as soon as you see acne coming so that your pimples and black heads do not get to the point where they get badly infected and erupt.

How To Cure Acne

Acne is a complex condition that involves a lot of parts of the body even though it shows up as eruptions on your face and elsewhere on your skin. It is a sign that you've got problems somewhere within your body. Acne may be caused by a toxic colon, poor digestion of food, weak liver and other conditions that make the blood hold too much toxicity.

To clear acne it is not always feasible to just act on one thing and expect acne to disappear. It may be possible to use a special cream and have your acne decrease or clear.

Acne might disappear by just doing one thing only, do not expect it too. A facial cream, diet, herbal treatment, and colon cleanse alone might not be capable of clearing acne. A combination might or might not work. A sensible diet with plenty of vitamin B will help and cut down on salt and dairy products.

Role of Aloe Vera in Acne Management

Role Of Aloe Vera In Healing Acne

Aloe Vera is one of the ancient plants used in Medicines all over the world. It is due to its healing properties that it is renowned as Wonder Plant in herbal medicines. There is a long list of Medical problems in which a persistent use of aloe Vera to partial or complete cure. Commonly it is used to relieve heartburn, arthritis, asthma, urinary tract infections, prostate problems and studies have shown that it has an effect on lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics. As far as skin is concerned aloe extracts had been used for the treatment of burns, wounds, eczema, psoriasis, allergic reactions, dry skin, and infective lesions for centuries but for thousands of years. Now it is known that Aloe Plant also promotes the healing process of active acne lesions. Another benefit of aloe is that it can prevent scaring, fade marks and help heal acne spots.

Nowadays many researches are going on about the medical properties of aloe plant almost in every field of Medicine. These have revealed the role of Aloe Vera in healing active acne lesions as well as acne scars. Now it is an established fact that aloe ingredients have;

  • A natural anti inflammatory effect which speeds up the healing process of acne.
  • Moisturizing properties thus hydrate the skin and prevent it from becoming dry and blistered.
  • A mild astringent effect that prevents excessive oil production.
  • Revitalizing effects on skin hence results in fresh and clear skin.
But one thing must be kept in mind that Aloe Plant is not the eventual treatment for acne but it has supportive role in the healing process.

How to Use Aloe Plant for Acne Aloe Plant can be utilized in multiple ways. It can be taken as raw plant, as a part of home remedies or in the form of ready to use products.

Orally as Raw Plant. For acne treatment, use approximately one teaspoonful of Aloe Vera lump daily. It is an easy plant to grow and requires little care, so it can be easily grown in kitchen garden or even in pots. If you are interested in giving your acne a trial of aloe Vera it is better to grow it at home. Alternatively, aloe juice or aloe drinks can be taken. Such drinks are easily available in the market or aloe extract may be obtained at home.

As a Part of Home Remedies; This is a well known acne home remedy to apply aloe lump topically over the affected area. Although there are hundreds of brands available in the market as Aloe gels, Aloe Creams or Aloe lotions, but you can not trust on their quality unless you read Aloe Vera at the top of ingredient list. Therefore using fresh and raw Aloe extract is advisable and recommended.

In Ready to Use Products; There is a diversity of aloe products available in the market. It is marketed as aloe gels, aloe creams, aloe lotions, aloe facial masks and aloe liquids. Beside this you can also found sun blocks and ex foliating cleansers claiming aloe plant extracts. There are thousands of companies in the market manufacturing aloe skin products. These are easily available over the counter and do not require any medical prescription However the misfortune is that there may be many companies that advertise aloe content but actually have little or none at all. How to select a product may be a bit difficult. For this you can experience a few and than stick on to the one that really works for your skin.

Is There an Anti-Acne Diet After All?

Previous generations were always told that eating certain foods, such as fried foods and chocolate would clog their pores and make their acne worse. Recently, doctors have been saying that diet doesn't affect acne; it's all hormones, bacteria, and genetics. However, an Australian study suggests that the previous advice about avoiding certain foods was sort of right, but now we know exactly what foods and why we should avoid them.

A research team, led by Associate Professor Neil Mann from RMIT University’s School of Applied Sciences, has discovered a solid link between acne and diet.

"We think we've come across a way to alter your diet in a very healthy way that will alleviate the symptoms of acne and at the same time will make you a lot healthier," Associate Professor Mann said.

The study recruited 50 boys and divided them into two groups. One group consumed a typical teen diet of sugary snacks and processed foods, while the other group followed a more natural diet higher in protein and with low-glycemic index foods such as whole grain bread, pasta, and legumes. The study showed impressive results in just 12 weeks.

"The acne of the boys on the higher protein-low GI diet improved dramatically, by more than 50 per cent, which is more than what you see with topical acne solutions," said Associate Professor Mann.

“A diet high in processed foods pushes glucose and insulin levels higher, exacerbating the problem, but low-GI foods do the opposite. The mechanism and the results are as clear as day."

The study seems pretty definitive, but exactly what is the glycemic index? The glycemic index (GI) is a ranking system for carbohydrates based on their effect on blood glucose levels. Carbohydrates that break down rapidly during digestion have the highest glycemic indices. Carbohydrates that break down slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream, have a low glycemic index.

Potatoes, rice, white bread, cakes, cookies, soft drinks, and sugary snacks are examples of high-GI foods that elevate blood glucose levels and insulin levels dramatically. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are examples of low-GI foods. When you hear people talking about bad carbs and good carbs, they're talking about high-GI and low-GI foods.

Before you throw up your hands at the changing scientific advice about acne treatment, remember that a low-GI diet is good for your general health, not just for acne treatment. A low-GI diet can help prevent or treat obesity and type 2 diabetes, both of which are widespread medical problems today. It's the diet that you should be following anyway. Improving your acne is just a bonus!

The Best Acne Scar Treatment

At Last!

There is a new cream, which is very effective for acne scars, burns, keloids and surgical scars.

Scar Repairex, is a revolutionary new formulation that has been clinically tested, licensed and produced in the EU, and contains some of the most effective ingredients for the reduction of scars.

This cream is,a silicone-based cream formulation with a combination of both powerful anti-oxidants,essential nutrients,vitamins and natural anti-inflammatory agents that are required for healthy skin renewal.

Scar Repairex is non-irritant, non-greasy and easily absorbed into the skin. This acts by forming a completely invisible film on the skin, which helps reduce the production of collagen; instead encouraging the growth of normal, healthy skin cells. This considerably improves the appearance of potentially embarrassing scars. The science behind a scar

As soon as the ‘dermis’ (deep skin layer) is damaged, for whatever reason(see below), the body immediately begins a reparative process.

- Numerous cells migrate to the damaged area
- Some of these cells, called macrophages remove dead cells and debris
- Other cells, called fibroblasts, produce a fibre called collagen
- The collagen ‘bridges the gaps’ over the damaged area to heal the dermis
- The initial wound is sealed
- Unfortunately, the fibroblasts continue to produce collagen even after the initial process in complete
- This over-production of collagen is what forms a SCAR.

The Scar repairing cream should ideally contain the following ingredients, for aiding scar tissue repair and reducing unsightly appearance.

These include:

Cyclopentasiloxane A transparent, non-greasy, non-irritant, liquid silicone that forms an effective “cross link”, which is easily absorbed into the skin

Dimethicone A silicone used as an emollient (skin softeners) that allows its application to feel smooth. In addition, this ingredient quickly evaporates, without leaving any greasy residue A combination of these two encourages growth factors that depress the collagen-producing fibroblasts, whilst providing optimum hydration for keratinocyte (healthy skin cell) growth

Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 stimulates the development of new collagen & elastin, leading to rapid healing

Palmitoyl Oligopeptide A tripeptide that stimulates the healthy growth of the cell matrix and connective tissue

These polypeptides are essential to stimulate the growth of elastin, which allows the growth of a normal flexible skin layer, after an injury.

Retinyl Palmitate (vitamin A) essential for normal growth of cells and healthy skin. Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E) promotes healthy skin

Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea Extract) stimulates important anti-oxidants and neutralises free radicals at cellular level.

Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate a stable Vitamin C, which is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps neutralise harmful free radicals in cells. It also aids rapid healing.

This powerful combination of anti-oxidants removes free-radicals, which are generated following any injury of the skin. These free radicals promote inflammation & stimulate fibroblasts, which then over produce collagen. This over-production of collagen is what causes the thickness of the scar. Lecithin important source of Choline, Inositol, & Linoleic acid, which are part of all cell walls, and play an important role in cell growth and function.

Persea Gratissima oil obtained from avocado pear, and consists principally of the glycerides of fatty acids (palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic & linolenic). It is rich in vitamins, A, B1, B2, D, E , Potassium & Lecithin. This oil is most easily absorbed into the skin, working on the tissues beneath the superficial layer.

These two ingredients contain all the necessary nutrients and vitamins required by healthy skin cells, called keratinocytes. These help encourage and promote the growth of normal skin. Rutin has powerful anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory properties that strengthen capillaries and aid healing.

Phaseolus Lunatus extract this protein factor has anti-inflammatory properties. These anti-inflammatory substances are important in reducing the swelling and redness that happens in wounds, therefore, discouraging the production of scar-forming collagen.

Allantoin is Keratolytic; has the effect of softening skin and is a rapid cell regenerator This substance has the effect of breaking the skin keratin protein, which would otherwise form a barrier to the deep penetration of the ingredients listed above.

Isopropyl Palmitate derived from palmitic acid in coconut oil, which is an excellent moisturiser that forms a thin film, and easily penetrates the skin.

This ester forms a thin layer over the skin in order to retain the moisture and promote the growth of the healthy keratinocytes, (normal skin cells) at the expense of collagen-making fibroblasts.

The Most Important Acne Cure Method - Simple But Effective Tip

There are so many tips and tricks for curing acne that finding one that really works is like playing the lottery! I can assure you that if you do what I suggest in this article you will see a DRAMATIC improvement in your acne.

I suffered from cystic acne for many years, well into adulthood, and it was a destructive factor in my life. I tried hundreds of different ways to cure my acne, and it wasn't until I stopped eating a certain type of food that my cystic acne calmed down and I started to see the real me again.

So what food MUST you avoid for clear skin today? Vegetable oil!

This oil is not fit for human consumption and results in such hormonal imbalance that it not only causes things like acne, but heart disease, obesity and a host of other conditions and diseases. Acne is a warning sign that you are eating too much vegetable oil.

So why does vegetable oil cause acne? Inflammation!

The hormonal inflammation caused by vegetable oil is a root cause of acne, and without getting into the biochemical details, you must avoid it.

Where vegetable oil is found...

Vegetable oil is found in modern diets in extremely large amounts, yet it is easy to avoid once you know where it is! Foods like chips (crisps), cookies (biscuits), cooking oils like sunflower oil and other junk passing itself off as food needs to be avoided if it contains vegetable oil.

You need to check what you eat to see if it contains vegetable oil, and avoid it in the future. Do this today and over the next few days you will see a marked improvement in your skin. The more you avoid vegetable oil the better your skin will look.

The Most Important Acne Cure Method - Simple But Effective Tip

Acne. Just the very word brings anger and frustration to those who suffer from it. Although acne can cause a variety of problems in one's life, severe acne can be profound and leave scarring that is difficult to treat. Acne scarring is most often caused by what is known as pustules that develop deep within the skin. These type of infections cause an abnormal amount of tissue damage. The type of scarring which can occur because of this damage varies greatly and usually results in four distinct kinds of scars.

Ice Pick Scars: Deep pitting scars which are not only the most classic type of acne scarring but also the most common type.

Box Car Scars: These are an angular type of scarring that most often occurs on the cheeks and temples. These can be shallow in depth or very deep and resembles chickenpox scars.

Hypertrophics Scars: These are thickened scars which are generally higher than the surrounding skin and are also called keloid scars.

Rolling Scars: Scars that may give the skin a wavy looking appearance.

There are also what is know as pigmentation scarring which occur as a result of nodular or cystic acne. These are not true scars as most of the time they do fade with time.

Before treating acne scars most physicians or dermatologist will first try and evaluate the severity of the scarring by means of a grading scale. There are 3 main types of grading scales used and all use a numerical scale from 0 - 10 or somewhere in between. 0 being the least severe and the higher number on the scale they are using as being the most severe. Once you have been properly evaluated and the scarring graded you can then begin to explore the options available to you for treatment.

Successful treatment of acne scarring can be rather complex and has been hampered over the decades due to limited research but new and exciting treatments are emerging. Most people do not experience the exact same type scarring. In fact, most are very different from each other so treatment must be designed on an individual basis. With that in mind lets explore the different type of treatments available and the costs associated with them.

1. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are generally recommended for those with mild scarring and appears to be very beneficial in up to 80% of those choosing this type of treatment. Chemical peeling can improve and smooth the facial skin by removing the outer damaged layers of skin. Generally phenol, tricholoracetic acid and alphahydroxy acid are used in varying strengths to accomplish the depth of peel desired. The benefit of chemical peels no only reduce the appearance of scarring but actually even control acne itself in certain cases. Make sure you consult carefully with your doctor prior to treatment. The cost of chemical peels can range up to $500 or more depending on how many treatments are required.

2.Laser Resurfacing

This type of treatment involves using lasers to remove the top layer of your skin which then permits new skin to grow and replace it. laser resurfacing in a relatively new procedure but results appear to dramatic. It too is used for mild or shallow scarring. There are two types of lasers which can be used. Pulsed carbon dioxide is the strongest type available. It is used mainly when the entire facial area is to be treated so that pigmentation throughout the face will remain consistent. Erbium laser, also known as Er:YAG is used more for minor and localized areas. Researchers are finding that by combining the two greater effects are produced and the recovery period appears to be shorter. The cost of this treatment can range up to $2500 and it too depends on the actual amount of treatments needed.

3. Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion also known as dermaplaning can be performed on small localized areas of skin or the entire face. It is also used for mild scarring and can be implemented along with other treatments such as chemical peeling. Dermabrasion involves the scrapping away of the outer layer of skin. Diamond burrs are most often used and you may liken this type of treatment to actually a sanding technique. An instrument called a dermatome is also used. A dermatome is like a razor which utilizes oscillating blades that effectively skim off the surface of the skin. This procedure can be used more than once. Results from this type of treatment can also be dramatic. Please not that it will take some time for the full effects to be realized but most report the treatment to be very effective. The costs range around $750 to $1500 per treatment.

4. Punch Techniques

As the name implies this treatment involves the actual punching out and replacing of the scar tissue itself. This type of procedure in most effective with ice pick type of scarring. The punch is most usually replaced with a skin graft. There is also punch excision which is actually removing the scar tissue and then closing the incision and allowing the area to heal. Your physician may consider combining this procedure with other treatments such as laser, chemical peel or dermabrasion to enhance the results. Cost are based on actual punches which can be as high as $75 each.

5. Augmentation

This type procedure involves injecting collagen or fat under the scar itself thereby causing it to rise to the surface. This is effective for deeper scars. This is a very promising procedure and research is continuing to determine the best type of material to use. The results seem to be temporary at this time especially with collagen. More permanent solutions appear to be on the horizon. Pricing is in the $200 to $750 range and is based on cubic centimeters treated.

Acne can be difficult but as you can see it is not impossible. Please be aware that all these procedure should be done by a qualified physician. With persistence and determination you too can have the healthy, beautiful skin you desire. Technology in this area seems to be doubling every 2 years or so. If you suffer from acne do not give up hope. With better research and procedures you can expect better results and lower costs.

Acne Natural Remedy – The Effective And Easy Way

The causes of acne may include hormonal changes in the subject, which is why acne often appears on the faces of young people going through puberty. Additionally, there may be many other causes, or to use the proper term, “triggers” for an outbreak of acne. The people who get acne aren’t limited to youngsters, although they most often suffer outbreaks. Menopause seems to trigger acne in some people; even infants have been known to suffer from acne outbreaks.

There are many treatments for acne, but it seems that each treatment works only for some people who suffer from acne. The care of acne is also the preventative care of acne prone skin and that consists of:

  • Wash your face (and other acne prone areas) thoroughly with a gentle non-oily soap morning and night. You may wash after exercise, or other times that you sweat, or get your face dirty.
  • Don’t wash too often.
  • Use water based cosmetics or “acne-safe” cosmetics.
  • Make sure that you remove all makeup before going to bed.
  • Don’t rub, pick or poke at your pustules.
  • Do not squeeze your acne pustules. Squeezing the zits, blackheads, and/or whiteheads will very often lead to infection and the material coming out of the affected pore is likely to cause other pustules on your face where it comes in contact with [clear] skin.
In addition to the above, you might notice that your acne is triggered by specific foods. Generally, the foods that trigger acne outbreaks are greasy or oily foods. if you notice dietary triggers, you would be advised to avoid those foods that trigger acne.

Stress is also sometimes listed as a trigger for acne. It is quite difficult to avoid stress in today’s society, but you might want to learn how to relieve stress not only to help with your acne but also to help with your life in general.

The problem with “natural” cures or treatments for anything is that today everything is labeled as “Natural” or as “contains no chemicals,” or even “organic.” All of these labels are at best misleading. As an example, I will cite one of the most accepted components in acne lotions or washes, and that is salicylate. Salicylate is, like aspirin, (acetyl salicylic acid) a naturally derived medicine. It is organic, as it is derived from willow bark. The other label is so stupid that it doesn’t deserve to be called anything but a lie. All physical materials contain chemicals. Water is made of chemicals; as a matter of fact it is made of hydrogen and oxygen.

Despite all the caveats in the above paragraph, there are several, or maybe even many botanical extracts that are currently being offered on the internet or in pharmacies, or health food stores which may be effective in the treatment of acne. Because there are so many and because they may or may not work for your acne, I will resist the temptation to suggest that you try any of them.

There are also medical appliances that are being sold to treat the individual pustules of an acne outbreak. Most of these are for sale at prices above one hundred dollars and their advertising doesn’t disclose how, exactly, they treat acne. Caveat emptor!

Clearing Out Acne With The Best Treatment

Embarrassed and bothered no end by acne? That's unfortunate! But you're certainly not alone with this predicament. It is estimated that about eighty percent of teenagers suffer from the unsightly presence of acne, even if these are mere pimples. And of those who have acne, about twenty percent is afflicted with the more harsh forms which leave an even more embarrassing trace we know as scar.

Acne is an inflammatory disease. Its ugliness is difficult to conceal as it usually affects the skin of the face, neck, and shoulders. Often it becomes manifest during a person's early teen years and persists into his or her twenties. In a show of surrender, some people with acne accept their suffering as being a natural consequence of getting out of the childhood years. Still, it is important that people understand what really causes acne.

During the transition period from childhood to adolescence, sex hormones are produced by the glands. As these hormones circulate through the body tissues, they arouse the oil glands to greater activity. (These oil glands - scientifically termed sebaceous glands - are associated with the hair vesicles of the skin.) And as the cells within these oil glands increase in number at such a rapid pace, they cause the glands' outlets to be obstructed. The glands proceed with their activity though their secretion can't reach the external layer of the skin anymore. As this happens, white specks (which we call "whiteheads") are produced by the bulging of the tiny glands which stretch the surrounding tissues. The deeply-entrenched secretion then goes through a process of chemical change, making it appear black (what we know as "blackhead"). Stretching some more, the sebaceous glands and the hair vesicles break, causing inflammation on the affected area. Small solid, conical elevations (papules) develop next, followed by pustules (more commonly known as pimples). Under a more harsh condition, microorganisms penetrate the skin as the delicate tissues are shattered, resulting to infections.

Promoting one's overall health so as to be more resistant to all sorts of disorder is a necessary primary step in treating acne. A treatment program usually involves the following series of actions: Cleansing the affected parts, at least twice a day, with warm water and non-medicated soap; refraining from using cosmetics for the entire treatment period; getting sufficient rest (this is when an eight-hour-a-night sleep is very important); having a well-balanced diet; and avoiding the use of drugs or medications that are not prescribed by a physician.

What's more important for people to know is that there is a scientifically-proven natural way that can cure acne permanently - something that acne sufferers are certainly looking for.

Do Sugary Foods Cause Acne?

Do sugary foods cause acne or it just a silly myth with no basis in fact? According to most medical research that has been carried out, acne is not caused by the intake of sugary foods. However, most anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise and today I am here to back up that anecdotal evidence. By the end of this article you'll realize just why sugary foods cause acne and how to change your diet to help clear your skin up.

Heres the main reason why sugary foods cause acne; every time you eat something that has a high concentration of starch or sugar your body develops a high blood sugar level (BSL for short) When your BSL gets too high your brain senses that something is wrong and a message is sent to the pancreas to produce insulin which then acts to lower your BSL. However, because insulin is a hormone, having it in high concentration causes your body's natural hormone balance to be ruined. This leads to other hormones being produced to counter this effect and as some of you may already now, high levels of hormone activity lead to acne.

So now that you know the science behind why sugary foods cause acne, its time to see what you can do to stop it. Firstly, remove all soft drinks, candies/lollies and other sugar laden foods from your diet. Even taking just this simple step will have a massive impact on your skin and will also be good for your body in other ways too! Next, swap potato in your diet for sweet potato where possible. Although it may sound stupid, sweet potato releases sugar over a slower period meaning you do not get such a massive spike of sugar and hormones. Another big step to take is to change white bread for wholemeal bread, preferably with plenty of grains. Not only is brown bread far more nutritious than white bread but it also releases sugar more slowly.

Do sugary foods cause acne? Yes, they most definitely do! Is there anything you can do to help your skin? Yes, of course there is! Cut down on sugar laden snacks and make healthier eating choices and you'll notice a massive improvement in your skin.

The Best Vitamins to Help Fight Major Acne

Over 80 million people in the United States suffer from acne. To fight acne, you don’t have to buy products like Proactiv or Retin-A. You can help your battle with acne by eating vitamin rich foods and taking skin helping vitamins. Often understated, diet can play a role in eliminating acne, but necessarily causing acne. So what exactly is acne? Acne is a skin condition that occurs due to the overproduction of oil and the blockage of the skin’s oil glands. When the oil that normally lubricates the skin gets trapped and blocks oil ducts, pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads develop on the surface of skin. If you want to help your acne, you can try the steps below. Don’t worry, I am not going to charge you for the information; I believe that information should be free. Acne is something that everyone hates, and no one should profit from it.

Step # 1: Eliminate Your Acne with B Vitamins: B Vitamins help eliminate free radicals and toxins from your body, have antibacterial properties, and strengthen your immune system. Try taking a B Complex Vitamin at least once per day to eliminate. Make sure your B complex includes the following nutrients:
Thiamine (B1): B1 is also found in liver, pork, brewer's yeast, brown rice, cereals, bread, pork, beans.
Riboflavin (B2): B2 is also found in Liver, kidney, eggs, grains, milk, bread, spinach, nuts.
Niacin(B3): B3 is also found in beef, liver, kidney, chicken, cod, salmon, grains, sunflower seeds, peanuts, brown rice, Brewer's yeast.
Pantothenic Acid (B6): B6 is also found in meat, liver, kidney, chicken, brewer's yeast, salmon, trout, beans, brown rice, brown or enriched bread, whole grain, cereals, sunflower seeds, tomato juice.
Cyanocobalamin (B12): B12 is also found in meats, liver, kidney, chicken, cereals, brewer's yeast, dairy products egg.

Step # 2: Eliminate Your Acne with Omega 3, 6, 9 Oils: Getting the proper daily intake of essential fatty acids is essential to eliminating bad acne. Try buying an Omega 3, 6, 9 tablet. Essential fatty acids help to control the production of excess androgens. Androgens are the hormones, which cause excess sebum to clog your pores promoting increased amounts of whiteheads and blackheads. If you do not want to add a pill to your daily routine, you can get omega oils in foods like avocados, walnuts, salmon, tuna, chicken, and flax seeds.

Step #3: Only Use Natural Products to Combat Your Acne. Products that are loaded with benzoyl peroxide and alcohol not only dry the skin, but also can cause severe irritation and health side effects. Although, they may eliminate your pimples temporarily, they will leave your face with long term acne scars. Only use natural acne products on your face. Natural acne products contain all of the vitamins and ingredients necessary to combat severe acne, and natural counterparts to salicylic acid and Benzoyl peroxide. The best natural acne product is Beauty 4 Ashes Naturally Clear 3 Step Acne Eliminating System. Many specialists recommend this acne system, especially for pregnant mothers and teens with sensitive skin.

It contains a sugar scrub that will remove blackheads and eliminate whiteheads from the face quickly. Beauty 4 Ashes Naturally Clear 3 Step Acne Eliminating System is primarily effective because it utilizes tea tree essential oil to fight acne bacteria and organic sugar to exfoliate the skin and unclog pores. This acne system also contains Vitamins A, a carotenoid rich nutrient that strengthens the protective tissue of the skin and prevents acne formation and sebum production; Vitamin C, which protects against infection, reduces oily breakouts, and enhances immunity; and Vitamin B and E, antioxidants that enhance the skin’s healing and tissue repair. It also contains an aloe vera blemish healing serum, which uses aloe vera to prevent scarring after your pimples and blackheads are removed and wheat germ oil to balance your skin’s oiliness.

Step #4: Eat an Acne Eliminating Diet. This means that you need to avoid junk foods, processed foods, and fried foods, and eat more foods that contain Vitamin B, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Omega Oils.

Step #5: Start using Flax and Olive Oil to Season Your Food. Go to your local health foods store and purchase liquid flax oil, it is rich in Omega 3 and Olive Oil, which is rich in Omega 6. Your skin will show a difference.

You can eliminate your acne through your diet and proper hygiene. If you follow the steps above and keep your skin clean with a good acne-fighting product, your acne will be drastically reduced, if not completely eliminated.

Best Treatment for Moderate Acne - Is Natural the Answer?

Acne used to be a big burden on my life. I would not go out in public and I sure wasn’t going to be seen out with friends with my acne. I just wanted to stay home all of the time and be to myself. I even stopped talking to my friends because I thought that they would ask me to go out somewhere with them. I hated the way I looked. Acne was taking over my life.

Moderate acne can be very frustrating and very stressful. I would always avoid mirrors because I didn’t want to see all of that acne over and over. Then one day I realized that I needed to overcome this condition and start living again. We are only on this earth once and I wanted to have fun.

I continued on my treatments that the doctor prescribed only to be let down. Then I started looking into some natural remedies for acne. I was determined to find something that worked. I tired a lot of the common things online like cucumber masks, lemon skin and warm water, and honey. These things do work, and you can find how to use them in my other articles, but they didn’t work really well for me. I needed something that would work fast and continue to work every day.

Sure, I still get zits and sometimes I even get a couple at a time, but now I can say that I am pretty much acne free. I am able to go out with friends without trying to hide my face. I can say that my stress levels are as low as they have ever been in my life. I feel so good that I was finally able to get rid of my acne problems.

With the proper treatment and proper care of your skin you can get rid of moderate acne naturally. You don’t have to worry about nasty side effects, and you don’t have to worry that your skin is going to dry out. Natural treatments are designed to work with your body to get rid of the toxins that cause acne. You need to watch your diet, wash your skin properly, and know when to do what when caring for acne. Don’t guess and keep trying different things. This can actually cause your acne to get worse. I especially want to tell you to stop popping your pimples. This can spread the bacteria, and can push the pus down farther and cause cystic acne. Then you could have severe acne.

Acne Free In 3 Days - Is it Possible to Cure Your Acne This Quick?

There is a lot of hype around the internet about a 3 day acne program called Acne Free In 3 Days. The website claims to show you how to cure your acne in just 3 days naturally, but is it for real, or just another scam acne product?

I used to suffer from acne for many years, and these were desperate times. Everything I tried to cure my acne with just didn't work; antibiotics, cleansers, accutane, herbal remedies etc etc. It was whilst looking for another acne solution online that I found the Acne Free In 3 Days website. Excited that my acne could be cured in just 3 days I promptly purchased the program, and was instantly surprised...

You see, the Acne Free In 3 Days program is based on an apple fast. That's right, just 3 days of eating nothing but apples and drinking water. The author Chris Gibson says that it will be worth the hassle as at the end of the 3 days your acne is completely cleared up...

So I gave the 3 day apple fast a go, and yes, after 3 days my skin was pretty much clear and I was delighted that the effort had paid off. However, my acne didn't stay gone for long. After about a week it came back as bad as ever! Chris Gibson writes in the book that you may have to do the 3 day apple fast once or twice every month to maintain flawless skin...

And that is where the Acne Free In 3 Days program fails. Firstly, the 3 day apple fast is extremely energy-draining and I was pretty much housebound for the 3 days. Without the calories of a normal diet it's hard to go about your daily activities. To do this once or twice every month for me just wasn't practical. Secondly, I lost weight doing the 3 day apple fast just once, and to do it repeatedly every month could lead to a lot of weight loss and be dangerous.

For these two reasons Acne Free In 3 Days turned out to be a disappointment for me and I was still left with my acne. It wasn't until I learned about some more practical natural acne treatments that I cleared up my skin. For example, did you know that vegetable oil is a major cause of acne? When I cut out vegetable oil from my diet my skin cleared up dramatically!

How to Eliminate Blackheads: Easy Effective Tips

Step 1: Steam Your Face or Body Everyday to Remove Blackheads. You do not need to buy an expensive steamer or a machine. To steam your face, run some hot water. Then, take a cloth and place it the water. Make sure the water is not too hot. Slowly twist the cloth to remove excess water. Place the cloth on your face for 5 to 10 minutes. Follow with a good exfoliating scrub. Beauty 4 Ashes makes a great chest and back acne body scrub and a great facial acne scrub that is extremely effective at eliminating blackheads anywhere on your body. It’s all natural and doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals that will burn or irritate sensitive skin. Find it at wwwdiscoverb4acom. Another quick way to steam your face is to place a bowl of water in the microwave for three minutes, being careful to only fill your bowl less than half way full with water. After warming the water, place your face over the bowl for 10 seconds. Repeat this three times. Following with an exfoliating acne facial scrub. If the blackheads are on your body, after steaming, but before exfoliating with a scrub, run a warm bath and pour Epsom salt in the bath water to loosen your blackheads.

Step 2: Make a homemade blackhead body scrub. All you need is baking soda, dead sea salt, and water. Take 1 teaspoon of dead sea salt, which is renowned for its healing powers, and mix it with 4 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of water. In order for this to work, you are going to need a back brush to scrub your back with the paste.

Step 3: Do not use adhesive removal facial strips, because they can irritate the skin and cause more harm than good, even ripping the outer layer of skin without replenishing it with any blackhead fighting ingredients.

Step 4: Clean your face twice daily to eliminate excess oil and dirt. When washing your face, use a tea tree based cleanser. Tea tree is an extremely effective natural remedy that eliminates bacteria that cause blackheads. Be careful not to use acne products that contain alcohol or benzoyl peroxide. They only dry the face, and you actually need to train your skin to balance it’s production of oil for acne to disappear. Benzoyl peroxide and alcohols only leave your face rough and susceptible to cracking, peeling, and irritation.

Step 5: Make a Oatmeal Facial Mask for your Blackheads. Using natural products to fight your blackhead battle is your best option. To make the blackhead facial mask, mix 1 cup of oatmeal with 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and three tablespoons of aloe vera juice. Give yourself a Blackhead facial once per week for at least 1 to 2 months and you will notice results.

Acne And Scar Prevention

Thousands of people from all over the world suffer from the debilitating disorder called Acne. Most people like you they have tried everything with little or no results. Most topical chemicals don't work and may even cause harm. Research has shown that cleansing of the body from within is a very effective way to treat acne and reduce scar formation.

Scars caused by acne are more common than what most people think. Most people will have acne scars that are mild. However, there will be a large number of people that will have scars that very noticeable.

The Best Approach is Prevention.
The best approach is prevention and to treat acne right away as sometimes even mild acne can cause scarring, this can minimize the risk of permanent acne scars. Acnezine is the best possible way to treat acne scars. Acne leaves behind different types of acne scars.

Independent studies have shown Acnezine is one of the top two effective treatments for acne. People that have used Acnezine have said things like, “I used to be so embarrassed about all my pimples that I had no social life at all. Nada! I could hardly even make myself go to work, and I didn’t have any friends there. I imagined that people must be making fun of me, even if they weren’t. I noticed my brother looking a lot better than I did, though he used to have lots of pimples, too. So I asked him what happened, and he said that he started taking Acnezine. I figured if it worked for him, maybe it could work for me. And it did!..."

“I’ve had acne really bad since I was twelve. I didn’t want to take a prescription treatment for it, because I don’t believe in polluting my body even more just because it’s being polluted by acne. When I heard about Acnezine, I looked it up, and I was really impressed with what they said about fighting free radicals and everything. I went ahead and tried it, and I’m so glad! I look much, much, much better..."

For some people, acne is a terrible invader, always there, always irritating, always ugly, always on their minds, always interfering with their self-confidence and personal relationships.

Vitamins And Nutrients That Can Help Cure Acne

Considered as the biggest organ of the human body, your skin is your first line of defense against external elements such as harmful organisms, heat, pain, and cold. Unfortunately, common skin conditions such as acne can actually make it less effective at fighting off external threats.

Treating acne can take a lot of effort and patience. As for your skin, aside from the inflamed zits and scars, it's also bombarded with synthetic chemicals and potent drugs when undergoing many acne treatments.

Because of this, many health advocates and experts are suggesting that a regular intake of vitamins and other natural nutrients can greatly help in treating and preventing breakouts. Here are some of the vitamins and nutrients that are essential in making your skin healthy and more resistant to damages caused by acne:

  • Vitamin E – Considered as an anti-oxidant, it promotes faster healing in damaged cells and tissues. Because of its anti-oxidative property, it can help delay your skin's aging process by targeting the free radicals, elements that can damage your skin cells.
  • Vitamin A – This vitamin is effective against acne since it can make your skin tissues more resistant to physical damage. Vitamin A can also lessen oil production and has anti-oxidative properties that can speed up your skin's healing process. It also helps your body get rid of harmful toxins, making this ingredient a popular one among dermatologists.
  • Vitamin C – To help fight acne, vitamin C can boost up your immune system, making you less prone to invading bacteria and infections. This is a very popular anti-oxidant because of its crucial role in your body's self-healing ability. When taken with bioflavonoids, this vitamin can become a potent element against acne because of the bioflavonoids' antibiotic property.
  • Vitamin B – All of the nutrients included in the Vitamin B family can help keep your skin healthy. Additionally, vitamin B can also reduce stress and anxiety – factors that can sometimes cause more acne breakouts. In order for your immune system to properly function, vitamin B deficiency should be immediately addressed.
  • Zinc – Important in speeding up your skin's healing process, zinc can help you avoid acne scars and lesions. This element can also regulate your oil glands, making it a perfect nutrient to help treat acne. Just like the other vitamins, zinc, due to its anti-oxidative properties, can also destroy free radicals.
  • Chromium – Chromium helps against skin infections that could be caused by acne. Since this nutrient is not quickly absorbed through food, supplements are advised for those who have chromium deficiency.
  • Your Step-By-Step Home Remedy for Acne

    In this article you will find out about an effective natural home remedy for acne. To beat acne you need to accept that your genetic heritage is different to non-acne sufferers, and you will have to make some changes. Luckily, these changes to your lifestyle are not difficult to do, and the rest of this article shows you step-by-step what it takes...

    1. Acne is a hormonal inflammatory malfunction. Food contributes to up to 90% of whether you produce pro-inflammatory hormones (which result in acne in acne prone people), or anti-inflammatory hormones (great for your health and fight against acne.)

    2. The main pro-inflammatory food is vegetable oil, which can result in acne breakouts within 30 minutes of consuming it. Cooking oils like sunflower oil should be avoided, as should foods containing vegetable oil. This means you do need to check for vegetable oil on the ingredients labels of the foods you buy. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is to clearing your skin, and you would be wise to use this piece of information.

    3. Find out about other foods that cause the production of pro-inflammatory hormones. I have written lots on this, and it is vitally important that you do avoid the worst inflammatory foods to clear your skin. By doing this you can clear up your complexion by up to 50-100%. Such a simple change to your diet shouldn't be ignored.

    4. Get more nutrients into your body. This is an important step for two reasons, a) Your body will malfunction and do 'odd' things when it is deficient in nutrients. For genetically acne prone people, this means...acne! b) Nutrients fight against the conditions in the body that lead to acne. This means that even if you are not deficient in nutrients, getting more than your body needs to operate normally will mean that the extra nutrients will be used exclusively to combat the conditions that lead to acne, and thus help prevent acne from manifesting.

    5. Check for candida and other fungi infections. These infections disrupt the digestive system significantly, and inhibit the absorption of nutrients, resulting in nutrient deficiency and the resulting acne that it causes. The basics to eliminating a candida infection are i) Avoid sugar. This is because yeast survives in the body on sugar, i.e. sugar is 'yeast food'. By cutting sugar out of your diet you can starve the yeast infection away. ii) Take probiotics. A body that is depleted in good bacteria can cause the onset of candida. Probiotics are a way to refuel the stores of good bacteria in your body. iii) Eat lots of vegetables. These also contain good bacteria, and are essential body alkalisers. Having an alkaline body is an important way to kill off the candida yeast infection.

    Each step just outlined is progressively more difficult to incorporate into ones life, but each are simple concepts and only require that you a) know what you are doing, and b) can use the strength of your own willpower to comply with the steps. Like anything worth achieving in life, it does require some willpower to pull it off. And believe me when I say that once you pull off clearing your acne, you will be able to overcome any obstacle in life. You should also realize that after a few days and weeks, when you see the results that using these steps leads to - clear skin - you will be motivated to adhere to the steps, and it will become an automated part of your life that becomes effortless.

    Acne Treatments - Things You Should Know

    General information.
    Within this article you will find out all about Acne or Acne Vulgaris as it’s medically known, and about recommended treatment that there is available. I will also touch on the different causes of acne, and things you should know about to avoid being a sufferer.

    It is the curse of up to 85% of teenagers, and even into adulthood can be an unsightly and embarrassing problem. Some cases like other diseases are worse than others, yet any skin problems like this can alter a person’s outlook on life.

    This inflammatory disease of the skin has been around for thousands of years, and is not a modern disease. There are many medical explanations as why acne occurs but at this point I’m just going to tell you about the main one.

    Reading different medical articles it is said that the Sebaceous gland becomes swollen, and produces an overdose of something called Sedum. This in turn reacts with the hair follicles of the body, which then create a breeding ground for bacteria to form due to their blockage.

    Once the bacteria builds up the end results are spots, or pimples, or zits, or what ever you want to call them. In severe cases they can even turn into cysts.

    Most cases of Acne are confined to the face area, yet some can have them all over the top half of their body.

    Causes of Acne.
    There is a strong case saying that Acne can run in the family history, and if either of your parents had acne there’s a good chance that the off spring will get it as well. Some Doctors can even put in down to hormone levels, and that on the onset of puberty, or the onset of a menstrual cycle can bring on, or make the Acne flare up.

    It is also said that stress can play a major part, and that if the individual is having problems with their job, or their love life this can be a major influence.

    Other contributions on making the Acne flare up even worse have been put down to things like Anabolic Steroids, or certain medications can also affect.

    Chlorine is another one that is said to make matters worse, as any contact with Chlorine will dry the skin causing a dead cell build up, which then block the pores of the skin and cause the bacteria to take over.

    One of the largest causes has been put down to food, and the greasier the food the worse the problem can be. Some can have a reaction to things like milk, skimmed milk, and other dairy products.

    Over the last few years there has been a building theme to stay away from junk food, and things like french fries, chocolate, and sugar based products can cause the blood sugar to rise which in turn makes the acne bacteria increase.

    Treatment of Acne.
    The more I read about the treatment of Acne the more confusing it became. Some say that the only way to beat it is by exfoliating twice or three times a day. There are several antibacterial creams on the market, and many Doctors believe in Antibiotics, along with the cream.

    What suits one does not suit everybody, and I personally worry about the continual usage of things like antibiotics, and the creams and the potions that are pumped out by the drug companies. The power of the multi million advertising does not always produce the goods, and that the creams and the potions have only a limited success.

    One thing that is getting more and more popular, and is getting a very good success ratio is purely based around diet. The ideal diet would be an alkaline one, where foods that are high in acidity levels, like that of meat, fizzy drinks, rice, bread, and sugar based products should be avoided.

    You may have looked at that last list and had to take a sharp in take of breath, but the fact is that it does work, and that if you eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables your Acne problems will fade away.

    For those who would like to try this type of diet there are many books, and eBooks that go into this with more detail, and can be purchased at most book stores, or on the Internet.

    Free Tips For Acne Treatments - 4 Tips For Better Skin

    Are you feeling embarrassed by your acne condition? Worse still, are you lacking self-confidence or self-esteem due to your acne problem? Don't worry, suffering from acne is not permanent and can be cured. Below are some free tips for acne treatments:

    Wash Your Face
    You need to keep your face clean by washing it twice a day using a cleanser. Most acne sufferers have oily skin. The excessive oil can clog your pores which trigger acne flare ups. But don't over-do it. You may get irritated skin.

    Use Proven Medications
    Proven medications for acne include a topical antibiotic such as Erythromycin or Cleocin T. Benzoyl Peroxide is probably the most commonly used medication They can be easily bought over the counter. But it is best to consult a doctor first before you purchased any medication for your skin.

    Use Natural Products
    Use natural products on your skin. Avoid unnecessary chemicals on your skin. This includes your make-up too. If you must, use non-pore clogging or non-comedogenic products. Many acne sufferer put think make-ups to conceal their pimples. This is an extremely bad solution. It will only worsen your condition in the long run.

    More Fruits and Vegetables
    Intake more fruits, vegetable and nuts in your daily meal. They have all the good vitamins for you to have a better skin. It is known that Zinc is very effective against acne and Brazil nuts is rich in Zinc.

    The above free tips for acne treatments are all proven methods. You just need to keep your discipline and follow the regime daily. In fact, within days to weeks, you can see vast improvement in your skin.

    Prescription Acne Treatment - What Antibiotics Can Do For Your Acne

    Antibiotics have come a long way since their discovery in the late 1920's by Alexander Fleming. Nowadays, antibiotics or antibacterials are used to cure a variety of organism-induced infections and diseases. One such condition that could be effectively cured by antibiotics is acne.

    Some kinds of acne, which is a disease of the pilosebaceous units (PSUs), can be effectively cured by certain kinds of antibiotics. This is because one underlying factor behind breakouts is the proliferation of the pimple-causing bacteria, medically known as P. acnes.

    To eliminate this acne-inducing bacteria, several antibacterials have been developed as part of some acne treatment therapies. The antibacterials commonly used against pimples are the following:

  • Clindamycin – Available as both oral and topical acne medications, clindamycin is an effective agent against P. acnes. At the start of a treatment therapy, these antibacterials are usually given in 75 to 150 milligrams that could be taken two times a day. The possible unwanted effect of this medication is an increased susceptibility to yeast infections among female patients and to intestinal infections.
  • Erythromycin – A very typical drug used against zits, erythromycin can both kill the pimple-causing bacteria and reduce the swelling and redness of the affected area. Experts recommend that this medication should be orally taken with a full stomach since it might upset your tummy and might make you feel nauseous.
  • Tetracycline – This medication can also kill the acne-inducing bacteria but dermatologists often prescribe it for a short-term therapy since some types of P. Acnes have become immune to this drug. For this treatment to be effective, doctors suggest that you do not take this medication with your meals. This potent antibacterial however, is not suitable for kids who are eight years old and below and for women who are expecting.
  • Doxycycline – This medication is a similar version of tetracycline, and is used for more resistant cases of acne. Similar to erythromycin, this medication best works on a full tummy since it could also lead to nausea. The possible unwanted effects of this treatment is an increased photo-sensitivity, making you more prone to sunburns.
  • Minocycline – Derived from tetracycline, this medication can also effectively kill P. acnes. Ideally, this medication is to be orally taken with an empty tummy because its effectiveness might decrease when mixed with your meals. As with all kinds of antibacterials used to cure breakouts, unwanted effects are unavoidable in some instances. These unwanted effects could include nausea, dizziness, and changes in skin and teeth color.
  • Acne Laser Surgery Treatment - Acne Laser Surgery Treatment Pros And Cons Revealed

    Acne laser surgery treatment is one of the most costly acne treatments currently on the market. Acne laser surgery treatment can cost as much as $200 a session with multiple sessions required. This article will discuss the pros and cons of acne laser surgery treatment and other acne treatments that work just as good.

    The popularity of acne laser surgery for scar removal came about as a result of the discovery that that lasers can greatly help treat painful acne scar lesions by limiting the growth of the bacteria that causes acne and by reducing the secretion of sebaceous oil.

    Acne laser surgery treatment is also known as Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Acne laser surgery is an effective acne treatment because the laser beam is able to seal, cut and vaporize skin tissues as well as blood vessels. What the laser beam does is that it can treat each acne lesion in a unique way according to severity and age of the acne lesions

    However, that being said, acne laser surgery treatment is not an instant nor fast acne cure. Acne surgery does not appear to completely rid a person of acne, however, it can greatly make the appearance of the skin much more attractive. However, acne laser surgery treatments can take years to take full effect.

    There are two main forms of acne laser treatments used in acne surgery. Ablative lasers resurface the skin in one method. Ablative lasers heats up and works to eliminate the top skin tissue as a result of actually burning away the skin tissue. This form of acne surgery greatly decreases the appearance of scar tissue.

    The other most common form of laser surgery treatment involves the use of the non-ablative laser. Another term for this laser is non-wounding laser. Non-wounding lasers does not usually result in painful and harmful side effects of ablative laser surgery. It is also a very quick laser scar surgery which is commonly performed in a patient's lunch break with few side effects.

    Acne scar surgery is an expensive treatment option for acne sufferers. I urge you to check out the website below to read my review of acne products. You'll be surprised which ones are scams and which ones really work to cure acne fast without laser surgery.

    Eliminate Acne With New Skin Treatment Products

    Among all the skin problems, acne is one that affect all ages. How many times you wished for that radiant, clear skin without the fear of nasty rashes?

    One of the most common skin diseases that can affect any age group is acne. If you do not receive proper treatment, acne can get out of hand especially if you neglect it initially. Severe spread of acne may result on parts of the body as a result of neglecting it over a period of time. Thus getting a skin treatment and using quality skin treatment products related to acne is effective in suppressing an outbreak.

    Another question that might crop up in your mind would be which acne skin treatment product to use from the innumerable products that are on the shelves in the market?

    Certain acne skin treatment products contain antibiotic medicines which may suppress the growth of acne. They are prescribed by the dermatologists and doctors keeping the severity of acne in mind. These specific treatment products are used to reduce acne in sever cases and contain tetracycline, erythromycin, minocycline and various other generic salts and can be taken as oral treatment products.

    Many other natural based treatment products can also be used for effective skin treatment. There are many other gels, creams and face washes available that have herbal, natural ingredients which also help reduce signs of acne and are available at health and drug stores. Some natural skin products may contain turmeric (curcumin), sandalwood and neem.

    However, before purchasing any skin treatment products, keep in mind a few things that will help you get a proper treatment:

    •Always use skin treatment product which get absorbed in the skin quickly for effective treatment.

    •Natural skin care or treatment products that have a herbal base can aid your acne treatment faster and not cause scarring also.

    •Check all ingredients before you put it in your cart or buy. Go in for products which are mild enough to suit all ages and are safe on pregnant women also.

    •Ingredients should be natural and chemical free while the acne cream should have a balanced formulation to get maximum benefit and hypoallergenic.

    •Use skin treatment products that lessen the acne problems and see if there are any reactions, if there are any negative side effects then immediately stop the treatment or application of the cream.

    So, get the best health benefit through the use of correct skin treatment products and you can also get that radiant skin.

    Acne Home Remedy - Skin Care Treatment

    Acne (Zits, Spots or Pimples) is caused by one or a combination of three things - hormonal Changes, an unbalanced diet or improper skin care. All of these things contribute to Acne depending on your biology. Acne can mean more than just bad skin. It can bring your self-esteem down, leave scars and cause quite a bit of pain. But do you have to put up with it?

    10 years ago acne was part of growing up, a right of passage. It was something you had to put up with unless you were lucky enough to avoid it. But now a day’s acne can be avoided due to the amount of products on the market. Shop shelves are lined with treatment products. The Internet is full of herbal treatments and even doctors can supply drugs that help to clear up your skin.

    But what works? If like most you’ve tried every product you can get your hands on you will probably be quite frustrated by now. Sometimes your body gives you spots, no matter what you do.

    But there are a few simple things you can do that make all the difference. Drinking lots of water helps hydrate your skin so try and drink at least 8 glasses a day. Eating healthily is obvious but it does make all the difference, try and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables not greasy or un-healthy food. Wash your face three times a day. Try not to touch your face or spots. And although direct sun isn’t always good for you a bit of sun is great for clearing up your skin.

    The Best Treatment for Adult Acne

    Many people equate having an acne problem with the teenage years, and it is true that the vast majority of those that suffer from acne are in their teens, but there is a surprising number of people that also suffer from adult acne. Adult acne is a problem that might come on during the adult years, but it also may be that a person has an acne problem in their teens and it just never quite goes away. If you are suffering from adult acne then you might be surprised to know that a lot of the treatments that work for youths are also effective on adults. Here is what I have found to be the best treatment for adult acne.

    There can be a variety of underlying problems that can cause adult acne. The skin is the largest of our organs because it covers the most area on the body. Often when something is wrong in the body it shows itself in the skin. This is commonly seen as a rash, or even as acne. Therefore, finding out what the underlying cause is of your acne can go a long way in helping you to overcome the problem. But until you are able to ascertain what it is that is causing your problem, try this treatment.

    Mix some organic sea salt into a small bowl of vinegar, don't use too much sea salt. Then spread the liquid on your face using cotton balls and allow it to dry. Try to get over the smell of the vinegar, the drying effect will soon make it worth your effort. After about a half hour rinse your face. Repeat once or twice a day for maximum results.

    The Best Natural Acne Treatment

    It always seems to happen when you least expect it, although you probably should expect it to happen. It's always right before some big event, a date or a wedding, and there it is, an acne breakout. Some of us have had to deal with acne on an ongoing basis, and it just goes through cycles of being bad and worse. Many of us have had to suffer through the trouble of the teen years with the acne, and most of us have been picked on in one way or another. What most people don't realize is that those of us with an acne problem actually tend to be cleaner than those that don't have the problem because we work on ways to solve the problem. With so many people out there that suffer from acne you would think that a solution would be available, but it seems to elude us. So what is the best natural acne treatment?

    You might be surprised at my answer because there is no one single best natural acne treatment out there. There are many things that can cause a person to break out with acne, it could be oily skin, stress, poor diet, not enough water, or a combination of many different things. If you find out what the source of your acne problem is then you will surely be in a better position to treat it. That being said here is something that helped me.

    I would soak cotton balls in a solution of vinegar and sea salt (not too much sea salt) and then smear the concoction on my face. The smell isn't all that great, but you will get used to it, especially when you see the results. After leaving the solution dry on my face I would wait about a half hour and then wash it off. This helped dry my skin and get rid of my acne problem.

    Laser Surgery For Acne Scars: The Modern Solution

    Acne Scar Removal

    For many decades, we have been relying on a combination of topical and oral medications to fight acne. At present though, technology has given rise to the use of laser in treating many diseases and illnesses. Such innovation is now being applied to combat acne lesions and to erase the scars caused by acne.

    Laser surgery for acne works by streaming a beam of light back and forth between mirrors and lenses. The bouncing of the beams amplifies the strength of the light. Once it is powerful enough, it is released carefully in small bursts of light or energy. When this short pulse of light beam hits the target area of the skin, it alters the damaged tissue and gradually heals it.

    One method of laser surgery for acne targets bacteria (Propiobacterium Acnes) that are responsible for acne inflammation. The first step is applying some special cleanser on the skin, after which a photosensitive cream is put all over the area. The patient will be asked to sit in front of the light box to target the affected skin. This photodynamic therapy - the combination of the cream and the laser beam - kills the acne bacteria and prevents acne from recurring.

    Since acne is also caused by hyperactive sebaceous glands that clog the pores, laser therapy can also be done to target these sebaceous glands.

    With numerous options available for acne treatment, it seems that everyone’s priority these days is how to avoid acne scars or how to get rid of them. Acne scarring is inevitable no matter how effective your acne skin care products and medications are. One of the best solutions to this problem is acne scar laser surgery.

    Acne scar laser treatment comes in the form of laser resurfacing or laser peel. This technique makes use of carbon dioxide laser to remove areas of affected skin. The laser works by vaporizing the upper layers of the skin damaged by acne.

    Sidebar: This section also discusses acne scar healing, acne scar reduction, acne scar skin care, acne scar products and how to remove acne scars.

    You might ask:

    How Effective is this Acne Laser Treatment?

    The answer would depend upon your skin type, the condition of your skin, and your doctor’s level of professional experience. Only your doctor can tell what type of laser is suitable for use with your skin type and acne condition.

    You also need to watch out for your lifestyle after undergoing laser surgery for acne. It is important that you follow your doctor’s recommendations.

    Many people resort to acne scar laser treatment because it is effective and can be done in a short period of time. There have been reports of positive response with photodynamic surgery for acne after a few therapy sessions. Although acne scar laser treatment requires you to go back to the clinic for succeeding therapy sessions, its positive effects are visible a few weeks after the initial acne scar surgery.

    Laser surgery for acne can be costly too. But with the right doctor and the right attitude towards caring for your skin after the treatment, you can make the most out of your buck’s worth. Find an acclaimed doctor that you can trust. The best way to do this is to consult previous laser surgery patients and ask them how it went with their doctors.

    A General Overview of Acne: Nature, Cause and Treatment

    Various Forms of Acne

    Acne is a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin that can affect people from age 12 to 45. It is a skin infection that can cut across gender, social and ethnic barriers. It is so common that it appears in about 80 people out of a hundred. Acne usually starts during puberty, when activity in the sebaceous glands found underneath the skin commences, although it is also known to occur in much older individuals.

    Acne is characterized by several things other than pimples. It also appears as comedones (whiteheads and blackheads) and red, yellow or yellow green spots on oily skin. It affects the areas of the skin covering the face and neck. Sometimes, it also appears on the chest, back, shoulders and upper arms. The severity of this skin condition varies from mild to severe. If left untreated or if treatment is improper, acne can result in scarring.

    There are several forms of acne. These include:

    • Acne Vulgaris. The most common form of acne, often occurs during puberty.
    • Acne Conglomata. Characterized by boils or abscesses; tends to be chronic.
    • Acne Cosmetica. Acne that results from an allergy to cosmetics.
    • Nodular Acne. Characterized by the solid form of papule, usually extends deep into several skin layers.
    • Nodulocystic Acne. A combination of papules and cysts, severely inflamed.

    Acne rosacea, a skin condition characterized by flushing and skin redness is not considered as true acne, although it is still often discussed along with other forms. Nodular acne treatment is disussed in depth in this site.

    What Causes Acne?

    There is no known root cause of acne but it seems to be the result of hyperactive sebaceous glands. When there is too much sebum in the skin, it clogs the pores and hair follicles and together with dead skin cells, it creates the ideal environment where the bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes can thrive. These bacteria cause the infection which results in the inflammation of the skin.

    It is not understood why acne seems to run in some families or why it appears in some individuals but does not affect others. Some factors may also trigger an acne break out, such as stress, certain medications, hormone therapy, exposure to chlorine or an allergic reaction.

    Treatments For Acne

    There are two main categories of treatment for acne: medication and surgery. They will not cure acne but they can treat the symptoms, effectively reducing them and minimizing the appearance of acne or the frequency of breakouts. For medications, there are several treatments available:

    Medications can come in either topical form or oral form. Topical creams used in treating acne contain antibiotics and keratolytics to help combat the infection and also loosen the hardened deposits of sebum and keratin on the surface of the skin.

    One of the most common ingredients in new acne treatments and medications is benzoyl peroxide, which is available in different strengths. Benzoyl peroxide oxidizes the skin, killing the bacteria and reducing the inflammation. Other ingredients also include azelaic acid, hydroxy acid and sulfacetamide-sulfur.

    Acne medicines in oral tablet form contain antibiotics and are often prescribed for more severe forms or for acne that affects a wider area of the skin. Antibiotics such as erythromycin, tetracycline and clindamycin are common ingredients. They are also available in topical form.

    In terms of surgery, laser surgery or skin resurfacing seems to be enjoying a popularity these days, thanks to reports indicating that it is more than 90% effective in many cases. Laser surgery uses controlled bursts of CO2 applied directly on the skin, burning away the dermis or uppermost layer. Laser surgery is commonly used not only to prevent and treat acne but also to remove scars. Some of the most severe forms of acne, including nodular acne, can also benefit from this treatment.

    Aside from laser surgery for acne, there are also other methods that are used to treat and reduce the appearance of acne. These include cryosurgery, excisional surgery and chemical surgery, commonly referred to as chemical peel. A promising treatment for acne includes photodynamic therapy, a procedure that uses a photosensitizing drug and bluelight to kill bacteria and reduce swelling.

    Acne Skin Care Products

    There is no single best acne skin care product that can address all kinds of acne effectively. Often, the best acne skin care products are those that are suitable for the specific condition and severity of the infection. You will find discussions of Neutragena, Proactiv, Murad and Ponds acne products by exploring our site.

    What to Expect From Future Acne Medicines and Treatments

    The possibility of finally establishing the link of acne with heredity seems to be a natural direction for future new acne treatments, considering that the condition appears to be hereditary. As of now, though, this technology is still too crude and much too expensive to be a practical means with which to address the problem of acne. The same holds true with gene therapy, which some circles say may be used to make changes in the DNA and improve the skin.

    A Wide Range of Options For Acne Scar Removal

    You’ve put a great deal of effort into making your reddish spots and zits go away. Now that they’re gone, you still fret over the scars they’ve caused.

    Fret no more. These days, you have a wide range of options on how to remove acne scars – from acne scar removal products to cosmetic procedures.

    Most acne removal products come in the form of topical acne removal cream or lotion. Exfoliating soaps, astringents, and other chemical peeling solutions are also recommended for scars with dark pigmentation.

    You can get acne scar reduction products with or without prescription. However, it is always advisable to seek for professional advice before using any acne scar remover.

    With modern technology, cosmetic surgical procedures are now becoming popular in use. Each procedure has its own pros and cons, so to help you decide, here’s a list of acne scar removal procedures available today:

    * Laser resurfacing. It works by burning the damaged top layers of the skin. Rough and uneven areas are removed through controlled emissions of light beams targeting the affected skin.

    * Dermabrasion. It involves "sanding" the skin with a diamond-plated wheel. After a dermabrasion treatment, scabbing and redness of the skin might occur but it will eventually fade after a few weeks.

    * Punch techniques. For deep-pitted scars, your doctor might recommend a suitable variety of punch technique.

    One type of punch technique is the punch excision, in which deep scars are excised using a sharp but fine tool. After removing the damaged tissue, the skin edges are sutured together. The new scar that results from the excision will fade in a few days or weeks.

    Punch replacement also involves excision. After removing the scar tissue, a skin graft from another part of your body will be used to fill the punched area. This method, however, can result to a noticeable difference in color and texture, as the skin tissue used to fill the portion is from a different part of the body. To handle this problem, the doctor may employ resurfacing techniques to make the surface even.

    In punch elevation, the base of the excised area is allowed to rise to the surface of the skin until it fills the punched portion. Unlike punch replacement, punch elevation barely results in color and texture differences.

    To create a smoother surface after employing any of these punch techniques, the doctor can use surface-smoothing techniques like laser resurfacing and dermabrasion.

    * Dermal fillers. Fats and other collagen-formulated substances are injected underneath the acne scar to raise the surface of the skin. These injected materials do not remove acne scars permanently in one treatment, so you might need to attend a few more corrective sessions.

    All of these surgical and non-surgical acne scar remedies are proven to be effective. However, it’s better to ask for your doctor’s recommendations regarding the best acne scar removal solution for your skin type and acne scar.

    3 Signs That Your Acne Treatment Product Works

    Whenever you experience having problems with your skin, the urge to buy an acne treatment product is overwhelming. You seek help either from friends or relatives so that they could provide a recommended product for you to use. However, not all acne treatment products will work well for each person. There are instances when a very effective product for your friend will not work for you and vice-versa. This effect is due to several factors like your skin type or if you are prone to allergic reactions to certain chemicals or agents used in the product. Because of this, you need to watch out for several signs that will show you that the product really works.

    In this article, you will find some of the common signs to watch out to check if the acne treatment product suits you. If you did not see any of these signs while using the product or if you feel that things are getting worst, it might be the time for you to switch to another product or to ask for a consultation from professionals since they are the ones that are knowledgeable in recommending the treatment for your skin type.

    The first sign that you will notice if the acne treatment product is working is that the redness and plumpness becomes minimal. One of the reasons why acne is so annoying is that the redness is very visible you become conscious about it. It seems that the acne stands out in your face. After applying the product on your face for about two to three days, there should be an improvement already. The redness should lessen and the acne should appear smaller than it was before. It should appear like it is starting to dry up. Also, you should feel less pain or any form of skin irritation caused by the acne after several days of using the product since it should have been killed the bacteria causing the acne.

    The second sign to see if the acne treatment product is working is that you will not see new acne appearing on your skin. Most of the acne treatment products out there in the market promises that it will help eliminate or reduce acne breakout in your skin and there are really good brands in the market that does that.

    The third sign that you will notice if the acne treatment product is really effective on your skin is that you will see an improvement on the quality of your skin. Acne treatment products these days are equipped with the ingredient to help you with your acne problems and improve the condition of the skin. This is to help your skin cope after the damage that the acne inflicted on your skin.

    These are some of the signs that you need to check if you are trying out a new acne treatment product. These signs may not be present in a certain product all at once but if you are experiencing one of these signs, it could only mean that the product really works in a certain way.

    Home Remedies For Acne - 16 Remedies Recommended By Users

    Acne is a very common skin disease or skin ailment affecting almost everybody. It is mainly caused due to blockage of skin follicle ducts of sebaceous glands. This leads to inflammation and subsequent infection by a bacterium which is known by name P.Acnes.

    There are many Home Remedies for Acne which have been used for hundreds of years.

    Below are some of the Home Remedies for Acne suggested mostly by users

    1) This remedy is one of the effective Home remedy for Acne and suggested by most of users: Mix lemon juice with rose water in a bowl. One lemon with same amount of rose water will do. Apply it on your face and wash it only after 30 mins. Continually doing so will not only get rid only of acne and pimples but also has the effect of lightening the skin blemishes.

    2) You can use fresh mint juice to apply on your face as this helps in acne removal.

    3) Strawberry leaves can also help to decrease the pimple swelling.

    4) This Home Remedy for Acne is also suggested by most users: Orange peel for acne removal. What you have to do is to mash it or blend it, mix with some water to form a paste before applying on your affected areas.

    5) Mix turmeric powder with some mint juice and apply on the acne scars. Rinse it off with clean, lukewarm water after about 30 mins.

    6) Cooking condiments such as vinegar and salt have their uses as Home Remedies for Acne. Mix them both, before rubbing the mix over the pimples. Leave it there for some 10 to 20 mins and wash with lukewarm water.

    7) Apply honey on the infected acne areas on your face and plaster on it. You can wash your face in the morning to see the amazing results.

    8) This Home Remedy for Acne is also suggested by most of users: Grind some bay leaves and blanch in water, cool them and apply on the acne.

    9) Make a paste from sandalwood and black gram. Use either milk or rose water as the support for the paste. Apply over the whole face, or just in the infected areas, and leave it overnight. Wash your face with cool water in the morning..

    10) Another way of drawing out the acne pimples and speeding up the curing process is to use egg whites. These are used as a facemask and leave overnight. Wheat germ is another option, as it is right in vitamins and has a encouraging effect on the skin if taken regularly.

    11) Lavender oil is also admirable choice. This essential oil when applied to the skin directly can help to avoid and get rid of zits.

    12) Fresh mint juice is recognized as the cure for pimples, scabies, skin infections, insect stings and eczema

    13) Apply the juice of raw papaya, including the skin and seeds, on the infected parts.

    14) Place strawberry leaves on the affected area to permit the alkalinity reduce the swelling.

    15) This Home Remedy for Acne is recommended by many users: Ordinary toothpaste. If your face feels swollen, put a small bit of toothpaste on your pimples before going to bed. Your skin will feel much healthier in the morning.

    16) Mix up a paste using one teaspoon of cinnamon power and 3 tablespoons of honey in a bowl. Put it on your face before you go to bed and wash it off as soon as you wake up using warm water. Two weeks of doing this will make your acne pimples go away for a considerable period

    How I Cleared My Acne - My Secret

    Acne is a difficult condition to get rid of, mostly due to malpractice by the 'professionals' and a ton acne 'cure' information that gets you nowhere fast...

    I tried the usual dermatologist route when first trying to get rid of my acne. This meant I used BP, topical antibiotics and other over-the-counter topicals which did nothing but irritate my skin. After months of this I went on oral antibiotics, which worked for a few weeks, but then my acne came back. I then went on the drug roaccutane, and to make a long story short, it took a year to find out it didn't work!

    After this my dermatologist had nothing left to offer me...

    So next I spent years trying alternative acne treatments, and unfortunately these were mostly ineffective. Acupuncture, Herbalism, Homeopathy, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Indian Medicine, Fasting, and many others. The fast I went on was the Acne Free In 3 Days one where you eat nothing but apples for 3 days...Suffice to say this wasn't a good acne solution.

    So how did I eventually clear my acne. Well, I recently discovered that food plays a big part in acne. Some foods actually cause acne, and by removing those from your diet you can reduce the acne you get dramatically.

    For example, did you know that the worst food for acne, which actually causes the worst breakouts, is vegetable oils like sunflower oil?! When I removed vegetable oil from my diet I can't tell you how much my acne improved. I suggest you do the same!

    The Secret To Acne-Free Skin - Could It Be This Simple?

    There are so many acne cures out there that it often becomes a confusing activity finding an acne cure that works, and that is simple to do! The simplest acne cure that actually works is a long lost secret in the acne industry, one Im about to reveal...

    But first, its important to understand why this simple acne cure has become a secret. About 30 years ago everyone knew the cause of acne, and how to prevent it. This was extremely effective at curing acne, in that it was a preventative cure, it stopped acne from ever appearing. But some skin scientists, funded by the pharmaceutical industry decided to 'test' that this cure really worked, despite it having been the preventative cure for acne for thousands of years. They created an experiment, a flawed one at that, and it showed that the acne cure that had worked for thousands of years didnt actually work! And this experiment lead to dermatologists stating that this cure wasn't actually a cure.

    Instead, dermatologists 'sold' their acne prone patients on antibiotics, accutane and some horrible topical applications. These were a disaster for acne sufferers, and usually made their acne worse. Once they had bought everything their dermatologist had to offer, the acne sufferers would be chucked out of the skin hospitals and left in the acne wilderness... So what is the long lost acne cure?

    It's actually extremely simple. Food is a direct cause of acne. At least some foods are. And if you stop eating the foods that cause acne, you won't suffer from acne anymore. Simple huh...? So what food causes acne? Well, the food that causes the worst of your acne is called vegetable oil. This is because it causes an imbalance of your hormones, which then leads to breakouts, those nasty cystic ones, painful and swollen...

    Vegetable oil is found in cooking oils, in some sauces, and in ready meals. Always lookout for vegetable oil in the food you buy and make sure to avoid it! The difference in your skin will be phenomenal.

    7 Tips to Get Rid of Body Acne

    Body acne can be really painful and embarrassing. When I suffered from body acne I would never go to the beach, never take my shirt off, and I felt really awkward when going out on dates. I felt really uncomfortable and my body acne was taking over my life.

    I have put together 7 tips for you on how you can Get Rid of Body Acne

    1. The first thing that you need to do is to realize that body acne is treatable, and can be cured naturally. Don’t worry about what others have told you. You are not on your own and with the information that you have available to you on the Internet; you can be completely free of body acne really fast. So, for tip one, I want you to realize that there is a cure for body acne and I want you to realize that you can get rid of body acne fast.

    2. The next thing that you need to understand about body acne is that treatments for facial acne will not work for you in most cases. The pores on the body are much different than the pores that are on your face, so they must be treated differently.

    3. When you are bathing, you need to get a soap that is intended for body acne. You can usually get an antibacterial soap that will kill any bacteria that is on your body. This is an important step when getting rid of body acne. Regular soaps and cleaners can clog the pores on your skin and cause you to have worse body acne. You also want to make sure that if you have long hair, you get all of the oil and shampoo out of your hair when washing.

    4. One of the main factors that cause acne is stress. You need to cut as much stress out of your life as you can, especially if you are just coming out of puberty. You can try things like breathing exercise and yoga to reduce your stress levels.

    5. In order to continue to fight the battle and get rid of body acne, you also must look at the things that you eat. You need to get more fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds into your diet. These things provide you with a lot of essential vitamins and minerals that will keep your body acne free. One food in particular to look at is Brazil Nuts. They have best tested to have reduced the amount of acne that a person has, so make sure you have plenty of these. You also want to make sure that you drink plenty of water every day to help keep your body clean.

    6. Clothing can also be a factor of body acne. Make sure that you do not wear clothing that is too tight. When clothing is too tight and you sweat, the clothing will rub against your pores and clog them. This, often times, is a big factor that causes recurring body acne, so make sure that you wear loose fit clothing.

    7. Long hair can cause your body acne to get worse if you do not wash it often, and make sure that it is really clean. It is a good idea to keep your hair up, and do not touch your body after touching your hair. Also, make sure that you do not touch your body after eating greasy foods. This can cause more breakouts and worse body acne. Always wash your hands with antibacterial soap after eating and handling your hair.

    I hope that these tips have helped you get started on your journey to getting rid of body acne. With the proper care you can expect some great results.

    How Do I Get Rid Of My Acne?

    This is the question that usually begins in the early teen years and can sometimes still be asked by people when they enter their early 20s. In fact, sometimes people can experience acne for the first time when they are in their 30s or 40s, but even at that age they want to know the best way to get rid of their acne.

    The best way to start looking at the cure is to get an understanding. Basically acne is a skin condition caused by the overproduction of sebum, and although acne is not just a facial problem, it is the most common area that people want to have cleared up. Unfortunately, these days there are so many different acne treatments and products, cleansers and the like that it is difficult to know where to start. Well, in my opinion the best thing to do is learn how to get rid of acne and keep your skin healthy in as natural a way as possible, and by doing this will teach you good habits for life. Now it is worth keeping in mind that getting rid of acne can be done with over the counter skin care treatments, but I think alternative acne treatments are worth trying, as in the long run, they are much less dangerous then some of the acne medicine offered by dermatologists.

    Now because there is big money to be made from treatments, it invariably brings with it old wives tales and myths. In fact, skin experts have to spend a great deal of time dispelling acne myths. But on the whole the main types of skin blemishes are blackheads and white heads. Now although having acne does not mean you have dirty skin or are unclean it is helpful to use a proper cleanser to remove dirt, bacteria and excess oils that can contribute to skin breakouts. But, make sure it is a good quality cleanser as you may have sensitive skins and if your cleanser is not natural ingredients you may find that it is abrasive and irritating, making your condition worse. Then, the next area to look at is your diet.

    Although eating lots of fries will not necessarily give you acne it will not be doing you any good either. So, make sure you have lots of fresh fruit and veg in your diet, and most importantly, make sure you drink plenty of fresh water to flush the toxins from your skin. I would highly recommend you follow these steps before going down the route of using harsh chemicals on your skin.

    So, to avoid all the antibiotics, topical treatments and the like offered to you by your dermatologist, these are a couple of areas to get you started. Also, it is worth working out before you start what you are going to use to cleanse your face, and what changes you are going to make to your diet, and then stick to it in order to see the results from your acne treatment, and remember to give it a bit of time. And by doing this you will develop good habits that will last you a lifetime.

    How Do I Get Rid Of My Acne?

    This is the question that usually begins in the early teen years and can sometimes still be asked by people when they enter their early 20s. In fact, sometimes people can experience acne for the first time when they are in their 30s or 40s, but even at that age they want to know the best way to get rid of their acne.

    The best way to start looking at the cure is to get an understanding. Basically acne is a skin condition caused by the overproduction of sebum, and although acne is not just a facial problem, it is the most common area that people want to have cleared up. Unfortunately, these days there are so many different acne treatments and products, cleansers and the like that it is difficult to know where to start. Well, in my opinion the best thing to do is learn how to get rid of acne and keep your skin healthy in as natural a way as possible, and by doing this will teach you good habits for life. Now it is worth keeping in mind that getting rid of acne can be done with over the counter skin care treatments, but I think alternative acne treatments are worth trying, as in the long run, they are much less dangerous then some of the acne medicine offered by dermatologists.

    Now because there is big money to be made from treatments, it invariably brings with it old wives tales and myths. In fact, skin experts have to spend a great deal of time dispelling acne myths. But on the whole the main types of skin blemishes are blackheads and white heads. Now although having acne does not mean you have dirty skin or are unclean it is helpful to use a proper cleanser to remove dirt, bacteria and excess oils that can contribute to skin breakouts. But, make sure it is a good quality cleanser as you may have sensitive skins and if your cleanser is not natural ingredients you may find that it is abrasive and irritating, making your condition worse. Then, the next area to look at is your diet.

    Although eating lots of fries will not necessarily give you acne it will not be doing you any good either. So, make sure you have lots of fresh fruit and veg in your diet, and most importantly, make sure you drink plenty of fresh water to flush the toxins from your skin. I would highly recommend you follow these steps before going down the route of using harsh chemicals on your skin.

    So, to avoid all the antibiotics, topical treatments and the like offered to you by your dermatologist, these are a couple of areas to get you started. Also, it is worth working out before you start what you are going to use to cleanse your face, and what changes you are going to make to your diet, and then stick to it in order to see the results from your acne treatment, and remember to give it a bit of time. And by doing this you will develop good habits that will last you a lifetime.

    How to Get Rid of Acne on Oily Skin - Step-by-Step Process to Get Rid of Acne

    Acne is very common and can be very hard to treat if you don’t know the right things to do. I had acne for years before finally finding out what worked for me and learning what was really causing my acne. Acne on oily skin can be tougher to treat because the oils can cause more pores to get clogged and cause more blackheads and breakouts.

    I am going to share some things with you to Get Rid of Acne on Oily Skin. These things are 100% safe because they are all natural. Natural treatments, unlike medical treatments, will not harm the body in any way. Natural acne treatments work with the body so that it can heal the acne that you have and keep off any future outbreaks.

    Get Rid of Acne – Tip 1

    Acne on oily skin can be kind of tough to fight. We need to get the amount of oil that is on your face reduced. So, the first thing that I want to share with you is a face wash that will reduce that oil. You only need the skin of a lemon and some warm water. Take the lemon skin and wash your face with it in the warm water. This will start getting rid of the oil that is on the skin. Let the lemon juice and water sit on your face for around 30 minutes and then rinse gently with warm water. You should start to notice that the oil will be cut down drastically.

    Get Rid of Acne – Tip 2

    You need to drink a lot of water each day. Drink around 10-12 full glasses of water each day. Water will get rid of the toxins in the body that are causing the acne. Natural healing is all about getting to the root of the problem, and in this case, it is toxins in the body. The water also aids in the healing process that the skin is going through. You will notice a big difference when you start drinking plenty of water.

    Get Rid of Acne – Tip 3

    Using toothpaste can reduce the swelling and redness of pimples. At night take some toothpaste and apply it to the affected areas. Let it stay there overnight. When you get up in the morning you should see a big different in the way your pimples look and how your skin feels.

    Get Rid of Acne – Tip 4

    You need to look at what you are eating. Start eating more fruits and vegetables so that your body can get the necessary vitamins and minerals that it needs to fight off acne. Eat as much as you can each day because fruits and vegetables will help with your water intake and help your body heal faster.

    How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

    Acne vulgaris, or the so-called pimples is a long-standing and recurrent condition of the oil glands. Heredity, combined with an interplay of external factors, contributes to the cause of its flare-ups. This skin condition has often been taken for granted, hence the results of pigmentation and scarring comes out.

    Majority of the patients are very much concerned with the permanent and disfiguring complications of scarring, may it be elevated which is known as hypertrophic scar or depressed also known as atrophic scar. Scars from acne are caused by the damage from inflammatory lesions. And since no one can actually predict the depth of scarring, treatments should be individualized based on the scar’s condition.

    The objective of scar treatment is basically to refine the appearance of the affected area. It should be remembered that total skin restoration is often not possible, but scar treatments can help improve the skin’s appearance.

    Several modalities were made to correct such problems. Some of these include dermabrasion, diamond peel, and chemobrasion, among others. Whatever the case, it is important for the person with acne scar to discuss all the possible options with her own dermatologist – then agree on the procedures that is appropriate.

    According to Dermatology Times, a combination approach may be done to address the condition, “ice-pick” scars would probably be treated with a combination of procedures so as to optimize the effectiveness of treatment and minimize the possibility of further scarring.

    New trends involve the excising of these “ice-pick” scars, sewing them up, then injecting them with dermal fillers like collagen. After a week, the stitches are removed and silicone sheeting is placed over the scar to enhance healing and reduce the risk of hypertrophic scars. Patients however, are required to apply sunblock round the clock for 6 weeks.

    After this time, the scars have turned white and are ready for laser treatment. The type of laser, either Erbium or CO2, depends upon the depth of scars. Touch ups through microdermabrasion or chemobrasion may be needed to refine certain areas.

    Homemade Acne Treatments and Masks

    Homemade acne treatments are becoming more and more common. Acne must be treated at the root of the problem if you want to be totally clear. Natural treatments do not harm the body in any way, unlike prescribed and over the counter medicines. If you want to get rid of acne totally, you need to be looking at natural treatments.

    Now, I am going to share with you some homemade acne treatments and masks that I have used that have yielded some success. These will not harm you in any way, and you can stop doing these treatments if you feel uncomfortable.

    Cucumber Mask

    As a natural acne mask, you really need to start looking at a cucumber mask. A cucumber is nothing more than cucumbers that are put into a mask. I like to leave the seeds in the masks that I make because I want all the nutrients that I can get. When you make your mask, apply it all over your face and let it sit for around 15 minutes. I do this once a day. You should start seeing a difference within a week or so with how your face looks and feels.


    A powerful natural healer is water. Most people do not get enough water each day to get rid of the toxins that are in the body. People who suffer from acne have an excess of these toxins, causing some pretty bad pimples. Drink around 10-12 full glasses of water each day so that you can get rid of the toxins and help your skin heal. If you stick to water, you will see a big difference pretty fast.

    Lemon Face Wash

    As a natural face wash, I like to use the skin off of a lemon and some warm water. Then lemon juice will help get rid of the acne that you currently have. Take the skin of the lemon and gently wash your face with the skin and warm water. Let the juices stay on your face for around 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. You should notice a big difference pretty soon. I usually do this every other day.

    I cannot stress enough that in order to treat water you must detoxify your body. Drink plenty of water, and start treating your acne at the source of the problem. There are several steps that you must follow.

    How To Deal With Big Skin Pores

    Having big skin pores is a common issue among those people who are prone to zits or acne breakouts and have an oily complexion. This is the reason why many are opting to undergo treatments or use acne medications that can help minimize the pores. Unfortunately, literally changing the size of your pores may seem a difficult task since many elements can make your pores more obvious.

    The size of your skin pores is mainly determined by several factors. These factors could include your genes, hormonal changes, age, oil production, and gender. According to a study, the factors that have the most significant impact on the size of your skin pores are your gender, age, production of excess oils, and hormonal changes.

    Despite the fact that many of the factors behind big pores are hard or impossible to control, experts suggest several tips and treatments that can help lessen the appearance of skin pores. These tips and treatments include the following:

  • So as to combat the repercussions of aging on your skin such as large pores, you can try to use facial cleansers and creams that can tone your pores and which, at the same time, aid your skin of the dilemma because of its antioxidants content. Examples of common antioxidants are vitamins A and E.
  • Astringents that are not too harsh on your skin may also help minimize your pores. Toners and astringents can also temporarily remove excess surface oils, resulting into a tighter and firmer looking complexion.
  • Exfoliating treatments such as facial peels and dermabrasion can help remove blackheads and whiteheads since comedones might actually make your pores look bigger. These kinds of treatments also promote skin renewal through peeling, exposing a tighter and younger looking complexion.
  • Acne medications such as salicylic acid and retinoids may also help you in your fight against big pores and acne since these treatments are helpful in getting rid of comedones. Many of these medications can also peel off the top layer of your skin, promoting the growth of a new and tighter looking skin layer.
  • If your pores are enlarged because of stubborn comedones, you can go to a dermatologist and have him extract the blackheads manually. The process may cause discomfort but it's better to let an expert remove the zits than squeezing or popping it since this habit may only cause more infection and scars.
  • You may not be able to literally minimize your pores but you can certainly lessen their appearance through these medications and treatments. Since big pores are more likely to get clogged with oils and dead skin cells that can cause acne, many acne treatments nowadays also focus on minimizing your pores.

    Before you use any potent acne medication to help reduce the size of your pores, it's best to talk to a dermatologist first since these medications may cause unwanted effects. Never expect any overnight miracle since it will take time before your pores could respond to some kinds of medication.

    How To Remove Acne Scars - 4 Different Approaches

    The usual causes of acne scarring may often be attributed to late, inadequate or failed methods of treatment, where the skin infection was allowed to progress before any treatment was used. The most common root cause of acne scarring is inflammatory nodular acne or nodulocystic acne, where lesions go deeper into the skin, affecting the surrounding tissue. The damage, when healed, results in a scar.

    Another cause for acne is the manipulation of the pimples. People who press, prick or squeeze their pimples damage the skin, causing tearing and bleeding. This manipulation can also lead to further skin infection, aggravating the acne and producing unnecessary scars. There are also certain areas of the face that can suffer more from acne breakouts. The temples, for example, may not recover as well as cheeks do because there is less circulation in those areas.

    Removing acne scars

    Acne scars, once they are fully healed, can naturally reduce in size and become less noticeable as time passes. This usually works for scars that are mild to moderate but in more severe cases of acne scarring, even time may not be enough to produce the desired results. To remove acne scars, certain treatments and procedures might have to be utilized.

    Treatments for removing acne scars

    It's still best to prevent scars from happening because it's usually very difficult to repair them once they have appeared, especially if they are the result of a severe case of acne. However, if acne scars have already appeared, there are methods that may be used depending on the type of acne scar and on the severity of the condition.


    Some topical medications, such hydroxy acid, may be used to remove acne scars. In some medicated facial treatments, a chemical called AHA or alpha hydroxy acid combined with Vitamin C, some amino acids and other nutrients, may also be used. These chemicals are applied on the skin to produce a mild peeling effect. AHA preparations help increase tissue healing and regeneration and also encourage the production of collagen. However, they do make patients more sensitive to sunlight.

    Another common treatment for the removal of acne scars is the application of Vitamin A-derived retinoids, sometimes in the form of retinol or as retinoic acid. Retinol is alcohol-based and can help restore the skin's moisture. Retinoic acid, on the other hand, tends to dry the skin. However, retinoic acid is more effective in producing smoother, firmer skin. It is also more capable of evening out skin tone.

    For mild to moderate cases of acne scars, medications can usually remove acne scars although they often cause skin redness and dryness. Significant improvement usually takes some time because skin should be allowed to heal before the medication is applied again. This method of acne scar removal can cost anywhere from $200 to a little over $1,500. Dermabrasion

    Dermabrasion is a common cosmetic procedure used to even out the skin and remove bumps and red spots. This method of acne scar removal is essentially like 'sanding' the surface of the skin to remove the dermis or the topmost layer. It can effectively smooth out the skin and reduce the appearance and size of the acne scars.

    Probably the only drawback to dermabrasion is that it can be quite expensive, with procedures ranging from $1,500 to more than $2,000.

    Skin resurfacing

    For this method, laser is often used to remove acne scars. Using pulsed beams of high energy carbon dioxide laser, acne scars can be superficially removed and reduced. The result is a much improved area of skin.

    Skin resurfacing is actually one of the safest and most effective methods of removing acne scars. This is also used to treat patients who have adverse reactions to acne medications. Skin resurfacing usually works better with newer scars than with old scars. It is as expensive as dermabrasion and sometimes, it can even cost more. It also requires a longer recovery time.


    To remove acne scars that have developed raised, excess skin, a surgical procedure may be utilized. This procedure involves excising the skin, removing the areas that show bumps. This is often the preferred method of doctors who have patients with very deep acne scars.

    Flor Serquina is a writer and also a wife and a mother who has a great interest in maintaining the healthy skin of the members of her large family. For more information visit her website, where she discusses various subjects such as how to

    How to Get Rid of Zits - 5 Tips to Get Rid of Zits Fast

    Zits can be a real pain both physically and mentally. I used to stay in the house until my zits would clear up enough to be concealed. I would not hang out with friends or even go out on dates. I think that people thought that I was stuck up, but I was really embarrassed of my zits and acne.

    I was willing to do anything to get rid of my zits. I have tried a lot of natural treatments, and some have worked great. I am going to share with you the top 5 treatments that you can do at home to get rid of zits. All of these may not work for you, but some should at least help out.

    1. The first tip that I want to pass along is to stay away from food that is being fried. I don’t mean not to eat the food, but stay out of the area if there is food being fried. Grease becomes airborne when it is hot and popping and settles on everything including your skin. This will lead to clogged pores and more zits. Have you ever noticed some things in the kitchen will feel like they are covered with grease, but have not been around grease? The hot grease when being fried has settled on those objects just like they do on your skin.

    2. Here is another tip. Always drink plenty of water each day. Try to drink at least 8 full glasses of water each day. Water will help clear your skin and help prevent future breakouts. You also need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables because they are packed full of great vitamins and minerals that help fight acne.

    3. Another thing that I do day to day to get rid of zits is a lemon face wash. First take a fresh lemon and peal off the skin. That is all that you need in this face wash. Then take the lemon skin and some warm water and gently wash your face. Let it sit on your face for thirty minutes and then wash with your normal face wash. I don’t let mine set as long now because my zits are not as bad as before, so this does work for me.

    4. A different face wash that you can try is a Cucumber mask. This will actually moisturize your face and supply a good amount of vitamins that the skin needs to battle acne and zits. To do this make a cucumber paste and apply all over your face. Let it sit for a few minutes and wash your face normally. You will start to see some improvements fairly quickly. This is also a good treatment if you have dry skin.

    5. Another thing that I do is that I always try to get lots of fresh air and sun (just not too much to burn). Fresh air and sun is known to lower stress levels and provide you with a great healthy body. Just don’t get too much sun and burn your skin. When your stress is lower, so is the amount of zits and acne.

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